Reincarnator’s Stream

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Omar Schneider. He was a well-known named player, even among non-rankers. Only on the 3rd floor. Yet Schneider’s name was renowned due to his eccentric obsession.

Ten years. A full decade. For a talented player, that’s enough time to reach the 5th or even the 6th floor. But Schneider stayed on the 3rd floor for that entire duration.

Despite meeting all the conditions to advance, he remained for one reason. His unwavering determination to conquer Thunder Cave.

“Tomorrow, we’ll finally meet him.”

Across from Omar Schneider sat player Don Zhao, smirking.

“That arrogant bastard.”

“Indeed. Claiming he’ll conquer Thunder Cave solo on his first try. Ridiculous.”

The player responding beside him was also from Blue Zone and had made several attempts at Thunder Cave alongside Schneider.

In the Thunder Cave conquest team, the hot topic lately was, of course, Lee Suhyuk’s solo stream from a few days ago.

“I’ll be challenging it alone.”

Claiming he would tackle Thunder Cave solo. That shocking statement must have infuriated Schneider the most.

“Isn’t that right, Team Leader?”

“He speaks as if he doesn’t understand what Thunder Cave is about. Team Leader, don’t mind him.”

But to everyone’s surprise.

“I don’t.”

Contrary to expectations, Schneider seemed calm and unbothered.

“He has the right to be arrogant.”

His eyes shone blue like embedded jewels. His beard was perfectly groomed, and his sharp features resembled a portrait. Schneider’s reputation was partly due to his striking appearance.

“No matter how short his experience is, he’s the new wielder of lightning. The very power we desire.”

“That’s true, but Team Leader, isn’t he being too audacious?”

“Right. He thinks he’s the real Lee Suhyuk just because he obtained lightning. Otherwise…”


Schneider shook his head at his team members’ complaints.

“What we should have towards him now isn’t envy or disdain. And certainly not to belittle his achievements.”

“Are you saying we should respect him?”

“If necessary, yes. Don’t you agree?”

Having said that, Schneider turned to look outside the carriage window, signaling no more discussion. His comrades, observing his words and actions, clicked their tongues in disbelief.

‘Our Team Leader…’

‘His pride’s taken a real hit.’

Although they spoke differently, it was obvious. They had been with Schneider for years, striving to conquer Thunder Cave.

His pride was deeply wounded. Not because Lee Suhyuk obtained lightning. What pricked Schneider’s pride was hearing the name Thunder Cave from Suhyuk’s stream.

Thunder Cave, Schneider’s long-standing ambition and goal. As soon as it was mentioned by Suhyuk, Schneider eagerly awaited the upcoming tournament.

‘This is trouble. For Lee Suhyuk.’

Don Zhao watched the outside, thinking about how Schneider was now sharpening his knife mentally.

‘Not just Thunder Cave… What is Suhyuk thinking, provoking this monstrous man?’


‘Omar Schneider…’

Upon returning to his lodging and removing his mask, Suhyuk mulled over Un Hyang’s words.

“Schneider is likely holding a grudge. Your declaration of soloing Thunder Cave on the stream invalidates and mocks his ten years of effort.”

He hadn’t intended to do that. Suhyuk hadn’t even known about Schneider. Yet, now he found himself intrigued by Omar Schneider.

“What an interesting weirdo.”

It wasn’t hard to gather information about Schneider. Without even needing to search, Un Hyang had already prepared it.


“I knew you’d be curious. Here you go.”

Un Hyang was diligent in her role as a manager. What she handed him was a file summarizing information about Schneider.


‘He started to stand out about five years ago. That’s also when he joined Blue Zone.’

The first article about Schneider was from five years ago.

『A Late Bloomer: At the Heart of Thunder Cave Conquest.』

A late bloomer. The phrase sounded good, but it wasn’t exactly a flattering descriptor.

‘It means he’s more of a hard-worker.’

To a player, talent was everything. Very few players could surpass the limits of their talent, while countless others vanished without making a name for themselves, like grains of sand in the desert.

However, there were the rare few. Those who overcame their limits and became known as “late bloomers”, as the article called them.

‘He’s overcome his limits.’

『Omar Schneider: Nearing the End of Thunder Cave. Just One More Step?』

At least on the 3rd floor, he was an unrivaled powerhouse. His obsession with conquering Thunder Cave. The relentless effort to achieve that goal. The odds on Players Channel were also the lowest for him at 1.4.

Most people were betting on Schneider’s victory.

‘I wondered why they were bold enough to hold such a tournament…’

There was a reason why they confidently offered Blue Eyes’ keepsake as a prize. They were certain. The player from Blue Zone, Omar Schneider.

