Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 291 Commotion At The Port

Back at the port, the arrival of the towering steamships had already caused a stir among the onlookers. The sight of these immense vessels, unlike anything they had ever witnessed before, left the people in awe and wonder.

Murmurs and gasps of astonishment filled the air, as the residents of Thyrate tried to comprehend the sheer magnitude of the technological marvels before them.

However, the commotion escalated when soldiers bearing the insignia of Barlia emerged from the ships. Their sudden appearance added an element of confusion and concern to the already astounded crowd. Whispers of unease spread through the onlookers, as they tried to make sense of this unexpected development.

While the confusion swept across the faces of many people, the Barlia soldiers flooded the port with an air of excitement and anticipation. Their expressions revealed a mix of relief and joy as if they were finally returning to the embrace of their beloved homeland after a long absence.

As the Barlia soldiers looked around, their eyes took in the surroundings and their lungs filled with the crisp, cold air of the north.

A collective sense of relief washed over them.

"We're finally home," one soldier exclaimed, his voice tinged with emotion. The weight of their journey and the hardships they had faced along the way seemed to dissipate at that moment, replaced by a profound sense of belonging.

A soldier standing nearby nodded in agreement. "I miss my family," he admitted, his voice carrying a mix of longing and anticipation.

The thought of reuniting with loved ones after being away for so long brought a glimmer of warmth to their hearts, amid the chill of the northern air.

Amidst their emotional reunion and the flurry of activity at the port, some people in the crowd recognized the returning Barlia soldiers and approached them with curious expressions.

"What are you doing here? What about the war?" one person asked, their voice filled with a mix of concern and confusion.

A soldier, spotting someone familiar in the crowd, called out in surprise, "Uncle Bard! I didn't expect to see you in Thyrate!" The soldier's eyes lit up with a mix of delight and relief, finding comfort in the presence of a familiar figure amidst the chaotic scene.

Another onlooker couldn't contain their curiosity and boldly inquired, "Did you steal the enemy ships?" Their eyes widened with intrigue, eager to hear tales of bravery and daring exploits.

The soldiers' expressions shifted from cheerful to sombre as they began to recount their stories. With a hint of regret, one soldier replied to the onlooker's question, "No, no, not really. Everything was fine until it wasn't. We were too cocky."

They proceeded to share their tale, detailing the moments of triumph and the bitter turns of fate that followed. 

"We had our victories," one soldier began, "but we underestimated the enemy's prowess. They struck back with a ferocity we hadn't anticipated."

Another soldier chimed in, "We had no choice but to surrender. Luckily, they spare our lives and are kind enough to provide us ships to return home."I think you should take a look at

"Where's Lord Victor and Lady Sarika then?" Uncle Bard asked, his tone filled with curiosity.

He often told the story of those two people to the public to arouse the spirit of the Barlians and to comfort the family of the soldiers.

The soldiers glanced at each other, a sombre and pained expression crossing their faces. They understood the weight of the question and the implications it held.

Finally, one soldier stepped forward, his gaze heavy with emotion. "The truth is... Lord Victor and Lady Sarika are no longer with us. The enemy requested the presence of Lord Victor and Lady Sarika as part of the terms for sparing our lives. It was a difficult decision, but we had no choice but to give in."

"They made the ultimate sacrifice for our survival," another soldier added, their voice tinged with a feeling of sorrow. "Their actions allowed us to return home, but it came at a great price."

Uncle Bard and the others who heard the news stood frozen in shock, their faces drained of colour. The weight of the impending danger pressed heavily upon them, filling their hearts with fear and uncertainty.

"Go, run, and hide!" Uncle Bard urgently pleaded with the soldiers, his voice trembling with a mix of panic and determination. "Don't go to your homes yet, find a safe place to hide before they come after you!"

"Who would come after us?" the soldiers asked, their confusion evident in their voices.

Uncle Bard's eyes narrowed as he sought to explain the gravity of the situation. "Who, you ask? The Barlian government, the Klover family, and the Shena family, of course," he replied, his voice laced with a mixture of frustration and concern.

"And why would they do that?" the soldiers pressed, their brows furrowed with confusion.

Uncle Bard let out a frustrated sigh, his eyes scanning the worried faces before him. "Are you dumb?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with exasperation. "What do you think, 'why'? Those people had a lot of stake in this war. They will never allow this war to stop until they get something out of it. Not to mention, you guys quit the war on your own."

Uncle Bard's words hung heavily in the air, his voice filled with urgency and a tinge of fear.

"Do you think they will let you live happily?" he questioned, his tone grave. "They will force you and send you back to the south. Either you win this war or you die trying. So run and hide now, while you still have a chance!"

The soldiers, their eyes wide with realization, nodded in agreement, the weight of the situation sinking in.

Uncle Bard's voice lowered, filled with a sense of vulnerability and caution. "Believe me when I say that you should never act carelessly around the nobles," he warned. "As a bard, I have come across countless occasions where I'm dangerously close to losing my life."

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