Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 350: Run Away 02

Chapter 350

"Huang De Han finally managed to gather five million on the fifth day.

He sold everything he could to make up the amount.

He quickly took the money and returned it to Brother Li.

Brother Li, being a man of his word, took the money and told him to leave.

Huang De Han felt like he had received a pardon and hurriedly left, rolling and crawling away.

Instead of going back to find Yi Bing, he took a taxi and left Lijiang.

Yi Bing waited for a day but didn't see Huang De Han coming.

She was hungry, dizzy, with her mouth taped shut, and her hands tied. To make matters worse, she needed to use the bathroom, and it was urgent.

Since the morning, she had been desperately holding it in, hoping Huang De Han would come. But as the day turned into night, he still hadn't arrived.

She waited for a whole day and night. On the second day, unable to bear it any longer, she relieved herself right there.

On the afternoon of the sixth day, Yi Bing's parents and brother finally returned from their trip.

They arrived at the inn only to find new owners.

At first, they couldn't believe it and caused a scene at the front desk. It wasn't until the inn's owner came out that they realized the inn had indeed been sold.

They quickly tried calling Yi Bing but found her phone was turned off.

They also tried calling Huang De Han, but his phone was turned off too.

"What's going on? Why are both phones turned off?" Yi Brother complained.

"Maybe they haven't returned from Nanyun yet?" Yi's Mother uncertainly said.

"How is that possible? The inn has been sold, how could they not have come back?" Yi Brother said.

"Yesterday, we talked on the phone, and they didn't mention anything about selling the inn. How could this suddenly..." Yi's Mother felt a sense of panic.

"Could something have happened?" Yi Bing's sister-in-law said.

"Don't jinx it. Spit it out!" Yi's Mother scolded and spat a few times.

Yi Bing's sister-in-law quickly followed suit and spat a few times.

"If we can't reach them, what should we do? Where will we sleep tonight?" Yi Bing's brother said irritably.

"What else can we do? Let's stay at the inn for now."

Saying that, Yi's Father asked Yi's Mother to book two rooms.

Yi's Mother reluctantly went to the front desk and requested two rooms.

"Hello, it will be five hundred and two in total," the receptionist said.

"What? Are two rooms that expensive?" Yi's Mother exclaimed.


When Yi's Mother arrived, the stay at the inn was free, and she didn't know the room rates were so high.

She reluctantly handed over the money, thinking that she would get reimbursed by Huang De Han when she saw him.

Yi Bing hadn't had any water for two days and nights and was physically exhausted, barely hanging on.

She was terrified, afraid of starving to death here.

She didn't want to die, really didn't want to.

In her heart, she cursed Huang De Han thousands and thousands of times.

Meanwhile, Huang De Han had already left Lijiang.

At first, he didn't know where to go. He thought about going back to Shenzhen to see his daughter but didn't dare to. Finally, he made a phone call to his daughter and learned that she had returned to Ancheng with Li Man.

Something clicked in his mind, and he decided to go to Ancheng.

Estimating that Yi Bing's parents had already returned, he unlocked Yi Bing's phone and sent a message to Yi's Mother.

He told her where Yi Bing was and urged her to go and save her."

After sending the message, he threw Yi Bing's phone into the trash can.

It is said that when Yi's mother received the message from Huang De Han, she was shocked and immediately went to the address sent by Huang De Han.

When they broke into the door and saw the barely breathing Yi Bing, Yi's mother fainted on the spot.

It was because Yi Bing was in a terrible state.

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