They were sure he would win the tournament, and thus the prize would eventually return to their possession.

“Interesting, Ilsoo.”

Would it really turn out that way?

If that’s what they anticipated, he wanted to ask them. Would they still think the same if they knew he was back?

A bustling street on the 3rd floor. The tournament hosted by Blue Zone made the streets busier than usual. Countless players were out on the streets. Participants, their acquaintances, and casual onlookers alike.

Where players gathered, a marketplace naturally formed.

“This condition… the items are good, but it looks like they were hunted haphazardly.”

Hephaestus’s General Store. A grand name borrowed from a god, the shop lived up to its name by buying and selling all kinds of items.

Items bought here were either sold at higher prices to other players or passed on to the forge.

“Let’s see… I’d say about 1,500 points.”

“What? Only that much?”

“That’s the best I can do. If you don’t like it, try elsewhere. I doubt you’ll get a better offer.”

The store owner, Groloc, said as he scratched his ear.

“Don’t like it? Well, nothing I can do. We won’t be able to make a deal here.”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll sell it for that.”

Groloc inwardly chuckled while outwardly maintaining a neutral demeanor as he paid. The leather he received was from a red troll.

‘Jackpot. Red Troll leather regenerates over time. Many don’t know that, thinking it’s useless once the creature is dead.’

Groloc thought he had struck gold, capable of selling it at three times the buying price. He welcomed his next customer with an inward grin.


Groloc’s eyes widened. It wasn’t the familiar mask that surprised him. He’d seen a few of those recently. What caught his eye were the monster remains the customer brought.

“How much for this?”

Gleaming blue scales, smooth and shimmering. The remains of the Sky Serpent, a rare and difficult beast to encounter, let alone capture so cleanly.

‘S-class. Almost no damage, perfect condition.’

Although this wasn’t his first time seeing Sky Serpent scales, he had never encountered scales in such pristine condition. His mouth watered. A significant deal was at hand.

“Ahem. Let’s see, Sky Serpent scales.”

The key to successful trading is a harmonious blend of truth and lies.

“Oh, these are in great condition. A-class. Whoever hunted this is incredibly skilled.”

“Did you take it down? Judging by this, you must be from a high place.”

“The more white waves between the blue patterns, the older it is, and the more valuable it becomes. This one’s around 200 years old.”

Compliments and sweet talk built rapport and trust. But the main point came next.

“But, well… The timing isn’t great.”

“What do you mean by timing?”

This was the first time the customer, previously silent, had spoken up. A tough customer. Groloc hid his anxiety as he replied.

“You may not know, but there’s recently been an influx of Sky Serpent scales. Demand has dropped, while supply flooded. Even kids know the law of supply and demand, right?”

“The market value has dropped, you mean?”

“Apologies if this disappoints you, but yes.”

Worried the customer might leave, Groloc quickly added.

“Still, given the condition, I’ll offer you a fair price. Normally, this amount would be worth around 10,000 points. Let’s see…”

Groloc pulled out his kit and pretended to calculate.

Even though it was a simple math, he pretended to work hard before speaking.

“Alright. I can offer you this much.”

He turned the kit’s screen towards the customer.


The number 11,000 flashed.

Suhyuk, behind his mask, looked at Groloc with a surprisingly neutral expression.

‘Not as cheap as I thought.’

Despite Groloc’s deceptive demeanor, the 11,000 points offer was slightly higher than Suhyuk’s expected 10,000 points.

‘Did I misjudge the market?’

If not for Groloc’s shady vibes, he might have accepted the deal right then. While Suhyuk hesitated.

“You’re lowballing him.”

A man nearby, eavesdropping on Suhyuk and Groloc’s conversation, clicked his tongue and interjected.

“This condition should fetch at least 5,000 points more.”

Groloc’s eyes widened. He struggled to maintain his composure, but his eyes betrayed him.

“Lately, the supply of Sky Serpent scales has plummeted. They’re exceedingly rare.”

“W-What do you mean? H-Haha. I don’t understand…”

Groloc’s flustered reaction was evident. The man’s story was the complete opposite of Groloc’s earlier lie. But Groloc’s reaction was that of someone caught in the act. This confirmed Suhyuk’s suspicion.

‘He was lowballing me.’

With a raised eyebrow, Suhyuk glared at Groloc. He never intended to accept the initial price, but a 5,000-point undercut was unacceptable.

‘And this guy…’

Suhyuk glanced sideways at the handsome man who had interrupted his negotiation with Groloc. An unfamiliar face, yet… Suhyuk had seen this man in the documents Un Hyang had provided the day before.

‘Omar Schneider.’

Blue Zone’s hidden card for the upcoming tournament.

Standing right in front of him.

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