Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 346: Slayer

Chapter 346

Huang De Han stepped forward and tore off the duct tape from Yi Bing's mouth.

The tape peeled off her skin, causing Yi Bing to cry out in pain. Tears welled up in her eyes as she complained, "Can't you find another way? It hurts, you know?"

Seeing the red and swollen skin around Yi Bing's lips, Huang De Han replied, "I'll use a different method next time."

Yi Bing cried in distress, "Can't you treat me differently? Can't I promise to stay here obediently?"

Huang De Han untied her ropes and said indifferently, "Endure a little longer."

Yi Bing's hands and feet were numb from the cold, and any movement caused excruciating pain. Tears streamed down her face.

Feeling a touch of pity, Huang De Han said, "Stop crying. Next time, I won't tie your feet. Will that be enough?"

"Can you not tie me up? It really hurts!" Yi Bing pleaded tearfully.

Huang De Han coldly refused, "No."

Yi Bing's heart sank, and she angrily exclaimed, "Aren't you being too cruel to me? Aren't you afraid of divine retribution?"

Huang De Han revealed a sinister smile and replied, "No, I'm not afraid. I have killed two people, and I haven't been struck by lightning yet."

Yi Bing's eyes widened in shock, and she trembled as she asked, her voice quivering, "You, what did you say? You've killed someone?"

This revelation was even more shocking to her than knowing he was involved in drug trafficking.

"Is it really that strange?" Huang De Han said nonchalantly. "I've just killed two people. What's so surprising about that?"

Fear instantly enveloped her, and her body trembled uncontrollably. She hadn't realized that she had been sharing a bed with a murderer for so long.

Seeing Yi Bing trembling in fear, Huang De Han chuckled and consoled her, saying, "Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Although Huang De Han had repeatedly emphasized that he wouldn't harm her, she couldn't help but feel afraid.

Huang De Han placed the things he had brought on the bed and said, "I've brought everything you wanted. Here, this is your food. Eat quickly."

Yi Bing had lost her appetite due to fear. However, if she didn't eat enough, how would she have the strength to escape?

Her determination to escape grew stronger.

Trembling, she picked up the lunchbox and started eating.

After finishing her meal, Huang De Han handed her the phone.

Yi Bing's eyes lit up, and she eagerly took it.

But before she could even feel happy, Huang De Han said, "Your mother called just now. Call her back and tell her you're still in Nanyun attending a friend's wedding. Remember, don't say anything out of line, okay?"

Yi Bing nodded and dialed her mother's number with excitement.

Her mind raced, thinking of how to ask her mother for help.

She noticed Huang De Han staring at her from the corner of her eye. She knew that directly asking for help wouldn't work.

Because before her mother could come to rescue her, Huang De Han would kill her.

But how could she let her mother know that she was in trouble?

Finally, the call connected, and her mother's cheerful voice came through, saying, "Bing'er."

Hearing her mother's voice, Yi Bing's eyes instantly welled up with tears. Choking back her sobs, she called out, "Mom..."

"Huang De Han furrowed his brows and snatched Yi Bing's phone, abruptly ending the call.

"What are you doing? Why did you hang up?" Yi Bing exclaimed in anger.

Huang De Han's eyes flashed with a hint of menace as he warned, "If you continue speaking in that tone, don't blame me for being impolite."

Yi Bing felt a twinge of guilt and said, "What tone did I use? I didn't even get a chance to talk to my mom, and you hung up the phone."

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