Chapter 192

Chapter 192

"Yes, before that day they two killed some of our kin."

Ibro noticed the hatred that was so obvious on her looks while speaking. Although she had the looks of a lady, she was like a small child.

"Were they trying to hunt us down or they were defending themselves?"

"They were running from some evil people so they didn't kill anyone of us except when they got attacked. 

Those large groups of humans who are trying to hunt them down are also hunting our kin. I've sent many to stop them from their actions but till now I had only stopped them in their tracks."

The man looked towards Ibro then advised:

"You didn't show any evil intention to us, so we will not treat you badly. 

I advise you not to enter the central forest and try to take another route. I recommend going to the North West. There you will find a shortcut that will save a lot of time for you."

Ibro didn't understand what exactly happened here but he was happy about this man letting them go. This man had some authority over the monsters here. 

If he wanted them dead then they had no chance of survival at all. But he couldn't just follow a stranger's directions simply like that.

"Thanks a lot for your generosity, but we needed to cross this forest in the fastest way possible. If yo"

"Don't think I'm deceiving you, this is your special habit humans. We monsters never lie. Also, I know about the urgent situation you are in. 

your companion is about to die soon if you don't find someone who can save her."

Ibro suddenly looked in doubt towards the man.

"Oh, you don't know about that. It seems she had hidden a lot from you. Ok, I will respect her decision then. You must know that you only have less than a fortnight to save her. I'm not trying to delay you; I'm here to help you. 

I will send her with you to make sure no monster will hinder you in your journey," that man said while pointing towards the fox lady who showed her discontent with his decision, but she couldn't refute him. 

Ibro looked at this man in suspicion then he looked at Nicole. Something deep inside him kept telling him that she was really in danger and he had to save her. Ibro didn't know from where that feeling came from but he decided to trust his inner thoughts.

"Thanks for your generosity again. I, Ibro will never forget your kind today."

"Oh, an undead sorcerer shows his gratitude to us monsters, that's a first. Anyway, when she wakes up tell her that Dofal sends his greetings to her."

Ibro knew that was his name. He didn't know why he called him an undead sorcerer but he had no time to ask him as that man flew away rapidly towards the distance. 

That fox girl was only left here with him. She looked at him in disdain and said:

"Let's get moving then. I don't have the whole day to waste with you. I will lead you to the outskirts of the forest and leave you there."

Ibro glanced at her then moved to get Nicole. He didn't mind her childish way of showing her discontent, as he considered her like a little adorable kid. He carried Nicole and then said:

"Let's go."

"Follow me and try to keep up."

She moved with high speed from the start. Ibro didn't find it difficult to keep up with her. 

After all she was only at the third stage as he guessed. The journey this time was much faster and a lot safer as he had a local guide with him. 

They moved into different routes without the need to stop for even a second. Ibro was vigilant all the time. His enemies weren't only the monsters here. Their journey for the first day was very peaceful. 

That fox girl was always glancing over her shoulder from time to time. Ibro didn't bother even speaking with her. He lacked a lot of info about the real state of this world. 

Although he knew a lot from Nicole before she lost her consciousness, he didn't know that much. For example, why were these monsters helping him? That was weird. 

He knew that the relationship between humans and monsters were tense. But he felt the care from that monster for him and especially for Nicole. 

What was the special about her? And what caused her to lose her consciousness like that? Why was she in danger? A lot of questions with zero answers. 

He didn't try to ask that fox lady as he knew she wouldn't help him though. Her cold attitude was logical as it matched what he already knew before. The only anomaly here was that man's behavior.

"The valley ahead is the secret pathway that we will take. This valley is called the sound of death. Don't make any noise as there are many evil spirits residing in this place."

Ibro felt weird when he heard her words. The unexplained fear that she showed was strange for him. Weren't they the lords of this forest? Were these spirits really strong? He never dealt with spirits before. 

He just nodded his head while following her towards that valley. Once they entered it, Ibro felt a deep cold chill down his spine. It was like he was walking to his doom. 

A huge sense of danger overwhelmed him. What was exactly in there? He asked himself while trying not to cause any sound at all. In front of him, that fox lady had reduced her speed by much. 

She was walking step by step with extreme caution. Ibro was sure that this valley wasn't that big, as he could glimpse its far end. 

But he didn't have the confidence to pass through it in a single day with this low speed of this lady. He didn't complain though, as he was sure the threat he would face if he rushed up would be irresistible. 

That was what his inner feeling kept alarming him about. After a few hours of a stressful trip, some shadows suddenly appeared at the far exit of this valley.

"We knew you will pass from here little rat. Now it's time for you to die."

This was a very loud shout coming from these shadows at the front. 

Their voices echoed in the wide valley with no stop at all. Ibro noticed the sudden change in the looks of the fox lady; she became pale white as if she had seen death in flesh.

"There is no time, move with your fastest speed towards the exit now. RUN."

Ibro once heard her voice; he launched his fastest speed with no hesitation. He didn't need her to tell him how dire their current situation was. 

Ibro started to use his utmost speed which was way higher than that fox lady speed. In no time he had already passed her towards the exit of the valley. 

The distance between him and that exit wasn't long, but he couldn't cross it in a short time though. Those enemies at the exit were shouting with their highest voices all the time. 

In a few moments, Ibro noticed the emergence of strange shaped things. They were like fog but it appeared in separate areas.

"Just keep running, don't look back."

That shout came suddenly from the fox lady. Ibro looked towards her to find the distance between the two was increasing. This fox lady speed wasn't her strongest turf it seemed. 

If this continued, then she would lose her life. Ibro gritted his teeth as he ignored her childish cold nature and decided to repay the old man's debt.

"Transform back to your fox shape."

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