Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 278 Free Land To Take

Before long, a soft knocking sound resonated from the other side of the door. Riz, still engrossed in his thoughts, called out, "Come in!"

The door swung open, revealing William, the trusted advisor to the king. "What did you call me for, Your Majesty?" he inquired, stepping into the office.

Even though he asked, Edward had already informed him about the potentially good news.

As such, William's eyes sparkled with anticipation, his curiosity piqued by the unusual summons.

Riz met William's gaze, his smile widening. "William, I have received a letter from the commander of our army," he began, his voice filled with excitement. 

William's eyebrows shot up in surprise and intrigue. He took a step closer, eager to hear the details. "Tell me more, Your Majesty. What does the letter say?"

Riz motioned for William to come closer, his eyes shining with anticipation. "Sit down, my minister," he said, gesturing towards the chair opposite him. "There is much to discuss, and I believe this news holds the key to a brighter future for our kingdom."

Riz leaned forward, his voice filled with a mixture of excitement and concern as he shared the contents of the letter with William. "It appears that a revolt has taken place within the coalition force of Barlia and Inverloch. The pro-surrender faction has toppled their leadership due to their pent-up frustration." he began, his tone grave. "The leaders of the revolt are offering the top officers of their army in exchange for a safe passage back to their respective homelands."

William's brows furrowed in deep thought. "A revolt within their own ranks?" he mused, his mind processing the implications. "Does that mean the war finally came to an end?" his face brightened.

Riz shook his head, indicating that the war was far from over. "Unfortunately, their actions do not represent the intentions of their nations. I mean, why would they surrender when they had put so much into this operation," he explained. 

"So, should we not accept their terms? I mean, they are offering their commanders to us. We might get some confidential information out of them," William suggested, his tone filled with intrigue.

Riz's smile widened, "Obviously we are gonna accept their terms. I would be a fool if I reject it. The value of their commander outweighs the thousands of soldiers we let go. Moreover, the news of their surrender probably still hasn't reached their capital yet. So, all the lands they capture previously are free for us to take before they could mount a new wave of aggression."

"I see, their lands is certainly a free land to take." the minister nods in agreement. "However, we need to interrogate their top officers first before making any move."

Riz didn't reply immediately. Instead, his gaze fixed on the map spread out before him. The intricate lines and markings depicted the current state of affairs, showcasing the territories, cities, and trade routes that shaped the region. 

"According to Levi," Riz finally spoke, his finger tracing the path of goods on the map, "The force of Cerdeauxia and a contingent of Barlian soldiers use Vofors as their base. The flow of goods from Cerdeaux Port to this city remains uninterrupted. And we can't do anything about it."I think you should take a look at

"Cerdeauxia..." William's brows furrowed as he absorbed the information. "Your Majesty, do you ever wish to claim the republic? You are the only undisputable heir of the dynasty."

Riz's expression hardened, words seems stuck in his throat for a moment. "No," he replied firmly, his voice carrying a tinge of firmness. "Our focus remains on the current war, William. Let us not digress into another topic."

"My apologies, Your Majesty." Understanding the weight behind his words, William quickly redirected his attention back to the map, his mind refocusing on the immediate task at hand.

His gaze followed Riz's finger as it pointed at the city of Dalfos, a strategically significant target for their upcoming campaign. "Our target?"

"Yes, it will be the catalyst for our further advancements to the east," Riz confirmed. "Capturing this place would not pose any immediate danger to us. However, we need to swiftly transport the surrendered Barlia and Inverloch soldiers away. Having a large number of them lingering around Mezorin would only restrict the movement of our own forces."

William nodded in agreement, understanding the strategic implications. "Indeed, Your Majesty. We cannot afford to have our army hindered by the presence of these soldiers. Even though they have surrendered and informed us about their unwillingness to fight, that's all due to the lack of food. Who knows what they would do if we let our guard down?" 

Riz leaned back in his chair. As for why he did not move the army to Haugdak, it was because their army presence in the north is pretty weak.

Lucky for them, the enemy doesn't realize that. And he hoped it remain that way.

"Write a directive order to our forces in Mezorin," Riz commanded, his voice firm. "Inform them of their next target—Dalfos—and told them to prepare. As soon as we finished transporting the surrendered soldiers, they must strike with precision and speed."

"As you wish, Your Majesty," William replied, bowing slightly before leaving the room to carry out the king's orders. 

Before departing, however, William turned back to face the king. There was a question lingering in his mind, one that he deemed important to address. "Your Majesty, should we inform the King of Naharog about the recovery of his city?"

Riz's gaze sharpened, a hint of hesitation flickering in his eyes. "Not yet," he replied, his tone measured. "We need to secure our position and ensure the stability of the region first. We don't want to give false hope or raise premature expectations. When the time is right, we will inform him of the successful recapture."

William nodded, understanding the reasoning behind Riz's decision. "Understood, Your Majesty. I shall proceed accordingly."

With that, William took his leave, leaving Riz alone with his thoughts.

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