Release That Succubus

Chapter 224 224 Barge In

This was a police station and it was normal for the public to want to enter but these cops were acting as if they were guarding some imperial treasures behind them. They pulled out their swords in order to threaten Luke but couldn't deter his burning gaze.

"Stop, the police station is out of bounds for today. No one is allowed to go inside by the order of the captain." The cops used their last resort to bring Luke to a halt.

Luke wasn't deterred by the small hurdle. He pushed through the blockade of cops knowing that they wouldn't dare to stop him outside in full view of the public. After all, even he could tell that they had no right to stop the public from entering the police station to demand justice no matter what the situation in there might be.

Luke was furious as he watched how the police were working to hide a crime being committed in their very own police station. All of them were rotten to the core. As a part of the military, he felt shame as he watched them act in such a pathetic and humiliating manner. They were truly dragging their uniforms and the entire justice system through the mud.

As the guards stood in his way as the last resort to put a stop to his advances, Luke rammed tucked in his arms and slammed his wide shoulder into the cops in front of him, knocking them to the ground in an ugly manner. 

Before the other guards could take the place of the knocked down cops, Luke pulled on the hilt of his silver sword that was designed like a greatsword but had the length of a shortsword. It seemed like a hybrid of the two that he could wield with a single hand but had enough force and weight behind it to shatter the bones of its target in one hit.

"I swear anyone of you who dares to stand in my way today will die by my hands. My sword hasn't tasted blood in a while; I want to see who amongst you has the courage to stop me when you don't even have the nerve to stop an injustice happening in your very station."

It didn't take long for the police officers to recognize the sword that Luke was wielding. All the courage they had melted in that instant. They were no more the rowdy bunch who had barged into the Windsor family to arrest the leader of the family with smug expressions. Instead they were cowering to the side as they stared at Luke in horror. 

The silver sword that Luke was wielding was a gift from the emperor. The red gem adorning the edge of the hilt was undoubtedly an imperial red jade. The imperial red jade was the symbol of the current emperor and no one in the entire empire was allowed to use it on their person unless gifted by the emperor himself.

As Luke was a famous personality in the city due to his odd upbringing despite being a prince of the royal family, even the cops knew of his identity. The red gem could only mean that the sword had been given to the prince by the currently serving emperor which revealed the fact that Luke would not be held liable to any crime when he was using that sword. 

Even the law had no right to tarnish the imperial honor. The emperor was after all the greatest authority in the empire. He was even above the law in some situations.I think you should take a look at

The only restriction for Luke was that he couldn't wield it against any member of royalty. Other than that he was free to kill anyone he wanted and no one would be able to hold him accountable except the emperor.  Therefore, it was the perfect time to use the authority that came with the sword.

The guards saw the fire burning in his eyes and backed out of his way as if avoiding a plague. They looked completely spineless in front of Luke who forcefully barged into the police station despite the resistance.

Luke didn't bother sheathing his sword that gleamed with a silver luster with a tinge of red that came from the reflection of light through the imperial red jade studded into the hilt. It gave the sword a fiery appearance.

He charged straight towards the prison cells and not a single policeman dared to get in his way. It seemed that they were already aware of the incident that happened outside.

Luke charged towards the cells with hurried steps holding the naked sword in his hand as he threateningly waved it around from time to time when he came across a new police officer. There were several cells lined on both sides of the narrow corridor that he was currently walking through. He took his time as he kept watch on both sides out of the corner of his eyes and walked faster in order to cover more ground.

As soon as he turned the next corner, he saw a congregation of jailers standing in front of a cell at the end of that corridor. He could tell that something wrong was brewing there and decided to take a look. 

The jailers all turned towards him and were flabbergasted as to how Luke managed to enter the deepest part of the prison without triggering the alarm.

They subconsciously tried to grab on to their weapons but none of the jailers carried their swords into the prison as a rule to avoid the possibility of the prisoners getting their hands on a weapon. The only thing they had on their person was a wooden baton they used to beat up unruly prisoners.

When Luke came closer he realized that the person in the cell was none other than Marico whom he had been looking for. What he saw next caused his eyes to turn completely bloodshot.

Several jailers were in the cell holding wooden batons which they were using to torture Marico illegally. Luke knew that such practices were completely against the law and no officer of the law had the authority to torture any prisoner in their custody.

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