Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 269 The Lurking Enemy Within The Camp

Despite the day approaching evening and the sky turning into shades of orange and purple, it didn't dampen Levi's spirit to proceed with his arduous plan.

The siege preparations were quickly set in motion, with soldiers positioning themselves strategically around the city's exit points. 

However, Bain Lawrance couldn't help but voice out his concern. "Levi, I'm not against your decision, but a siege requires meticulous planning and preparation. A hasty siege could do us more harm than good."

Levi's expression remained resolute as he replied, "Don't worry, Bain. While it may be a hasty siege, we still have a way to sustain ourselves, and they don't. Sooner or later, they will deplete all the food and supplies inside the city. Patience will be our weapon."

Bain nodded, though his concern lingered. "I understand your perspective, Levi. But I can't help but worry about the potential risks and the unknown variables."

"I appreciate your concern, Bain." Levi then issued his command. "Why don't you take a portion of our soldiers and go to the enemy's camp and check on the Marquess who left the battlefield earlier? We need to know what happen with the smoke earlier and ensure we don't get attacked while sieging this city."

Bain nodded, acknowledging the importance of the task.

Levi watched as Bain swiftly disappeared into the distance. 


Arriving at the scene, Marquess Hector and his soldiers surveyed the devastation. The once bustling camp had transformed into a set of charred wreckage and despair.

Tents lay in tatters, consumed by flames that licked hungrily at the sky. Supplies that had sustained the soldiers were reduced to ash, their absence acutely felt amidst the chaos of war.

Hector's keen eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any clues that could shed light on the cause of the inferno. 

"What the hell just happened?" he muttered to a group of surviving cooks huddled together. Their faces were etched with fear and confusion.

One of them stepped forward to speak. "Marquess Hector, it was an act of sabotage," the cook explained, his voice trembling. "Not long after our soldiers for the battlefield, we smell something burning from the storage area. When we checked, the fire already spread rapidly, engulfing most of our foods."

Marquess Hector's eyes narrowed as he listened to the cook's account of the incident. The situation grew more perplexing at the moment. He asked again, "Is the storage area accessible to anyone? Do you recall who entered it?"

The cook pondered momentarily before responding, "Well, Marquess, only the cooks and the supply team have access to the storage area. It's a restricted area for obvious reasons."

Just as Hector was about to delve further into the matter, the head of the supply team approached, a worried expression etched across his face. "Marquess," he said urgently, "I want to report the disappearance of some personnel from my team. We were supposed to return to Szazki today, but when I gathered everyone for departure, many of them were absent."

The Marquess contemplated the information, connecting the dots in his mind. "The missing personnel and the act of arson in storage area... There might be a connection," he murmured.

Hector hurriedly asked, "Did they come with you from Szazki?"

The supply team leader pondered briefly before replying, "No, they came to Szazki, already carrying the supplies from Lonsbak. We merely travelled together to this encampment."

"Did anyone notice anything suspicious during the journey or upon arrival at the encampment?" Hector questioned, his voice urgent.

The supply team leader furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "Well... Now that I think about it, there were a few instances that seemed odd," he replied slowly. "All the personnel from Lonsbak were overly quiet and kept to themselves. They didn't interact much with the rest of us. It seemed unusual, but I didn't pay much attention at the time."

Hector's eyes narrowed as he absorbed the information. It seemed likely that these people had purposely isolated themselves to avoid arousing suspicion.

The puzzle pieces were slowly coming together, and a realization hit him like a thunderbolt. "How could we have missed it?" the Marquess muttered. A surge of surprise and disbelief coursed through his veins, mingled with a growing sense of urgency.

The Ryntum might have cunningly infiltrated the camp by impersonating members of the Inverloch supply team.

Hector's mind raced as he considered the implications. If the Ryntum had managed to infiltrate the camp, it meant that their cover could still be intact, posing a significant threat to the safety of their forces.

Time was of the essence, and swift action was needed to identify and neutralize the enemy infiltrators.

He turned to the supply team leader, a sense of urgency in his voice. "We need to conduct a thorough investigation. Gather all available personnel and search the camp meticulously. Look for any signs of suspicious behaviour."

"Understood, my lord," The supply team leader nodded, his expression determined. "I will also assemble a search party immediately."

"Good. Don't forget to strengthen our defences and implement strict security measures. Double the guard at the camp entrances. We can't afford to let anyone unauthorized slip through our defences."

"I will enforce your orders immediately," said the supply team leader.

As the supply team leader hurriedly left to gather the information, Hector's gaze hardened as he turn to the cook. "Notify all units to remain vigilant and report any unusual activity without hesitation. Do not engage with them on your own."

The cook, shaken by the events, nodded in agreement. "We'll keep a close eye on everyone."

Another wave of chaos swept through the camp as investigations were conducted to find the infiltrators. Suspicion and tension hung heavy in the air as every individual came under scrutiny.

A messenger was swiftly dispatched to the nearby Barlia camp, carrying the urgent request to check their status. Hector wishes to know whether their encampment shares the same fate with Inverloch or not since they were close in proximity. 

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