Chapter 275

Chapter 275

Ibro felt he could let this merge continue till he got extremely strong, unstoppable power. He felt that excitation deep in his soul is getting more obvious second after second. 

It was like a dying existence which felt the hope of survival finally. Ibro recalled an old saying he heard when he was trying to make his first rune. He also recalled the warning of Gozline back at his Hepatia village. 

He was warned, warned from a strange form of energy which was buried deep in him. 

The warnings he heard before plus what he heard just now from the system made him positive of one fact whatever was buried deep in him, it wasn't in his best interest for it to come to the surface. 

Ibro once reached this conclusion, he started to act immediately. Without any hesitation, he gritted his teeth and closed his mind.

'Protect me for these few seconds, system.'

The voice of Ibro was gloomy and very serious; the system even felt a shock from this strange turn in events. It began to strengthen the defenses around Ibro using the SPR stones without any regard at all. 

What he wanted right now was to give Ibro the most time he could afford. Ibro closed his eyes and delved deeply into his dantian. 

His previously big dantian had been enlarged to reach a scale that Ibro couldn't see its ends at all. The eleven nebulas at the center of his dantian had been invaded by his soul energy. 

Ibro didn't need to assess the situation, as from just a single glance he knew the danger he was facing right now. His dantian was being invaded by his soul energy. 

If this was his pure soul energy, then he wouldn't worry. Ibro was confused, how did all of this happen? 

He observed the flow of his soul energy to find the root of the problem that green turbidity which originated from his continuous absorption of the demons seeds energies. He concentrated on this green turbidity for a few moments.

'It is your dirty residuals who are trying to control my dantian. Good.'

Ibro was enraged this time. This hidden trick had nearly cost him losing his dantian, or something even bigger. 

He tried to crush that bridge connecting between the two energies, but it was in vain. That bridge was sturdy and it gained its energy from the depth of his soul.

'Then, let's be crazier then.'

Ibro had decided to go all out. He opened his eyes as he ordered the system:

'Don't add any more demon energy to me right now.'

'Do you want me to dissipate it?'

Ibro said in an angry tone:

'No, just store it for later, I will need it for sure.'


Ibro didn't give the system any chance to ask him anything. He took out over 10 grade 5 cores and ingested them all in one breath then he closed his eyes. 

Once he entered his dantian, he found that 11 cores were just about to enter it. Ibro shielded the dantian at once. He didn't ingest them to enter his dantian, but he wanted them to gather outside the dantian. 

Once the cores were rejected to enter his dantian, they began to move closer to each other. Ibro knew what they were trying to do as naturally they would merge. 

Ibro didn't want them to be united, so he started to inject his spiritual energy into each core of them. Each core was connected directly to one of his nebulas. 

This became complicated, but Ibro didn't stop there. He had long accumulated his energy inside his dantian. He could upgrade his cultivation and break through the 8th foundation establishment, but he didn't do that. 

He didn't have time before. He stirred the spiritual energy inside his dantian to boil and stimulated his nebulas to start rotating faster. He had observed his previous breakthroughs multiple times. 

Every time he needed to break through he did the same. Then his dantian would provide massive energies to the nebulas which would enlarge in size. 

This time, Ibro stimulated them while he pushed the energy from these nebulas to be injected into the 11 cores. These cores were barely under his control with the huge amounts of energy he was injecting into them. 

In the middle of all of this, his polluted soul energy had been moving with great momentum towards his nebulas to infect them. 

The vague feeling of excitation had been deepened. Ibro kept pushing all the energy that his 11 nebulas absorbed at a terrifying rate. 

Second, after second, his nebulas were still absorbing these energies without any signs of getting infected. Ibro then probed his soul sea, to find it became smaller. 

Ibro was really excited truly this time, as his plan had started to show signs of success. He would dry his soul energy up till the last drop of it and then let it gather again in a pure way. 

To do so, he used the connection between the nebulas and his soul sea, and then he directed all this energy from the nebulas towards the 11 cores. 

It was a risky plan as any single mishap would lead to disastrous failure. He started with upgrading his cultivation base as, during the upgrade, the nebulas' ability to absorb energy became doubled and tripled. 

He watched this process continue while he was thinking about the solutions he had for the last final obstacle. It was these 11 cores which made him worry. 

One single-core had been a toll over him, and now he had 11 cores at the same time. Ibro had only one choice which was to use these cores in a single sword strike. 

The issue was the ability of his illusionary sword to use this energy. He was thinking of other solutions if his sword failed to use these ticking bombs. 

During his thoughts, the mysterious excitation feeling had faded away and replaced by deep regret. Ibro neglected these feelings as he focused on the ongoing process of his plan. 

His soul sea had dried up finally after a while. Once his soul sea was dried up, he felt suddenly dizzy. It was the backlash after the soul sea dryness. 

He had experienced this before, but he couldn't rest now. The most critical moments of his plan had come. The first thing he did was to crash the connection between his dantian and his soul sea. 

The bridge shattered easily from a mere thought from Ibro. The next move wasn't to stop the supply of energy from his nebulas to the 11 cores. 

He opened his eyes while ordering the system in a very tired tone:

'Inject your stored energy now into my soul sea.'

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