Chapter 189: System Battle Royale 3

Chapter 189: System Battle Royale 3

Although he got a boost in his speed, it wasn't enough yet to match Ibro's speed. There was a marginal difference that made the whole difference in this battle. 

That enemy had gotten a mantra that had boosted his body defense to reach a whole new level. 

He was sure that his enemy here posed no threat to him, but that annoying feeling of danger kept alarming and bothered him. Each second passed this deep feeling of threat increased with no stop. 

That drove him to chase after Ibro. Ibro himself was satisfied with this result. He drew this plan so that his enemy would forget his skeletons' actions and focus on him alone. 

What was happening right now? His gamble was over the speed stat, was his speed faster or his enemy's? Reality told him he won this gamble, and that meant he won that challenge. 

After a few minutes of this hopeless chase, the enemy realized a strange thing. Ibro was running in circles around his army. He also noticed another fact, Ibro's army of skeletons were decreasing second after second. 

When he noticed this fact he recalled the first scene that caught his attention at the beginning of this battle. That chaos that happened in the heart of that army of skeletons was the root of Ibro's plot against him. 

He fell for that plot perfectly. That enemy looked at the heart of Ibro's skeleton army; there was a huge skeleton that wasn't there before. 

That skeleton's actions were obvious to him now with his huge body he was killing its fellow skeletons. He held a huge sword and rode a giant skeleton horse. 

He was moving in parallel to the direction of his chase to Ibro. In his way, each skeleton he faced was killed by his huge sword under the foot of his big horse. 

That made him feel fear. That skeleton was the true plot of his enemy. What remained in Ibro's army was less than half of its initial numbers. 

It seemed this skeleton had a way to get stronger each time it killed one of his mates.

'I must not let it get much stronger,' that man thought to himself, so he stopped at once. He changed his direction to head towards the heart of Ibro's army. 

This time he didn't neglect these weaklings, each skeleton he killed was a loss to his enemy's trump card. Ibro didn't stand by and watch him ruin his plan. He moved directly to intercept his enemy. 

Although he wasn't sure about his ability to kill him, at least he wouldn't die that easily, or that rapidly. But he needed to get to that enemy first. 

That sneaky enemy had started to move obliquely when he noticed Ibro's chase towards him.

'That bastard is trying to kill my skeletons not to get to my alpha,' Ibro commented in his mind about his enemy counter-strategy. He admitted that his enemy's strategy was good, but it wasn't enough. 

The problem was that he started it a bit too late. Ibro had succeeded to buy his alpha skeleton the needed time for it to be ready to face his enemy. 

Despite that, Ibro didn't give that alpha the order to stop what he was doing and start attacking that enemy. The more skeletons he killed the stronger he became. 

Why would Ibro stop it from getting stronger? The next few minutes were a race between the alpha skeleton and the enemy about who could kill faster. 

Ibro kept chasing that enemy so he wouldn't give him a moment to take his breath. At the end of the fifth minute, all the skeletons were killed completely. 

What remained was only the enemy, Ibro and a huge intimidating skeleton with strange green bones and dark red fires in its eye sockets. Its horse had gotten much bigger and sturdier as well. 

That skeleton held two long broad swords in his hands. The battle was so simple like that, two attacked one. In less than half an hour, that enemy was slain by the skeleton. 

Ibro let it give the last strike to his enemy so he could get much stronger. He didn't know if he could use it in the future, but he hoped he could. 

Once he killed that enemy, the skeleton got his size doubled at once. Its bones changed color from green to black. His fires at his eye sockets change color from dark red to dark blue. 

His weapons changed from simple broad swords to swords with double blades and a black aura that was emanating from them like fog. 

Its horse had increased in size and got some strong looking green with some black lines armor. It got a huge helmet which had the same fog emanating from it. 

Ibro felt proud of the result he got after this battle. He would do anything to keep this monster by his side. Who would dare to attack him?

"Congratulations to system holder 11111 for his great battle and the big win over system holder 562. The battle was really worthy of System Battle Royale."

A loud cheering had emerged after the finish of this metallic voice. Ibro didn't care about all of that, and he got used to that loud cheering that came from all those people.

"Now, can I have more answers, like where am I right now? Who are these people? Who are you exactly?"

"Here is what you can call the real universe, or what remained from it. At a certain point in our long history, our human universe got attacked and shattered by our nemesis enemy, the Roran universe. 

That led to the destruction of our whole universe into smaller universes that scattered into the huge endless space. 

We are now at what remained from that big united universe," that metallic sound echoed again while the screen surface showed its usual vibrations, 

"Those audiences are representatives to those who live in our big universe. They are here to support you, our heroes, on your sacred mission."

"Sacred mission?" Ibro asked in doubt.

"Yes, this System Battle Royale is your sacred mission that you decided our mighty system holders. 

Now it's time for you to take your trophies. As rules stated, you will get a lost thing from each one of you. When you return to your world again you will have this lost thing."

Ibro felt that this huge screen was trying to make him not ask any more questions. He felt that was on purpose.

"That's right; I can't tell you more answers. That was the rules you all set that day," that screen replied loudly to Ibro's inner doubts. Although it answered his questions, he didn't feel his doubts were erased. 

That screen was always using the same vague answer: you don't have permission to know this or do that. That was the answer he always got.

"Don't misunderstand me, these rules were set to protect the weak reincarnated system holders like yourself," again the screen answered his inner thoughts.

"Why? Knowledge is power."

"And a threat. Sometimes being ignorant might be the way to save your life."

Although Ibro didn't believe in his words, he couldn't argue with that. This screen had a point though.

"Now, it's my mission to tell you about your available option."

"What option?" Ibro looked at it with a lack of interest.

"The option is to go on an extra mission. The mission reward will be this skill that you got. If you don't choose that extra mission then you will lose this skill of yours. 

In the next System Battle Royale you will start with zero skills. If you decide to go on this mission, then after you finish it you can keep this skill as a reward. 

In the next System Battle Royale you will start with this skill in addition to the skill you will get at that time."

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