Chapter 228

Chapter 228

The face of the dean showed a funny expression, it was a mix between disbelief and shock. 

He wasn't the only one, everyone here looked at this glowing screen with words written over it like obsessed people. Ibro was satisfied by this reaction as he commented:

"This is a small part of my village. This building is called a market. It uses a new form of energy that's called 'technology'. 

This market is connected to the main market in my village and to other future markets that could be built anywhere."

Everyone changed looks while they started to talk with each other through divine sense. Ibro kept his silence waiting for them to finish. After a few minutes, the dean asked:

"What is the use of this market?"

Ibro knew that these cultivators decided the role of the dean to be the main negotiator with him. the dean was, after all, the closest person here to him.

"This market acts as a direct channel of trading goods. You can sell and buy any item you want while you are at your sect or academy."

"Is this like a teleportation channel? Is this 'technology' like this market?"

"It's far different from teleportation. In teleportation, you need to move by yourself and seek for someone to buy or sell you what you offer or want. Here, you can do it simply while staying at your place. 

Technology is based on using energy to help us to live better. It's not like spiritual energy which we need to process and train by ourselves. Technology tries to help us and train us instead."

Ibro knew he couldn't describe Jupiter to an earthling who didn't even see mars, so he said at once:

"These things you will know in detail when you join my faction, that's of course if you decided to do so."

This time, one of the cultivators spoke his thoughts directly:

"What if we don't want to join your faction? Will you prevent us from entering the higher world?"

"Nope, I won't prevent you at all. But this will be a one-way journey. You won't be able to come back here again except if you joined my faction. By the way, anyone who joins my faction can't withdraw from it."

The looks of these cultivators changed from doubt to happiness to anger in just a few moments. The dean interfered by asking:

"Why do you say that my kid?"

Ibro this time took out another stone as he held it high for everyone here to see it as he said:

"Because anyone who joins my faction will have this stone implemented into his dantian. I don't need to explain further, I believe."

This time, his words caused more ruckus. All the cultivators here expressed their objections. Only a few remained quiet watching Ibro deeply. 

The dean, who was one of those silent folks, asked in high sound that silenced everyone:

"Then what is the point from joining your faction?"

Everyone looked angrily towards Ibro who replied with calm and steadiness:

"For more than one reason actually. One of the reasons is the ability of my village to open new worlds for all of you. 

Anyone that belonged to my faction has the chance to learn a class. These classes are specific professions in technology-based civilizations. They are like cultivation ways here. 

In addition to that, there are more unique one of a kind classes that have no equal here, like blacksmith and alchemists."

"We already have both of them here," one of the cultivators present tried to argue with Ibro who replied at once:

"Sure, you have them but they are very weak in comparison to classes. For example, your blacksmiths here can only make weapons, shields, and armors. 

There at the technology side, they can make these and in more advanced forms. They can also make helmets, gloves, boots, arm guards, shoulder guards, and leg guards. 

They can make rings that can add to your energy, not just storage rings. These items made by them can strengthen your power, not only means for offense and defense. There is a whole world between the two."

Ibro looked towards the surrounding cultivators. Most of them showed expression of doubts, so Ibro continued:

"The second reason for joining my faction is my protection."

"Protection? You will protect us? Are you dreaming kid?"

Ibro neglected this sarcastic comment as he continued:

"Yes, my protection. Around my village, any enemy set foot in my territory will have his cultivation base lowered to be lower than mine by one degree. You can imagine that."

The cultivators here looked at each other in silence and contemplation. They started hot debate over this via divine sense. Ibro knew he couldn't get all of them to join him, but at least he tried.

"What guarantees that what you said is the truth?"

Ibro answered the dean without any hesitation:

"You told me before you all knew the real situation there in that world, right?"

"Sure, we all know the general facts there."

"Then you should all know that the life there isn't easy. I won't exaggerate to say that if any of you tries to wander there alone he will lose his life. The situation there is very bad. Don't you agree with me?"

"You are right my kid. That's why everyone knows about the importance of joining a faction there."

"Good, then tell me, academy grandmaster, how can someone as weak as myself go there and preserve his life and come back? How can I establish my faction there without getting destroyed?"

The dean exchanged looks with those present here before saying:

"Well, although you have a point here, it is still not enough. many of us here want some more solid proof."

Ibro sighed as he said:

"Ok, when you reach the higher world, you can decide for yourselves. Anyway, I came here with a plan to make the academy with all its masters and disciples join my village."

The dean looked in question towards Ibro. He wasn't the only one who looked towards him like that. Ibro said at once:

"As I told you just now, my village is well protected. I can allow for weaker cultivators to join the higher world without any worry."

"Is this offer only for the academy or for anyone?"

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