Chapter 297

Chapter 297

The system was annoyed by Ibro's actions. He wanted to eat this tasty meal as soon as possible, but Ibro delayed his feast. Ibro laughed while saying:

'Fine, let's finish this war then.'

Ibro then started to move. For the first time since the beginning of this final battle, Ibro left his location. His steps were calm, firm, and steady towards one specific target.

'You are going to the teleportation gates; do you have a way to destroy these gates?' Maya thought to herself while following the steps of Ibro. Ibro's skeletons had moved once Ibro moved. 

They pushed the demons to the entrances of each gate. Then, they formed huge defensive lines around specific areas of these gates. 

Ibro moved like a king walking in his palace, no demon managed to get near him while he kept destroying one teleportation gate after the other like they were tofu. 

With the first gate down, Maya froze in her place. Was it that simple to destroy the gates? In front of her, Ibro just put his hand over the gate and it would be crumbled into nothing minutes later. 

These gates that caused massive disasters to her empire and made her run to the end of the world trying to keep herself alive, were destroyed this simply. 

That was a hard fact to believe for her, for her cultivators, and even the fiends on the head of the demon armies. Ibro never stopped for a second after destroying the gates, as he moved from one gate to another. 

He didn't seem any tired to those who were watching him, but instead, he looked lively and active. After a few hundred gates getting destroyed, the fiends decided to withdraw from this world. 

This war went from the winning side to the losing side in just a few days. The most frustrating fact here was all of this was caused by a single human. One human-only was enough to defeat all their huge armies. 

They had many things to discuss with their superiors back home, so they left without delay. This retreat signal was caught by the cultivators' side, who didn't believe themselves. 

Years of suppressed feelings had exploded finally at this moment. All the living cultivators moved from their locations heading straight towards the retreating demons. 

Their faces showed anxiety, anticipation, excitation, and tears mixed together at the same time. Ibro understood their current feelings well. He had lived his past life in suppression for years back at his Heptian domain. 

He didn't comment on their reckless behavior nor did he try to stop them. He even let his skeletons clear some areas for cultivators to vent their huge emotions. Ibro kept destroying the gates without stopping. 

He even left a couple of scattered gates on purpose for the cultivators to keep killing demons there.

'Your sweet dual cultivator is coming to you.'

Ibro didn't turn around to meet her, as he was standing motionless destroying one gate. There were only less than 10 gates remaining. 

Once he finished and the system absorbed the energy from this gate then transformed some into SPR orbs, Maya took the initiative to say:

"You have done a miracle today. I came here to thank you on behalf of my people."

Ibro looked at her, and then he said while moving:

"You didn't tell me your name."

Maya didn't mind his cold attitude as she treated him the same. She walked beside him moving towards the next gate while saying:

"My name is Maya. My system told me you are also a system holder, right? What is your name?"

Ibro looked at her in silence then he continued walking till he reached the next gate then he put his hand over it and stood there motionless. 

Maya knew that when he touched the gate, he would stay there motionless for minutes. She, patiently, stood beside him till he opened his eyes and the whole gate collapsed.

"You didn't tell me your name."

"My name is Ibro."

"Ibro? I feel like I was waiting for another name."

"Excuse me?"

"Never mind. Now, Ibro system holder, I noticed you like the demon cores. I ordered my men to gather all the cores in my empire and bring them to you. I hope you get them and feel satisfied."

Ibro just nodded his head while he went to the next gate, put his hands on it, and then stood motionless again. Maya wasn't the type who waited for anyone in her entire life. 

People always wait for her, so she began to lose her temper. And she had a very hot temper. She gritted her teeth slightly and held her fists in a move that didn't escape the system notice and so Ibro. 

Ibro sighed to himself. He had just rescued her from her death and she was angry with him directly after that. Once he finished destroying the gate, he turned to face her. Before she said anything, he spoke in clear strong tone:

"I need to make things clear here, Maya. I came here from the outside world, where your body was controlled by demon energy. 

I saved your life back then using dual cultivation technique, and then I came here to rescue you."

Ibro words were like a rumble of thunder that befell on her. She even stopped moving behind him for few seconds before hurrying again behind him saying:

"Are you joking with me?"


"That's impossible! No man ever touched me, and you did not even touch me and practiced dual cultivation too! I will k"

Her words stopped in her throat as Ibro stopped moving and turned to look at her in solemn looks. She felt a huge threat from Ibro. She swallowed the rest of her words before saying:

"II need to talk with you about it. This is unacceptable."

Ibro moved towards the next gate while saying:

"Just live with it, there is nothing to talk about. You are my woman and this is an undeniable fact."

Ibro then kept destroying the last gates while she kept following him in silence. Her mind was thinking fast about any solutions. 

She even detached her system finally from her world and sent it to investigate the situation in her real body. She never imagined she would reach such a state. 

Before she entered her pocket space, she reached an unknown universe and crashed into one small world there. She then used a forbidden technique to cast a maze around her location. 

No one would be allowed to enter and pass-through this maze except her, or people she would allow to. She never thought of the demon energy inside her body to backlash at her in this critical moment. 

Her body, which was supposed to be in deep slumber, awakens and is controlled by this demon energy. This energy must have allowed for people to enter the maze to kill them. 

Maya didn't know if her luck was good or bad, at her darkest hour her savior would come from this small world. He saved her and also he tied her with him, forever.

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