Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 341 Stakes

Xemon believed what they were saying and knew that with the time they were in, everyone had to pitch in.

"I hear you guys, go on, you're all wasting time here," he said, and Adora smiled as she was about to leave when she came to a halt, and Alix and the others looked back at her as she looked at her father and the queen, both of whom were smiling.

"Father, I will get what killed mom and give you all that you need to know," she said and his eyes widened as he stared at her.

"Do your best to survive Adora, not just you, all of you," he replied and she smiled.

"We will try our best," Adora said as she closed her eyes and the tiger appeared before her and she smiled.

"Hey girl," she said as she crouched down and whispered something into the tiger's ears, then she roared and vanished, and Adora winked at Xemon as she walked away, and his eyes narrowed, then they left, and he looked at the king, who lowered his head and gnashed his teeth.

"No one will blame you for stopping them, she is your kid," the queen said and he sighed.

"I'd like to, but you know I can't; what would happen if I did? Besides, they are not doing this for selfish reasons; they all want to be free and live a good life; I can't take this away from Adora either; it appears that she has devoted everything she can to this; I want to be selfish, but we all have responsibilities; if I take this away from her, I am afraid she will... " he replied, and the queen smiled and patted him on the back.

At that point, the queen realized that no one wanted to be the way they were and leave the people they cared about, but everything was at stake; it was either give it your all, selfish reason or not, they would all fall under the authority of someone worse than the devil himself.

'It will all get started very soon, I can feel the bloody dread in the air like everyone else, what will the future look like if we fail?' Xemon pondered, then sighed and returned to the castle, leaving Adora and the others to board the ship, which took off minutes after Scott said bye to his father.

Adora looked out the window at the castle and clenched her fists as her lips trembled. She took a deep breath, turned her back, and smiled.

"Here are the coordinates for where we're going; we are going to one of the nations that helped start the war back then," Adora said, and Scott smiled before setting their course and sighed.

"Guys, please listen to me, I know you all trust me, I have seen that many times, but I will warn you that certain secrets from the past will come to light, they are dark and will rip a hole through your soul if you let them," Adora said.

"We prepared for that a long time ago, Adora, because we pretty much figured out that there's a lot of dark stuff mixed in between," Alix replied.

"He's right, we talked about it before and we're ready for it; some of it may be shocking, but we won't let it break us," Ayden added and she smiled.

"You are a brave group; if we don't keep going, this may be our last chance to get what we want," Adora said.

"True, that's why we practice to improve our current abilities; the only way to win this is to fight with your life on the line, am I right, Adora?" Alix asked with a changed look in his eyes.

"Sometimes," she responded, and he smiled before taking a deep breath.

"Yeah.... Sometimes, but this time it's win or lose everything, and there wasn't much of a choice like that before," Alix said, and they nodded.

"We're all fighting for victory," Aerav said.

"Yes, we are, losing is not an option no matter how you look at this situation, well it's getting late, you guys should get some rest," Alix replied.

"He is right, also this time we won't take long to arrive at our destination," she said.

"That's good to know," Sarah replied then they all went to their rooms and Adora went to hers where she sat down on the bed and looked at the star marking appearing in the palm of her right hand.

'It's not time for this yet, Alix is getting stronger with each passing day, soon enough all of the gates will be opened, I want to see what he will do then,' Adora thought before reclining on the bed and closing her eyes.

She had been sleeping for a while when she began to remember her past due to which she woke up and sat up before covering herself with the blanket and putting on her headphone.

While listening to music, Sarah entered Adora's room and Adora looked at her and she smiled before taking her headphone off.

"What brings you here, Sarah?" she asked.

"I wanted to ask you something, did I come at a bad time?" she asked.

"No, you didn't go ahead and ask" Adora responded, and Sarah smiled before sitting down on the bed and drawing her sword, and Adora smiled when she saw that she now had a double-edged sword.

"Nice swords, did you enable your family's use of the ten swords effect?" Adora inquired.

"Can that be used on five people at once with ten lethal cuts?" she inquired.

"Yes, it can," Adora replied, "but it also depends on your opponent."

"I see, I'm gradually unlocking it; training with Ayden placed a lot of pressure on me, and I was able to do more because of him; do you think I can push it to that extent?" Sarah inquired as Adora examined the swords before smiling and patting her on the head.

"You can, you can all master your powers, once you have a strong opponent to train with, that's even better and that you do, give it your best shot, you guys will get to train together again," she replied, and Sarah sighed, relieved.

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