Risen World

Chapter 422: A new Base Coming Together

Chapter 422: A new Base Coming Together

While Charles was busy fixing all of the mistakes that his brother had made with the World Government Guild Joshua was coming to the end of his relaxing period as he took a trip to the site of the Large Town that was currently being worked on. At the moment there was a bit of a race going on to see which large town would be fully functional before the other between the Alliance and the World Government Guild. Just a few weeks ago neither seemed to care about this, but apparently the new management of the World Government Guild was planning on restoring its image in multiple ways outside of just trying to throw their strength around.

The moment the Alliance started fixing up their large town the World Government Guild started to rush to fix theirs as well. It really didn't matter to Joshua, but he was interested in seeing how far along the work on their large town had come. It had been a week since Oscar and the rest of the Architects had started working on putting the town together and with how the system worked Joshua was certain that the design would have come a long way since then. He got up at a decent time and ate breakfast with his family who were all at home for a change. He even spent some time with Buster while training his aura over the past week. The guy was getting bigger the closer Joshua got to a tier two combat job and he would be surprised if the Fenrir pup didn't go through some type of transformation the moment that happened.

After a good breakfast Joshua headed to the portal gates in the hub city so that he could get to the large town quickly. When he arrived he was surprised to see how much change had taken place in just a week. Before the place was nothing but a river that cut through the area and a small mountain range on the backside. There wasn't a single building around or even a foundation to build the buildings on. Now however things had changed greatly.

The first thing Joshua noticed was the massive walls that surrounded the area that would make up the town. These walls were at least twice the height of the current Titus and were several feet thick. Even if a beast was able to reach them they'd be gunned down before they could climb over and there was no way that they were going to be able to break through the wall quickly. The only openings along the wall were at the giant gates that were large enough to let a beast of Tank's size through if necessary. The gates were made of reinforced steel and were nearly as thick as the walls so they were more than enough to do what they were meant for. All in all there were three of these gates. One on each side and one at the front of the town.

The next thing that Joshua observed was the moat that had been set up around the walls. The moat was as wide as the river was and connected to the river as it exited the town. It wasn't wide enough for a creature of Tank's size to swim in, but it was more than enough to deal with the usual beast that might try to attack the town from the forest nearby. Of course these weren't the only defenses that Joshua could see already in place. There were actually more turrets set up along the walls of this town then there was at James Town. The area was much larger so that made sense.

There were short turret towers at the tops of the walls that were of the same designs as the ones at James Town which meant they would have increased range. These turrets were also set up to where they could aim along the wall nearby, but not directly beneath themselves. This allowed the turrets to shoot down nearby beast and cover for each other. Joshua had to walk down and enter the town to see what other changes were made. The walls were too high up for him to see over them from afar. When he got to one of the gates he was able to easily go through since it was left open at the moment where any of the people or robots working on the town could get in and out rather easily.

The moment Joshua got through the gates he noticed that he wasn't the only one around even though it was so early in the morning. There were several architects around the town giving the robots directions on what to do. It was easy to spot them out since there weren't all that many buildings set up at this point within the town. The only buildings being worked on at the moment were some of the more essential buildings that were already planned out.

The other noticeable progress that was made was the streets. There were already major roads set up that cut through the town along with bridges to go across the river that split the town into two sides. Joshua could also see some foundations being set up for some larger buildings near the center of town along with some areas that had been cleared out and left green so that a park could be set up later on. The only structures that were finished at this point in the center of town were the turret towers that were, for the most part, at the back of the town near the mountain range.

The turret towers were set up far enough away from the back of the town to where they could aim up at the mountains instead of just the cliff. They also were designed so that the turrets had more space to move around and turn while aiming towards the sky. There were a couple of these turret towers made closer to the center of the town to defend against any flying beast that tried to come from above. They were set up in what looked like giant bell towers that were risen up high enough to be above any future buildings that were made inside the town. They needed to be able to have a clear shot against anything that came by and having buildings around them that could get in the way would be a bad idea. That's why these turrets were set up even higher than the ones that were places along the wall.

After spotting out all of the defenses that had already been put into place Joshua started to look around and see what buildings were already being put into place. The first and most obvious building that Joshua took notice of was the guild hallor should he say guild halls. There was the large guild hall in the center of town that was for all of the guilds in the alliance combined and in areas nearby there were guild hall buildings being put together for each individual guild that was a part of the alliance. It wasn't being designed that way to separate them, but it was necessary so that guild members had a location to go to for mission or expeditions being set up for their individual guilds. The alliance building was bigger than the others, but in all likelihood it would be used for more than just guild meetings so it needed the extra size. At this point it was the building that was the furthest along in development and was where all of the architects went to have their meetings when deciding what to do next.

Another building that was already being set up was a hospital that was similar in design to the one that was already put together in James Town, but on a much larger scale. Joshua was sure that Grace would give it the proper look over when it was finished, but it seemed like everything was in order when it came to its design. The only other buildings that were in the process of being made at the moment were the ones made to house the robots, and the police department that was being placed near the town dungeon. In James Town they already had members of the guild using their police office throughout the day to keep an eye on things. They were also the ones that kept a list of who went in and out of the town dungeon for the day so a similar set up would be put in place for this town when they finished it.

The rest of the town was still in the beginning stages of being put together. Joshua could see how the main market area was already being planned out with temporary tents to plan it out at the moment. Alliance members that were in charge of keeping stock of the items and materials that were brought in to the town were mainly working there at the moment. Joshua could already see that the market part of this town would be on a much larger scale than the one in James Town. This wasn't simply because of the size difference, but was also because of the fact that the alliance included members from Nathan and Naomi's support guild. That on its own meant that there would be a lot more people involved in the support class scene in this town than there was when it came to James Town.

Another area that was already planned out design wise was the residence area. Joshua could already see that all of the streets in that section were made and the foundation for the different houses was being set up. There were houses of different sizes, but there were more than enough to support the entire guild and more. Joshua new that the town wasn't just being built for guild members in the long run so it was good to see that the architects were thinking ahead. They were going to need enough space to support not only guild members and families, but also people outside of the guild that might come to live in the town in the future once things had settled down a bit more.

There was still quite a bit of area left for the architects to work with since the town was so large. It was more than big enough to support around fifty thousand people in a comfortable manner so there was space for plenty of extra things to add in the future. Joshua already knew that they would eventually add a stables with Lilly's help since it was just too helpful for a town to have. They would also add a robot guard station near the walls since this town was going to be able to have a lot more robot soldiers than James Town, but there would also be space for things outside of just town defenses.

After getting a good look at the town and seeing everything that had changed during his vacation, Joshua decided to make his way towards the main guild hall to see who was around.

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