Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 297 Admiral Meets Admiral

At the sea, the first fleet glided through the water with grace and power. Its sails billowed in the wind, guiding the ship on its determined course towards the distant horizon. The crew, disciplined and focused, carried out their duties with precision, their every movement a testament to their training and dedication.

Standing at the helm, Admiral Stormrider gazes out at the ocean that stretches endlessly before him. His weathered face displayed the marks of countless battles and time he spent at sea, while his piercing eyes sparkled with wisdom. The salty breeze tousled his hair, adding to his air of authority and command.

After the recent task of transporting the prisoners of war to Torksey Island successfully completed, there was no time for rest. The first fleet's next objective was to assist the army on the land in the conquest of the Eikadir region.

As for how he should do it, the headquarters leave it to his own discretion. 

Aware of the significance of this task, he wishes to seek some advice from the admiral of the second fleet. 

Soon, the vast expanse of the open sea gave way to the distinct outline of Erle Port on the horizon. As the ship sailed closer, the bustling activity of the port became more pronounced. The sound of seagulls filled the air, their cries mingling with the voices of sailors and the clatter of cargo being loaded and unloaded.

The warship glided smoothly towards the designated naval dock, away from the bustling commercial port. The naval dock was a well-guarded area, reserved exclusively for military vessels.

As the ship approached the dock, the sound of crashing waves and the creaking of ropes filled the air. Ropes were thrown to waiting hands on the dock, who quickly secured them to sturdy mooring posts. The ship's momentum slowed, and finally, it came to a gentle halt.

As the gangway was lowered, Admiral Stormrider descended from the ship, stepping onto the solid ground of the dock. He was met by a contingent of naval personnel, their crisp uniforms and disciplined demeanour. 

Admiral Stormrider led the way, striding purposefully towards the meeting point where Admiral Jareth awaited his arrival.

The naval dock, though devoid of the vibrant activity found in commercial ports, exuded its own sense of controlled energy. Ships of various sizes were docked nearby, their hulls gleaming in the sunlight, a testament to their strength and seafaring prowess.

Reaching the designated meeting point, Admiral Stormrider and his entourage entered a building adjacent to the naval dock. The interior was adorned with maps pasted on the walls, strategically placed navigational instruments, and a large table serving as the focal point of the room.

"Take a seat, Kellan," Jareth said, his voice steady.

Jareth gracefully poured a cup of tea for the admiral. The fragrant aroma filled the air.

The tea was a rich, amber colour, swirling gently as it settled in the delicate porcelain cup. Jareth's movements were deliberate, a reflection of his years of refined etiquette and military discipline.

"How have you been, Kellan?" Jareth inquired, his voice carrying a hint of genuine concern. His hand passed the cup of tea to the first fleet admiral. 

"I'm doing fine," Admiral Stormrider replied, his tone measured. He appreciated Jareth's directness, knowing that they had little time for pleasantries amidst the ongoing war.I think you should take a look at

"I must admit, I was a bit surprised when I received reports of warships heading this way. I thought it was Blande trying to retake the island once again," Jareth remarked, his gaze fixed on Kellan Stormrider.

"Do the Blande still pose a threat to us?" Kellan asked, his brows furrowing slightly.

"Of course they do," Jareth nodded solemnly. "They have suffered a tremendous defeat in the south and even lost this strategic island. How could they stay still? Imagine how much losses we had incurred for those rich families by taking this island."

Admiral Jareth told his fellow admiral about the multiple occasion of attack conducted by Blande. Every time he defeats them, they return with a bigger fleet. He was honestly surprised by their willingness to continuously throw the ships at them.

Kellan understood the gravity of the situation.

"So, what brings you here?" Jareth inquired, his eyes locking with Kellan's.

Admiral Stormrider took a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking. "I have been assigned a mission to assist the army in the conquest of the Eikadir region," he explained. "The headquarters have given me the discretion to determine the best course of action. And I wish to hear your experience who has battled against Barlia."

Jareth leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on the first fleet admiral.

A sense of caution emanated from his words as he spoke, "Kellan, you must exercise caution when dealing with Barlia," Jareth warned. "Their naval prowess surpasses our own. They have a deep understanding of the sea and possess a level of expertise that we must respect."

He paused for a moment, reflecting on his own experiences. "If it were not for our superior weaponry, I fear that I would have been defeated in my encounters with Barlian forces," Jareth admitted. "They are better than fledging like us when it comes to manoeuvring the ships. It was as if they become one with the sea."

Admiral Stormrider listened intently. Jareth's words remind him to not underestimate their enemy would lead to disastrous consequences. "I appreciate your warning, Jareth," he replied. "I will do my best in planning and executing my strategy."

Jareth nodded in approval, "Stay focused, maintain constant communication with your fleet, and be prepared to adjust your strategies as the situation demands. Well, I guess you already know this."

"Thank you, Jareth," Kellan said.

"No problem. I wish you a successful operation," said Admiral Jareth. 

With their meeting concluded, Stormrider stood up from the table, his mind focused on the task at hand. He had some ideas forming in his thoughts. However, to do so, he needs to be at the port town of Caushilbo. 

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