Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 253 Back To The Capital

On the deck of the flagship, the First Fleet Admiral stood tall and unwavering, his eyes fixed on General Braun. A silent communication passed between them, an unspoken message conveyed through the intensity of their gazes.

It was a warning, clear and resolute. If General Braun dared to make a move against the beleaguered soldiers on the shore, the mighty cannons of the Ryntum First Fleet would rain down a devastating bombardment upon the beach.

The admiral's steely resolve mirrored the readiness of his crew, their fingers hovering over the triggers, poised to unleash a torrent of destruction.

The confrontation on the shore reached a precipice, a delicate balance teetering on the edge.

The seconds feel like an eternity.

All eyes remained locked on the admiral and General Braun, waiting to see who would yield to the unspoken threat, and who would make the first move in this high-stakes standoff.

General Braun's face contorted with a mixture of frustration and begrudging acknowledgement.

The presence of the Ryntum First Fleet had thwarted his plans, forcing him to reconsider his next move. Reluctantly, he muttered through clenched teeth, "I guess you all are lucky today. Everyone, RETREAT!"

With those words, General Braun signalled his troops to stand down, reluctantly accepting the order. 

The tension that had hung in the air began to dissipate, replaced by a collective exhale of relief from the beleaguered soldiers of Ryntum-Naharog.

Their lives had been spared, for now, thanks to the formidable presence of their fleet.

Blande troops slowly began to retreat. On the opposite side, the admiral of the Ryntum First Fleet maintained a steady gaze, ensuring that the enemy did not attempt any treacherous moves. 

Once the enemy moves far from the shore, wasted no time in issuing his order. "Go and pick up our fellow comrades."

Boats were swiftly lowered into the water, their oars slicing through the waves with urgency. One by one, the weary soldiers of Ryntum-Naharog were plucked from the shore, their battered forms lifted into the safety of the waiting boats.

The Ryntum-Naharog soldiers, weary and famished, were greeted on the warships with open arms. The crew members of the First Fleet attended to their immediate needs, providing nourishing food and warm clothing.

Amidst the bustling activity on deck, Bain Lawrance sought out the First Fleet's admiral, his own gratitude evident on his face.

As they came face to face, both men exchanged introductions, acknowledging the significance of their encounter in this critical moment.

"Bain Lawrance, Ryntum Chief of Army," Bain introduced himself, his voice carrying a mixture of exhaustion and gratitude. 

The admiral of the First Fleet, standing tall and resolute, replied, "I am Admiral Kellan Stormrider, the admiral of the first fleet. It appears our timely arrival has saved your troops from a dire fate."

Bain nodded, "Indeed, Admiral Stormrider. Your fleet's intervention was nothing short of miraculous. Words weren't enough to convey my gratitude to you, admiral. You really save our life back there."

Admiral Stormrider offered a reassuring smile. "It is our duty to protect and aid our allies in times of need. Rest assured, we will safely transport you to the capital."

Bain felt a surge of relief wash over him as the weight of responsibility eased from his weary shoulders. "Thank you, Admiral Stormrider," he said earnestly.

The warships of the Ryntum First Fleet gracefully navigated the waters and sailed into the naval base of Bideford. The base stood as a bastion of maritime power, built with sturdy stone walls and imposing fortifications.

The entrance to the base was guarded by imposing cannons, their gleaming barrels pointing out towards the open sea, ready to defend against any potential threat.

Tall masts of warships lined the docks, their sails neatly furled, showcasing the might and prowess of the fleet. The air was filled with the unmistakable scent of salt water.

Inside the base, orderly rows of naval buildings and warehouses stretched as far as the eye could see. a mix of timber and stone structures, adorned with intricately carved details, lined the pathways. Naval personnel bustled about, their uniforms bearing the insignia of the Ryntum navy, a symbol of their dedication and loyalty to the crown.

The heart of the base housed the command centre, a grand edifice with tall windows that overlooked the port and the gulf. Maps and charts adorned the walls, showcasing the intricate knowledge of the seas acquired through exploration.

The warships carrying the rescued soldiers docked. They were greeted by a disciplined group of naval personnel, their crisp blue uniforms reflecting a sense of order and authority. 

"Admiral Stormrider, you're back from patrol a bit earlier than previous days." greeted one of the senior officers. His eyes then scanned the First Fleet, noticing that the number of ships was smaller than in the morning. "Why are there fewer ships? Did you engage in battle?"

"I wish I could say we had been in battle, but no," he replied with a tinge of disappointment. "I send some ship to complete the patrol while I came here early to transport these soldiers I rescue."

"Rescued?" His curiosity was piqued. The officer scanned the tired and battle-worn soldiers disembarking from the ships. "What happened, Admiral?"

Admiral Stormrider recounted the events that had transpired. He spoke of how these soldiers were on the brink of getting slaughtered by the enemy. His miraculously timely arrival allows the Ryntum-Naharog soldiers to escape.

"That... sad to hear," the officer replied with a hint of concern. "I'm not sure how the public would accept this news of defeat."

"Well...We don't have to tell anyone except the king and some higher-ups. They need to be aware of the situation. The lost is pretty big and might cause a big shift in the war." said the admiral. 

The admiral immediately issued an order for the rescued troops to stay in the naval base for the time being. They would be given the care and support they needed, allowing them time to recover from their ordeal and await further instructions.

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