Rise of the Malactric Heir

Chapter 287 A Mood

Adora understood that not everyone can express their feelings and smiled, then looked at Ifrit to hear his response to Alix, but he remained silent but she knew they were all in different situations and the future was uncertain.

"If Alix is saying that, it must be true; even if the future is uncertain, we can still have a reason, or more than one, but it's what comes after that matters," Adora said, and Ifrit smiled.

"Perhaps you're right, Alix," Ifrit said, and Alix smiled.

"Only you know how you feel; I am in no position to say anything else," he replied and Ifrit smirked.

"I believe you are, you've changed a lot, and you all have different reasons to do this now," Ifrit said, and Alix glanced at him.

"Perhaps you're right, finding different reasons isn't that difficult if you look around carefully, am I right Ifrit?" Alix inquired.

"You are correct, when you see a lot of things, it becomes easier to find reasons," Ifrit responded, and Alix nodded.

'They're both right, I never expected such a day to come, I never expected to have so much....' Alix gave Adora a sidelong glance as she was once again lost in her thoughts.

"Where are you lost?" he asked and she looked at him.

"In my wonderful thoughts, why?" she asked.

"Come back to earth, stop getting lost in your thoughts," he replied, and she pouted before walking away, and Alix sighed and smiled as Ifrit looked at Adora.

Ifrit exhaled deeply, thinking, 'There's more to this.'

"Alix, how strong are you now?" Ifrit inquired.

"Stronger than ever, there are still things I don't know about my powers," he responded. "Recently, a lot of new energy has been flowing through my body, I have received a lot of new abilities that I am testing out to see how powerful they are, and I have a few under control so far."

"Nice, I think you'll be putting your abilities to use soon enough, you're stronger than you think, or maybe you already know that," Ifrit said, as Alix smiled.

"Yeah, I think I know, I want to see what else I am capable of, I want to push my powers to their limits and I will, I have more control than ever," he replied, and Ifrit smiled when he noticed Alix's eyes glowed red and blue for a brief second.

'What monstrous power does he wield? Is it the power, Adora, or him?' Ifrit wondered.

"I hope you get what you want, Alix, and I am glad to hear that," Ifrit said with a smile and Alix sighed.

Nina awoke and went up to the deck a short time later, and Adora looked at her and smiled.

"Nina, glad you're up, let's go," she said, and Nina looked at the time and realized it was past lunchtime, and the girl smiled, quietly following Adora to the kitchen where they began the preparations for cooking food for dinner since it was already late and dinner was only a few hours away and the ship was stacked with all kinds of supplies due to the king's request, so they had no problem getting what they wanted to cook.

"It's unusual to see you cook, Adora; this will be fun, but this food will probably finish by nightfall; good thing there are other things for them to eat," Nina said, and Adora nodded.

"You are right and I am just in the mood to cook today, I don't know why, but I definitely just feel like it," Adora replied and Nina smiled then patted her on the shoulder.

"The chicken is thawing; are we going to bake it?" Nina inquired as Eliza and Sarah entered the kitchen, and the girls smiled at them.

"Can we assist?" Sarah asked, and Adora looked at them before nodding.

"Sure, join us; Adora, are you making sweet and sour chicken as well?" Should I do that?" Nina asked.

"I will make that, don't worry, do what you are doing," Adora responded and Nina smiled as Eliza helped with seasoning along with Sarah who helped make a sauce to go with the baked chicken.

"Guys, I am smelling something good," Alix said and Ifrit sniffed the air and then smiled.

"So am I, where are the girls?" Ifrit inquired, and they exchanged glances before deciding to go down to the kitchen quietly with Scott, who had set the ship on autopilot for the time being.

Upon arriving by the kitchen, the boys peeked and saw the girls cooking and they smiled.

"Should we help?" Zavis asked quietly and Kyris sighed.

"I want to but they seem to be enjoying this so, I am not sure, you guys stay here, I'll ask, don't let them know you're here," Kyris replied before entering the kitchen.

"Girls," he said, and they turned to face him.

"What are you doing down here, Kyris?" "Would you like something to eat?" Eliza asked.

"Not quite, do you need assistance?" he inquired as they exchanged glances.

"I don't think we do, do we?" Sarah asked.

"No," Nina responded.

"No, we don't need the help but thank you for offering anyway, there are pastries and drinks and so on, you can take them to the guys, this will be done by dinner so," she said and he smiled at them then sighed.

"That's fine; we're not hungry, but I'll bring some snacks," Kyris responded.

"I'll help you with that as well," Aerav said as he entered the kitchen, and they all looked at him.

"All right, go ahead and enjoy," Adora replied as they took snacks and drinks and left, and the others followed them back up to the deck, where a small part served as the control room.

"Good thing they didn't see us," Kyllan said, and the others nodded before Aerav sighed and they sat down on the table and chairs.

"Whatever they're cooking smells good," Misran said, as Zack nodded and sipped his drink, and Scott sighed.

"Well, I'm sure I'm patiently waiting for dinner," Ifrit said, and they laughed.

"So am I," Yan replied, and Ifrit smiled as they talked about various topics while the girls cooked dinner.

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