Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Ibro looked at the ten scrolls one by one. After he finished checking he was drooling over them.

"Hahaha, don't give this face, kid. These techniques will all be yours after you finish your test," the man laughed at Ibro's expression while saying his words. 

Ibro felt strongly motivated by this test. He now had another motive to win in it. Ibro then rechecked all the scrolls again. 

All these techniques were top-notch techniques in his opinion. He decided to choose three suitable techniques that would immensely boost his strength.

"Fire sword chain technique suited you as a sword cultivator. Dragon build technique will boost your defense a lot. What I don't get is your choice for the death soul pulse technique. 

Although it's a good technique that can harm your opponent's souls and infect them with death aura, it suited archer cultivators not sword cultivators like you," 

The man commented over Ibro's three choices while pointing out directly his doubts about the third option that Ibro got. 

Ibro couldn't tell the truth to him. While he was thinking about his options, the system recommended him to get this book. 

It said it could help his death knight in boosting his strength. Ibro didn't know why, but the description on this scroll didn't match what the system said. He chose to trust the system and selected this technique. 

He rapidly thought out of a logic reply as he justified his choice by saying:

"I need something to control my enemies with. So I choose this technique."

"I still don't get it. Why do you want to control your enemies? You should think about killing them! Ah, forget it. 

You, young people, are like mysteries to us older ones," the master said while looking towards Ran as he instructed:

"You can go back, kid. I will take responsibility for your friend here. If you are lucky then he will pass the test and you will have a friend at the core disciple circle."

"Good luck to you mate. Try to kill them all and win the test."

Ran then moved away from Ibro. Ibro looked at the master who rapidly collected his stuff on the stall saying:

"We don't have time. You need to start training in the three techniques now. Follow me."

Ibro then followed the man in his hasty steps. He felt from that master nervousness and worry that this man was the one to enter the test not him. 

Throughout the way they exited the small town and headed towards a nearby small forest. Once they entered it, Ibro was surprised to see another town that was built inside these woods. 

This town was more organized, had more civilized buildings with many people in it. The trees he saw from far were planted around each building. That gave him the false sensation of a forest from far. 

Ibro kept following the man who was called Sroki as other cultivators greeted him. Every time they met someone he greeted Sroki with respect then glanced at Ibro in doubt and curiosity. 

After ten minutes they reached a building of 4 stories height. Sroki entered the empty building as it was his. Ibro followed him inside. 

There was little furniture in this place. Most of the spaces there had no furniture at all. Ibro even noticed some rooms with nothing at all. Sroki pointed to one empty room and said:

"Now enter here and train well while I will go out and have a word with those responsible for this test."

"Thanks master Sroki."

Ibro then entered the room and sat on the bare floor. Sroki just looked at him for some time then when Ibro started his cultivation, he went out. 

Ibro after he sat down and closed his eyes, he started to do exactly as Sroki advised him to do. Each technique scroll had a certain drawing to it. He began with the fire sword chain technique. 

Its picture was about multiple swords made up of fire and was connected together with fire chains. Ibro started to visualize the picture in his dantian. At first, he failed. 

He didn't give up and started over and over again. When he failed for the tenth time, he decided to change his approach. He didn't stick to Sroki's instructions. He had a sudden inspiration. 

He focused on one of his 11 nebulas and tried to control the spiritual energy rotating around it. He was trying to form the shape of one sword. 

Miraculously, his spiritual energy began to take the shape of an exact sword with the picture in his mind. When he finished creating this sword, he felt great power emanating from it. 

He didn't stop though, he needed to create a series of swords linked up with chains. He had two options, either he created them in one nebula or in multiple nebulas. 

He tried first to create them in the same nebulas. When the second sword was formed, the two swords hit each other and got destroyed. He felt deep pain in his dantian. 

It seemed that trying anything in his dantian carried some risks too. He took a few moments to readjust his state of mind again. Sroki had always stressed on that. 

He needed to be so calm and clear-minded when he was training. After he cleared his head he tried again. 

After the success of the first sword at the first nebula, he moved to create the second sword. When he finished, he felt a small tremor as the spiritual energy between the two swords had some changes. 

A long chain had extended to connect between the two swords. Ibro watched the two linked swords with satisfaction. After his first success, the next steps were so simple. 

After he finished creating the 11 swords and got them linked together, he took some time to rest. He tried to check these swords with his mind. Each sword had a huge amount of energy. 

The second sword had nearly double the energy of the first sword, and the third had double the second. This kept going till the last sword. 

If he managed to unleash all the swords towards his enemy, then he could kill an enemy who is at a nascent soul stage no doubt. 

The second technique he started to study was the dragon build technique. This technique was a strong defensive technique. 

Ibro knew his weakest point was his defense, so he tried to treat this weakness with this technique. Ibro started to repeat the same strategy he used before. 

This technique's picture was about picturing an armor that fitted all his body like a whole bodysuit. It had many grades with colors, as white was the weakest and diamond was the highest. 

Ibro started to guide his spiritual energy inside his dantian to form a single picture of this at one nebula. In a short time, he managed to create one suit with white color. 

He wasn't satisfied though, so he broke the instructions in this technique and improvised. He began to repeatedly create this suit on his other 10 nebulas without break. 

After some time, he managed to create the whole set of his armor. After he finished, he felt slight vibrations on the surface of these suits. 

After that, he felt a certain type of connection had developed between each suit. That wasn't everything, after the end of these vibrations the color of each suit had changed. 

It changed from the white to deep red to silver color. It stopped shifting till it became silver in color with some lines of gold color. 

Ibro didn't know how to assess the effect of this technique, but he knew that its grade had escalated and reached a higher level than it was supposed to be. 

Ibro felt more confident in the next test. He had now two cards up to his sleeve. Although he didn't know the full extent of his two techniques, they looked so powerful to him.

What remained was his last technique, the one that the system had advised him to take. 

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