Chapter 279

Chapter 279

He took nearly one day and a half to finish killing all these seeds. Every time he freed one group of NPCs, they cheered loudly as they swore allegiance to their new master. 

They then joined the skeleton army to surround the two armies. With time, the two armies' morale became zeroed out and any desire to struggle was eliminated. 

After Ibro finished here, he didn't ask for permission from the two commanders, as he started killing seeds in their men. That caused a massive blow to the two commanders holding over their two armies. 

As they didn't know how Ibro did it, they planned to escape with their loyal aides. Ibro didn't need to move a finger as he ordered his newly joined 20 plus commanders to hunt them down. 

The battle was short with no suspense at all, as the two commanders were killed miles before they could reach the teleportation rings zone. Ibro took less than two hours to completely free all the NPCs in the two armies. 

As usual, they all swore allegiance towards Ibro. Ibro guards had distributed the omega stones over the newly joined NPCs. 

Ibro ordered Topan to be responsible for taking all of them towards the village to accept their cultivation ways and techniques. 

He also authorized all commanders to go back and bring the rest of their families to migrate here. Ibro business here was done temporarily, as all the new commanders requested to invite some of their close friends. 

Some even proposed to go to other continents to invite more friends. Ibro was excited about this, but he knew he wouldn't just stick here and do nothing else. 

He still had the community of players that he needed to invade. Ibro then left 10 million skeletons to guard these gates and he took nearly 10 hours to summon nearly 50 million skeletons to guard here too. 

He then told the commanders to bring their friends here in two weeks. He also instructed them to guard these gates when their soldiers come with their families. 

He didn't want to let such a sneaky route open without a strong grip especially as it was near his village. Ibro then moved with nearly 500 guards after he left 1000 guards behind to supervise the situation here. 

He headed straight back to his main city. This visit took him over a week but his gains were immense. He wanted to know what happened during this week to his growing empire. 

He also wanted to find a way to penetrate the players' community. When Ibro returned to the city, he was noticed at once by the defending garrison there. 

They at once reported his return to Gorsag. Ibro saw Gorsag coming in high speed before saying:

"Welcome back, my king. I have heard about your great deeds. Congratulations my king."

Ibro wasn't surprised by the news reaching him. Ibro had sent his men a couple of times to the city, so it was normal for them to tell Gorsag about the latest updates. Ibro walked in the city moving towards his palace while asking:

"Tell me, what is the news from all fronts?"

Gorsag didn't dare to delay as he replied:

"The northern armies led by the alpha death knight and Erond had managed to reclaim a huge area from the northern lord's hands. 

They have faced some resistance lately which made their progress stop for now."

Ibro asked with curiosity:

"Has the northern house chosen an heir this soon?"

Gorsag shook his head as he replied:

"No, my king. The one who stopped them weren't the northern lord armies. They were stopped by swarms of monsters that attacked the cities in the north."

Ibro found it weird. He wasn't a stranger to the monster herds attack cities and villages. 

He had once caused the wrath over his novice village at the Rioneed game. What made him feel suspicious were the last words Gorsag said. Ibro asked in a try to understand the situation further:

"You have access to the forums already. Are there any similar incidents in the whole game?"

"No, my king, and that was strange. Erond had joined forces with the alpha death knight and they are now stationed at a city in the north waiting for your orders."

Ibro didn't rush to conclusions. He now had a huge army in his back beside his current forces. He needed to gather more intel about these monsters' weird behavior. Ibro then instructed:

"Tell them to hold their current position and start digging behind the truth. Tell them to be extremely careful. They have done well till now and there is no need to risk anything for the time being."

Gorsag had developed a lot in comparison to his old self in the cultivation world before. He was really grateful for following Ibro in this adventure. He understood Ibro's hidden meaning as he said:

"Do you mean we will enter a steady building stage, my king?"

Ibro smiled faintly. It was always good dealing with intelligent people. He confirmed Gorsag guess by saying:

"Yes, we have reigned over a huge stretch of land. We now need to put the internal stability and development as our top priority. 

But, the threat from the north is suspicious, so we must clarify things about it first. After that, send them both back home after they organize the defensive army there."

Gorsag nodded his head in agreement before saying:

"There is something I forgot to mention to you, my king. It's about a group of players who came here a few days after you left. They are still waiting for your return to the city."

Ibro exclaimed in surprise before asking:

"Do you know what they want from me?"

Gorsag shook his head, while Ibro added:

"Are they nervous or anxious?"

"Yes, they looked both anxious and very nervous. They send their players to ask about your return nearly once every couple of hours."

Ibro smiled evilly. He guessed their true identities. He said to Gorsag:

"Bring them to me at the palace. I want to meet them now."

Gorsag noticed the faint smile of his king. He didn't know how Ibro knew them, but he nodded his head while retiring to bring them back. 

Ibro headed towards the palace with great anticipation. It seemed his biggest obstacle had been solved so easily now.

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