Chapter 305: 305

Chapter 305: 305

Ibro kept silent thinking deeply about his next move. Once he reached the outer parameter of the city, he found huge amounts of armies pouring from everywhere to camp around the city. 

They were his armies. Ibro passed through them unhindered after the alpha death knight spotted him and moved to his side. 

It didn't take long for Ibro to be sitting on the small throne in his palace, surrounded by his main empire men. Maya was still sleeping peacefully in his arms. 

He didn't let her disappear from his sight, as she held an important rule to do. Ibro looked towards Gorsag, Erond, Rinobak, his alpha death knight, Topan, Lorik, and Floride. 

7 pillars were standing in front of him with confusion and some even showed fear. 

What happened suddenly in this world had left its toll on all of them. The only thing made them this stable and calm was the presence of Ibro.

"Can you tell me the recent updates of the world?"

Erond started stating his report:

"The news I own came from the northern frontier. The world suddenly changed and after that, endless tunnels appeared in the sky. These tunnels had poured huge numbers of monsters towards here. 

These monsters are trying to gather together and some started to attack our northern borders already. 

We are still able to hold for now, but the reports are indicating the numbers of these monsters are increasing rapidly and not decreasing at all."

Ibro recalled the scenes of long thin threads appearing from many tunnels towards the ground. Ibro didn't reply to him as he looked towards Topan, Lorik, and Floride.

"How was your journey?"

The three exchanged silent glances before Topan started to tell the story:

"We have already gone back and brought all of our friends, but on the way, these changes occurred. 

Strangely, some of their armies turned into demons. They started attacking and killing, so we had to abandon many of us as we were outnumbered by more demons that came from all around."

This statement caught Ibro's attention fully, as he asked:

"Are you saying, the seeds inside NPCs are going out of control?"

Topan nodded while Floride said:

"The problem lied in the percentage of this; the initial estimate to numbers had reached 30%. I fear it would be higher than that."

Ibro didn't think his enemies could instigate the seeds to take control over the NPCs. That was a very effective move from that fiend. Ibro then asked:

"How many troops did you manage to bring with you?"

Lorik replied:

"We had only brought 100 million NPCs."

"That is far less than I expected."

Ibro thought they would manage to bring at least 150 million NPCs with them. he sighed, then he ordered:

"send orders to all the armies, we will have an all-out war soon."

The men exchanged looks with each other, while Gorsag asked:

"Are we going to attack?"

Ibro replied:

"Yes, the best defensive strategy is the offense."

Topan asked this time:

"Are we going to attack the empire?"


Ibro laughed then he pointed his hand to the sky as he replied:

"We will attack the universe. Now, I want all of you to prepare all the men who are capable of flying. Assemble all the armies on our fronts and be ready to enter the war at any time."

The men just saluted their king and master then they retreated to execute the orders. Ibro then asked the system:

'I want a way to widen the scope range of our killing to these demons.'

The system exclaimed in surprise:

'Isn't 10 kilometers enough? you barely can face 1 million demons.'

'I know, but it would be time-consuming if I started to purify the world slowly like this.'

The system kept his silence for a moment before it suggested:

'Why don't you repeat the same tactic you used inside this girl pocket space?'

Ibro understood the system meaning, but he refused as he said:

'First of all, that tactic was very exhausting. Secondly back then I fused between the cores and that toxic demon energy to produce the huge energy I used in my attacks. 

This time, I don't have these energies. Plus, I want to liberate the trapped NPCs more than killing these demons here.'

The system thought for a while before it asked:

'Do you want to use this girl's pocket space like this?'

'Sure, this would be safer, faster, and more profitable.'

'The cores again! You seem to be addicted to them already.'

Ibro just laughed while he started to wake up May gently by rubbing her face with his soft fingertips. After a few seconds, Maya opened her eyes lazily to watch Ibro in silence. At first, she didn't recognize anything, but gradually second after second, her mind began to retrieve all the recent memories to make her feel angry, ashamed, and shy.

"Let me down you pervert."

Ibro looked at her eyes. This girl was doomed with a fake system and horrible events. 

He managed to help purify her soul sea and kill that system, but she didn't have a single speck of these events in her memories. Ibro sighed before he said in a serious tone:

"Listen carefully to me. You are now outside your cultivation world. You aren't in any cultivation universe anymore. This universe is a technology-based universe. 

Here, there are no sects or academies; there is no cultivation or dantian, or even spiritual energy. Here, we have players, guilds, big towns, and huge cities. 

Here is a totally alien world to you. The bad news my sweet little queen is you came in very bad timing."

Maya was speechless by what he said. She began to use her divine sense at once. Her divine sense was very strong, as it covered an area of 500 kilometers at once.

"You are lying, there are cultivators here. Although their numbers are few, they are still present here."

Ibro replied while he touched her perfect face gently:

"I own all of them. I have a village that enables all my villagers to use the benefits of both cultivation and technology-based worlds."

Maya looked in doubt towards him, Ibro didn't have time to waste on explaining these facts as he said:

"As you have used your divine sense right now, you must have sensed the huge crisis this world is facing."

Maya nodded her head. She had managed to see a lot of things that reminded her of what she had experienced at her empire.

"I have found many demons in the area around here."

Ibro was surprised; he thought the demons would wait for some time to appear near his turf. He smiled while saying softly to Maya:

"I can't let this world get destroyed. I intend not only to save this world but the whole universe. I need your help in this matter, as I can't do this alone."

Maya's face regained her usual seriousness as she said in decisive tone:

"Although I don't accept the relationship between both of us, I have deep vengeance with these demons. I will help you with all my armies."

Ibro smiled then he put a small sweet kiss on her rounded cheeks, then he whispered softly in her already red-colored ears. He explained what he intended to do in detail. The more she listened, the more surprise she got.

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