Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 281 Departed To The North

Levi observed their reactions before casting a knowing smile. "Impressive, isn't it?" he proudly remarked. "These steam-powered vessels represent the progress of our kingdom technologies, the fusion of engineering and innovation."

The Barlia soldiers subconsciously nodded, unable to tear their gaze away from the captivating sight. The rhythmic splashes of water and the rhythmic sound of the engines seemed to echo the beating of their own hearts.

"With those paddles... Imagine the speed they possess," murmured a soldier as he roughly guess how the steamships worked. "We'll be home in no time."

Levi's tone brimming with confidence. "These ships will carry you guys swiftly, cutting through the water as if it were mere air. The duration of your journey back home would be far shorter than traditional ships."

As the soldiers marvelled at the steamships, Admiral Stromrider stepped onto the dock, his presence commanding attention.

He look around before making his way toward Levi, who greeted him with a respectful nod.

"Nice to meet you, Admiral Stormrider," Levi greeted, extending his hand in a gesture of camaraderie.

The admiral returned the greeting with a firm handshake. "Nice to meet you too, Commander Levi," he replied. His gaze quickly shifted, and he inquired, "Where are the detained Barlia's top officers? I was tasked to take them with me."

Levi raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "You are not the one who will lead the Barlians back to their homeland?"

The admiral shook his head, "Unfortunately not, commander. That job lies in the hand of the captains of these steamships. Barlia's top officers will be my priority. Now, we are they?"

Levi nodded in understanding. "I see," he said. Realizing the urgency, he quickly gestured to his soldiers. "Bring them over here!" he commanded, motioning for the detained officers to be brought to the front.

The soldiers, under Levi's orders, escorted the restrained top officers to where Levi and Admiral Stromrider stood.

As the restrained top officers were led through the ranks of Barlia soldiers, their faces twisted with anger and resentment.

They glared at their former subordinates, who now regarded them as nothing but an exchange token to save their own lives. The officers, once revered as leaders, now stood as prisoners, thanks to the betrayal of their once-loyal soldiers.

The soldiers, on the other hand, cast their gaze downward, unable to meet the accusing eyes of the officers they had once respected. A heavy silence settled over the crowd as the soldiers wrestled with a mix of emotions—betrayal, guilt and their self-interests.

The tension in the air was palpable as the procession moved forward. The soldiers shuffled their feet uneasily, their minds flooded with memories of shared battles and camaraderie. Their internal struggle was plastered on their face.

Levi and Admiral Stromrider stood side by side, observing the restrained top officers as they were brought to the front.

Levi feels a bit uncomfortable as he is the one responsible for causing the internal infighting among the Barlians which lead to the capture of their own top officers.I think you should take a look at

As the top officers stood before them, Admiral Stromrider's gaze fixed upon their faces. His eyes, betraying no emotions, carefully assessed each officer. His thoughts remained shrouded in mystery, and his intentions remained unclear to those around him.

The silence stretched on, creating an air of tension and uncertainty.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Admiral Stromrider broke the silence with a commanding tone. "Bring them to the ship," he ordered, his voice cutting through the heavy atmosphere.

The soldiers swiftly obeyed, escorting the restrained top officers towards the waiting warships. The officers' expressions shifted from anger to confusion as they were led away, their fate hanging in the balance.

Curiosity gnawed at Levi's mind, and he couldn't help but inquire about their destination. "Where do you bring them to?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.

"Torksey Island," the admiral replied curtly, revealing little about his intentions.

"I see," said Levi. The mention of somewhat the remote island sparked a flicker of recognition in Levi's mind. 

As the top officers disappeared from sight, escorted onto the warships bound for Torksey Island, Levi turned his attention to the Barlia soldiers who eagerly awaited their turn to board the steamships.

Excitement radiated through the air as they stepped onto the ships. It was a moment they had longed for since the day they surrendered. The vessels creaked and groaned, adjusting to the weight of their passengers.

As the soldiers settled into the steamships, the steam engines begin to hiss and roared, building up pressure to power the paddle wheels. The rhythmic churning of the water beneath the ships reverberated through the air, signalling the imminent departure.

With a final farewell, Levi gave a nod to the captains of the steamships. The ship's whistles echoed in unison, their piercing sound slicing through the stillness of the morning. Slowly, the steamships began to pull away from the dock, gradually increasing their speed as they navigated through the sea.

The onlookers, including Levi, stood on the dock, their eyes fixed on the receding ships. The bustling port gradually faded into the distance as the steamships carried the first batch of soldiers back to their homeland. 

As the ships became smaller and smaller on the horizon, Levi knew that his duty was far from over.

Despite the tiring nature of the task, he had to return to Mezorin and gather another five thousand surrendered soldiers to escort them to Napuna.

In the depths of his thoughts, Levi couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise.

Considering the nature and personality of his king, Levi had anticipated the king would order to kill all of these surrendered enemies or at least, prepare some tricks for them. After all, it cost a lot of expanse to transport thousands of people.

As he pondered the implications of this unexpected act of mercy, he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this situation than met the eye.

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