Chapter 223

Chapter 223

Ibro led the way towards the next building. This building was one of the two buildings where he was excited about. When he reached the hall of creation, he found it like a Greek temple. 

It was a large hall made of parallel pillars of stone holding the ceiling. When he reached the door he ordered Rinobak to stay behind. He entered the hall to find it very ordinary from inside. 

Everything was empty except for this ball of orange light in the center of the hall. Ibro moved towards this ball then put his hand on it.

'Welcome village lord to the creation hall. Here, I can transform your thoughts into reality. Any memory or idea you have about a technique or class I can help you to make it real. 

You just need to think deeply about your idea. The livelier it is the better my results would be. I have a limit to the degree of all techniques and classes I build. They all will be basic grades. 

Every time you upgrade the level of the village, you can upgrade my building. Then the grade of the techniques and classes will be upgraded as well. Now, what do you wish to create a village lord?'

This soft voice echoed in his mind. Ibro felt more excited. He was afraid this building would limit the ability to create techniques and classes. He didn't need to worry about techniques. 

Although he didn't know many techniques in this world, he had a ring full of cultivation ways and techniques.

'Can I use cultivation way and technique scrolls here?'

'Sure. Anything is allowed here.'

'Good. Now I want you to create these scrolls then for me. I also need you to create these classes too.'

'Stay put and don't remove your hand village lord till I finish.'

Ibro had retrieved all the scrolls in his ring and put them over the ball one by one. It was time to use these scrolls which were trash for him. He also began to visualize his memories of the game. 

He tried to visualize all the classes he had seen in his life either the present or the past life. He focused mainly on the lifestyle classes. This world lacked these classes. 

If he managed to have his lifestyle villagers, then his village would have a bright future in this cultivation universe. It took this ball half a day to finish.

'I finished creating all the cultivation ways and techniques. I also created all the classes you provided to me. A copy of all these will be available at the hall of cultivation. Feel free to visit me often, lord.'

'Thanks for your help, I will visit you soon.'

Ibro knew the importance of this hall. Although he used all his memories and RSS, he could have more soon. He had a plan in his mind that he wanted to implement. 

If he succeeded, then his village would have an easy way to raise its strength in a short time. once he exited it, he said to Rinobak:

"I have created a lot of cultivation ways and techniques in the cultivation hall. There are also classes there. 

These classes are very important to me. I need you to take all the villagers and train there now. The most important classes you must focus on are the lifestyle classes."

"I will do this right away my king."

"After you get your ways, techniques, and classes, I need you to start building the farms, the loggings, and the quarries."

"There is a problem in doing that, my king."

Ibro knew what Rinobak was referring to, so he said at once:

"Don't worry about this; I will solve this problem right away."

Ibro knew that Rinobak was referring to the lack of building designs. He then headed towards the mother of the building hall with great anticipation. 

This was the second building here he was excited about. That building was built like a cylindrical tower. Although it was only three stories tall, it was one floor only. 

When Ibro entered it, he found a majestic space with nothing there except for a piece of pale yellow paper hanging in the air and a pen. Ibro moved towards them and picked the pen.

'Welcome to the mother of all building village lords. Here you can use the pen and draw any building you imagine. After you finish, I will transform your drawing into a design for this building. 

This design will include the building features and all the data related to this building including building time and requirements. You have an unlimited number of tries here, but all designs will be a basic grade design. 

When you raise the village grade, you can upgrade this building and all the designs will be upgraded automatically. Tell me, what do you have in mind? Show me now.'

Ibro smiled an evil smile. This building was the most cheating feature he had ever seen in both his lives. He, enthusiastically, began to draw without stop. 

Each time he finished some building, the paper would shine and another smaller piece of paper appeared in front of Ibro. He drew all the essential buildings in the village. 

He also drew all the buildings he knew about even in the big cities like the hall of merchants, the hall of adventures, the library, the university, and all different lifestyle buildings. 

He also drew military buildings like grand majestic walls, huge defensive towers with different characteristics, strongholds, castles, citadels, military ports, military air factories, etc. 

His pen never stopped drawing for nearly two days. He was very excited by the results he got. Although everything was still in basic grade, he could upgrade them later. 

What was strange, though, was the need for cores. Each building needed a list of materials and a certain amount of cores. All cores were grade 1 core. He didn't have that much in his ring. 

Although he had gotten a fat ring before, the main cores there were grade 3 and 4. He needed to find a solution to this problem. He knew where to look for it, but he needed to check over his village and his army. 

He couldn't forget these two especially he left them for over two days now. He went outside returning to the lord's manor. He noticed Rinobak with more villagers than before. 

There were nearly 200 villagers there. They changed a lot since the last time he saw them. They weren't regular skeletons anymore, they were like normal people with no difference at all. Once everyone noticed Ibro, they saluted him by kneeling to the ground.

"Tell me, have you learned cultivation and classes?"

"Yes, my king. We all learned cultivation and classes."

Ibro thought he heard it wrong, so he asked:

"Did you say you learned both of them?"

Rinobak didn't answer at once. He thought his king was mad at him. He was greedy at the cultivation hall. He wasn't the only greedy one here, but all of them were.

"Yes, my king. I apologize for our greediness, but we were told we can learn cultivation and classes at the same time. So, we all learned both."

Ibro kept his silence for a moment before laughing loudly in excitement. That was way better than what he thought before.

"Great job everyone. Keep the hard work. Tell me, did any of you learn lifestyle classes?"

"Yes, my king. All the villagers except the generals learned lifestyle classes. The most class learned here is the blacksmith class followed by alchemist class."

"That's wonderful. Come, take all of these and start building them right away. Focus on the basic resources buildings at first."

Rinobak moved from his place slowly with his head lowered and reached towards the small hill of scrolls Ibro had produced from his ring. He looked at all these scrolls and asked:

"How many buildings do you need us to build from these, my king?"

Ibro smiled widely as he replied:

"Build them all."

"But but we don't have enough villagers yet."

Ibro smile turned more evilly as he recalled his plan in his mind while saying:

"Don't bother with this issue. Just start building many basic resources. The more you build is the better."

"How many villagers are we expecting to work there, my king?"

Rinobak doubted Ibro's words but he couldn't express that frankly. Ibro didn't bother with his doubts as he said while leaving:

"Expect nearly 20k at least. The number may be higher than that. Make your preparations. These villagers will join us starting from tomorrow. I don't want to see a lazy villager in my village."

Ibro then left heading towards the distant passageway to this basin. He wasn't that worried about his skeleton army. But he should also give them a visit and check their situation.

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