Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Although it was just a small amount, it was a good sign for him. He could now absorb the energy from his dead enemies. He didn't stop in his tracks though, as he continued to move forward.

"This kid is strange. Have you seen that attack of his?"

"I heard that Sroki had a strange soul attacking technique. It seems that this kid has already learned it."

The two leaders of this assault were talking from far. They were observing the recent battle with Ibro trying to assess his true strength. They were also looking for any weakness of his.

"This battle was short. Send 200 cultivators to him."

"Yes, we need more data to confirm our guesses."

At once, 200 more cultivators moved in unison towards Ibro. Ibro had noticed their arrival and welcomed them with open arms. His sword had moved to greet them at flashing speed. 

Ibro didn't need more than one strike to kill one enemy. He didn't draw any strength beyond his first sword in his dantian. These enemies were all very weak to him. 

After he killed the 50th enemy, he heard a sound regarding his unlock of the first technique. 

Although he was eager to know what technique he had unlocked, he waited till he killed the entire remaining 150 cultivators. As usual, there was no wound at any of these deceased cultivators.

"He really used a soul type attack."

"I recall we have some soul cultivators. They could be our shield with him."

"Let's send them to the forefront then. We will attack him while he is busy dealing with them."

"It's a good plan, let's do it then."

"I'll make the boys surround him then. Let's close the net and end this long day."

While his enemies were busy finalizing their scheme, Ibro was busy checking his unlocked technique.

'Death summon technique: can summon 10 weak skeletons to help in the battle. The summoned skeletons get stronger with killing. 

They can remain forever except when cultivator Ibro unsummoned them. Unique technique for cultivator Ibro.'

Ibro felt some disappointment. He would only summon weak skeletons. Their numbers were also small, only 10. He had a deep memory where he could summon huge armies.

'Something is better than nothing at the end.'

Ibro threw this technique in the back of his head. He needed time to learn it and he didn't have this right now. 

He noticed the change in his enemies' strategy. A small group of cultivators began to move rapidly from him. At the same time, he noticed the appearance of multiple shadows in the distance.

"They found out my attack pattern, so they got some balls to face me and try to encircle me here. How idiotic! System, how many souls left for unlocking the next technique?"

'You need 850 more souls to unlock the next technique, or you need 500 souls to upgrade the level of your current technique.'

Ibro looked around him in thought. These numbers were far lower than the 850 mark. He then asked:

'What is the next level of my technique?'

'You can summon up to 50 skeletons in the next level.'

'Only 50?!'

Ibro was really disappointed but that was the most logical option for him. If he had the choice, he would kill a million right now. He then stopped his movement as he had reached the goal he wanted. 

The incoming cultivators were a small group of ten only, but he didn't underestimate them. He knew that these were the elites of his enemy. 

He also knew they had some unique techniques that could imbalance his technique. Once both sides neared each other, Ibro used his usual attack to hit them, but suddenly a shield-like ring appeared around some of them. 

The others had a halo that shone over their bodies to shield them from the incoming attacks. Ibro sword attacks got blocked at once by these different types of shields. 

Although they had no main offense that might endanger him, they managed to block him. He became an easy target for those far cultivators. 

At once, he got attacked by uncountable techniques that fell over his body without any breaks. 

He didn't stop in his place waiting for them to train on him like this, he moved using his high agility trying to dodge as many attacks as possible.

"Start now my alpha."

This sudden shout attracted the attention of everyone. They looked to each other as if they heard a crazy man last shout then they laughed and continued their barrage of attacks on him. 

Each technique that fell over him was mainly blocked by his dragon shield, but some of it seeped into his body and caused some pain and damage to him. 

He knew that his death knight needed some time to cause enough disturbances to his enemies. He also knew that he couldn't continue like that. 

Although he had some healing potions in his ring that he received from Sroki before he entered his training room, he was annoyed by this state. He didn't like being like that. 

He continued to dance exchanging blows with these ten defenders and trying to evade all the techniques he could for nearly five minutes. 

There was no indicator of his health status, so he took one healing bottle once every half a minute. After these five minutes of being trapped like a monster in a cage, he had his long-awaited chance. 

His death knight had managed to invade the crowded lines of his enemies. He was running amok among them moving directly to his master. This moment of chaos and destruction and fear was what Ibro had waited for. 

He was suppressing his power for so long. He looked at these distasteful defenders. He didn't hold back anymore. He waved his sword like usual and they moved to block it as usual. 

The only difference was that each sword didn't unleash one chain sword energy, but the whole 11 swords. 

Although they managed to block the soul type attack, the huge momentum in each hit was way beyond their capability to withstand. 

Each strike was like a bomb that exploded in the place causing each cultivator's body to flow in the air tens of meters before it rolled for a similar distance till it stopped. 

The ten shield cultivators had been erased successfully. Ibro looked to the twin leaders of this assault team as he said viciously:

"It's time for round two bastards."

He then moved in steady steps forward. Each step he took, he took the life of one cultivator. One sword one hit one death. 

Ibro kept moving forward while his death knight was moving in circles causing as much chaos as he could. 

Ibro's goal was obvious; he headed directly to the generals of his enemies. Kill the generals then win the war. His tactic was simple just like that.

"As you expected my brother, he held back his strength," one of the twins said in disappointment. 

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