Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 244 Should We Split?

"Where did the rest of them go?" Bain asked while peering through the binoculars.

His concern grew as he realized that a significant portion of the Barlia soldiers seemed to have vanished from the battlefield.

Immediately, he ordered a group of scouts to investigate the situation and gather intelligence on the whereabouts of the missing troops.

After a short while, the scouts returned with crucial information. "Sir, it appears that approximately half of the Barlia forces have moved towards Szazki," one of the scouts reported.

Bain's expression turned grim as he processed this news. He understood the implications of such a move. "Damn it! This complicates our situation." He muttered to himself.

"Err... That's not all, sir," the scout spoke up, hesitantly.

Bain's attention snapped back to the scout. His brows furrowed as he turned to the scout, sensing there was more to the situation. "What do you mean?" he asked again.

The scout hesitated for a moment before continuing, "It appears another faction has entered this region."

His voice grew urgent as he inquired, "And who it might be?"

"It's the Inverloch Empire," the scout replied, his voice trembling slightly.

Bain's eyes widened in surprise as he heard the scout's words. The entrance of the Inverloch Empire into the region added an additional layer of complexity to the already volatile situation.

"Inverloch Empire?" Bain repeated, his voice filled with concern. That name almost takes away his breath and causes him a headache.

He knew that the empire was a formidable force with a reputation for military prowess. Their involvement could potentially tip the balance of power and significantly impact the outcome of the ongoing conflict.

"What's the matter?" Gliibious asked, wondering why Bain hadn't issued an order yet.

"Barlia split and aim for Szazki. Plus, we have a new player in the town." He informed the fire priest. "Inverloch join the fray."

"No wonder they seem small compared to before. Now, what's our next move, young man? Split the army?" ask Gliibious.

Bain took a moment to consider Gliibious' question, weighing the options carefully in his mind. 

"We cannot afford to split our forces at this critical juncture," Bain replied. "They are massive in numbers. If we divide our forces, we risk weakening our defences and becoming vulnerable to simultaneous attacks from multiple directions."

Bain paused briefly, contemplating the best course of action. "Instead, we need to reposition ourselves closer to the city so they can support us. But, before that..."

He turns to the fire priest, "Can you cast the magic attack from earlier?"

"You mean ignition wave? Sure I can." Gliibious responded. "Wait? Are we going to attack or retreat?"

"Both," Bain replied curtly. "We are going to jab them first, unleash the ignition wave, and then strategically retreat to a better position."

"Isn't it too risky? What if we got attacked while attacking?" asked the priest.

"We won't," Bain reassured. "According to the scouts, they haven't captured Szazki yet. So, we still have time."

With the plan in place, Bain swiftly ordered the army to prepare for the imminent clash. The soldiers moved with purpose and confidence. Their spirits were bolstered by their initial success.

As the evening sun bathed the battlefield in warm hues, the soldiers stood tall and resolute. They knew that with Gliibious, a skilled magic user, on their side, their chances of victory were significantly enhanced.

There was an air of assurance and determination among them, replacing any previous tension.

At Bain's signal, the soldiers unleashed a deafening roar as they fired their artillery and firearms. Explosions rocked the battlefield with projectiles filling the sky. 

However, Barlia, unwilling to passively absorb the onslaught, responded swiftly.

Their artillery thundered in response, unleashing a barrage of projectiles aimed at Bain's forces. The air filled with the sound of whistling shells and the ground shook as explosions erupted around them.

Barlias's projectiles, unfortunately, didn't make it to their target.

"Fire Shield!" With a wave of Gliibious hand, a shimmering barrier of fire materialized. The soldiers once again watched the magic in awe. 

Bain, his voice carrying above the clamour of battle, issued a daring order. "Advance! Take this chance to close the gap between us and the enemy!"

Responding swiftly to their leader's command, the soldiers surged forward with Gliibious at the centre, maintaining his shield. 

As the distance between the two armies diminished, the contrasting effectiveness of the weaponry became evident.

Ryntum's firearms proved superior, boasting shorter reloading times and a higher rate of fire compared to Barlia's weaponry. The soldiers of Ryntum unleashed a relentless barrage of bullets, their rifles spitting fire and smoke.

The ferocity and precision caused Barlia to struggle to match the rapid onslaught of bullets raining upon them. Not to mention the damn shield that prevents their ammunition from flying to its target.

Despite the overwhelming odds, soldiers on the frontlines of Barlia's defence displayed remarkable resilience. Each fallen soldier was quickly replaced by another, proving the abundance of manpower they possessed. 

As the battle was in favour of Ryntum-Naharog for a couple of hours, the fire priest shouted to Bain, "Young man, we need to retreat now!" he urged, his voice tinged with concern. "My mana is almost depleted."

Bain's brows furrowed in frustration. He had been swept up in the thrill of the intense battle, eager to press their advantage and deliver a decisive blow. 

"Urghh! Why now?" Bain grumbled, his disappointment evident. "Things are just about to get interesting."

Nevertheless, he recognized the disastrous result they would suffer if they continue to fight without that fire shield.

Right now, they are in dangerously close proximity to Barlia's artillery and frontlines.

No matter how backward Barlia's weaponry is, there's no way they would miss the target at this distance. 

With a heavy sigh, Bain raised his voice to command his troops. "Everyone! Fall back! We have done enough damage! I repeat, fall back!"

The soldiers, their adrenaline still pumping, reluctantly complied with the order. They maintained their discipline and formation as they withdrew, covering one another. 

Fire Priest Gliibious help the retreat process by casting a final spell with the remnant of mana he has. He channelled the mana within him out, emitting a radiant burst of energy, "Blazing radiance!"

The blazing radiance creates a dazzling burst of light and heat, temporarily blinding enemies within its radius.

Thanks to that spell, Ryntum-Naharog's troops retreated to a safe distance with minimal loss.

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