Chapter 263

Chapter 263

Ibro was speechless. Were their ranks in this function? Ibro didn't need to think much, as his PSR stones were enough for him to use the highest tier.

'I will choose the silver tier.'

'Silver-tier had been used. 100 SPR stones have been deducted from your account. You now have 178 SPR stones. 

The divination has been started. The divination has found some news about a recent crisis for you. Do you want to hear the divination now?'

'Sure I want to hear it now. I didn't pay all these stones for hearing your divination.'

Ibro was impatient towards the system's shamelessness. He had already paid the required stones so he should hear his divination. The system didn't concern about Ibro's obvious tone of mockery as it said:

'Listen carefully then, the divination words will always be stored inside the divination function. Here is your divination: 

In the next few months to come, your mortal enemy will prepare a huge army to strike you here. He will find a way to cross to your world and cause great strife here. Be ready the storm will be merciless.'

Ibro listened to these words. He guessed the identity of his mortal enemy. It was either Domil here or the one who was following him since he left the Hilonar time-loop world. 

What was dangerous in this divination was the mention of the gathering of an army. That army would ravage havoc here in this world. Ibro was sure he could withstand this storm, but what about the players here? 

What about the NPCs? They were his future investment. He would lose big if he allowed for his enemy to have it his way. Ibro then looked for the final step the system planned for him. He asked the system:

'How the mission function does work?'

'It's simple; I just use SPR stones to issue a mission to you. Each mission will have an objective you need to accomplish. If you succeed in it, then you will be eligible for the reward mentioned in it. 

There are 4 tiers in the mission function. The first tier is the white tier. It requires 10 SPR stones and it will issue you a simple mission. The second tier is the red tier. 

It needs 50 SPR stones and will issue to you an advanced mission. The third tier is the silver tier. It requires 100 SPR stones and it will issue you a complex local mission. 

The last available tier to you is the gold tier. It needs 150 SPR stones and it will issue you a simple cross-universe mission. Please note: the mission selected can't be changed once selected. 

There is no penalty in not finishing it, but you will miss a lot if you don't complete the mission. 

You can select more than one mission at the same time, with a maximum number of not finished missions equalling the number of your tiers.'

Ibro wasn't surprised by the presence of tiers at this function too. What he was thinking about was the difference between these missions. 

He didn't have any experience as a reference he could use. He didn't waste time as he asked the system:

'What is the difference between each tier? I didn't understand the difference between the missions mentioned here.'

The system took a while before explaining in its harsh voice:

'The difference varies from the difficulty of each mission, the time needed and effort required you to finish it, the impact on your future, the degree of danger, and the level of your reward.'

Ibro understood the general differences between the missions. He had another issue the lack of SPR needed to have multiple missions. 

If he had used all of his SPR stones, then he would select one gold and one white tier missions. He wanted higher tier missions, so he asked the system:

'Can you open some missions and then I will pay for you later? Don't be stingy; you know I'm able to gather these stones rapidly.'

'I'm sorry, the missions required huge energy to activate and also to generate your rewards. I can't meddle in that process or it will fail.'

Ibro gritted his teeth, that system was greedy and stingy. He then asked his second-best option:

'Then at least suggest to me which tiers I should select first with my SPR stones?'

The system took a few moments before replying:

'On regard to your current SPR stones and the available missions here, I recommend you use the silver tier mission first. 

It will help you a lot now. Later, you must issue the gold tier mission as it has the highest impact on your future and it coincides with your plans.'

Ibro felt relieved that the stingy system didn't refuse to help him this time. He didn't hesitate as he said:

'Then I choose the silver tier mission.'

'Silver-tier mission has been selected. 100 SPR stones have been deducted from your account. Your SPR stones account now had only 78 SPR stones. Do you want to hear your mission now?'

'It's hopeless to reprimand a cold object like you. Sure, I want to hear my mission!'

The system continued as if it didn't hear Ibro's comment as it explained:

'Silver Tier mission is selected. The mission name is 'Rescue and Kill' mission. Details of the mission: in this world the demons' seeds had been planted in nearly 70% of the whole NPCs population. 

You have the way and the right to kill these seeds and rescue all these poor souls. Your mission is to eradicate at least 70% of all the seeds of NPCs under your control. 

You also need to liberate the miserable souls of one NPC city outside your reign. If you managed to finish the mission in less than 4 months, then you will get an additional reward. 

If you managed to liberate more than the required numbers, then you will get an additional reward. 

The main reward for this mission is the Pseudo-Ro blacksmith grade divine profession. The additional reward will be determined according to your performance.'

Ibro knew this mission was the best for him right now. He was about to head out and kill these nasty seeds. 

That was like doing double the job with half the effort plus getting rewards. He didn't understand how this big time-consuming mission had only this reward. He said in doubt:

'Don't you think this reward is a bit useless to me?'

'No, you need this divine profession. PSR blacksmith isn't like these shitty third rate copies in the technology world. You will know its true value later on.'

Ibro helplessly shook his shoulders before saying:

'Now as I finished all that you suggested, can I move out now? I need to find an NPC to kill the seed in him.'

'Don't worry, you will find a lot in a short time. Don't forget you have a big city full of NPCs near here.'

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