Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 249 Little Zixin

Yang Zi couldn’t sleep for a couple of nights after the time she had seen Han Zixin with the patriarch of the Han Family in the school. She had been dreaming about her past too often these days that it had been taking a toll on her already fragile mental health. Her guilt was suffocating her to the extent that she was finding it difficult to breathe. The big and open house was caging her.

This morning, once again she slept until late. She had been using sleep to run away from the truth. But they say, you could not ever run from the truth and the past. One day, it will come to catch you.

Usually, she would be very happy to drop Mu Wanwan at school but now she was avoiding it. She wasn’t avoiding dropping her daughter at school but seeing Han Zixin again.

Mr Mu entered the living room and found his wife playing the guitar absentmindedly. He had been seeing her quite absentminded these days and honestly it was quite troubling him. He had been trying to push back having his conversation as he wanted her to come to him and share what was troubling him but it seemed like he needed to ask her now

He heard a wince and saw that his wife had her finger injured by the string. Now, the matter was getting out of hand.

“Zi, what’s wrong with you?” Mr Mu asked her in concern. “Look at your finger. It’s bleeding.” He took out the first aid box and cleared her wound before bandaging it. He asked once again “What’s wrong?”

Yang Zi shook her head. “Nothing is wrong.”

“You think I don’t feel something is not right with you?” Mr Mu asked her. He stared at her in worry, “Come on, tell me.”

Yang Zi hesitated for a moment as she didn’t know what to say. However, this time she chose to speak her mind instead of burying the truth in her heart because she was getting scared now. She whispered, “I met him.”

“Who?” Mr Mu furrowed his brows. Clearly, he didn’t understand who she was talking about.

“Little Zixin, “Yang Ze whispered as she looked at him with guilty eyes. “You know I didn’t recognise him when I first saw him. But I always used to have a warm but strong feeling whenever I used to meet him. You know he is so much taller at seventeen and looks so beautiful. Instead of looking like his father, he looks like me. He not only has my facial features, we share talent and love for music too. I’m just so overwhelmed to see him.”

Mr Mu nodded his head. It wasn’t that Yang Zi never told him about the son she left behind all those years. He knew about him. He had never stopped her from meeting her son but she never met him and he didn’t understand why it was so.

“Did you talk to him?” Mr Mu asked.

Yang Zi looked sad. “He always ignores me and I don’t blame him for that.”

Han Zixin was always ignoring him. Did it mean that he knew who she was? Her heart panicked when she realised that he didn’t like to meet her. The gazes he gave her, the attitude he had while meeting, all of it only expressed his distaste for him. Did he hate her? Maybe he hated her. It shouldn’t matter to her what he felt for her but suddenly, it was mattering too much to her. She couldn’t describe why she wanted from life or him.

“What do you want ?” Mr Mu asked. “Do you want to meet him? Do you want to contact him? Do you want to be a part of his life?”

“I don’t know, “Yang Zi said as she stared at her husband. She was so beautiful that when she stared at her with eyes full of tears, it tugged at his heart. Those eyes full of tears but strength was the reason why he fell for this beautiful woman in the first place. She went on saying, “Whenever I meet him, I want to be close to him. All those years, when I didn’t know what he looked like, I could control myself but now that I have seen him, I want to meet him, talk to him and teach him music that he actually loved but now hates because of me. What do you suggest?”

、 “Zi, you can do anything you wish, “Mr Mu said with a sigh. It was clear to him that his wife was really very sad. This matter was troubling her. He added, “Apart from me, you have your life too.”

“Am I selfish?” Yang Zi asked him finally.

“We all are selfish, “Mr Mu said with a smile. He wasn’t a selfless person either. All the sacrifices that he made to get her in his life didn’t make him a selfless person but quite the opposite.

Yang Zi sighed but didn’t say anything else. When Mr Mu left for work, she called Yang Mei, her student who was now signed with Mr Chen’s company, Unique Records and the grumpy man was her exclusive manager. In the end, Mr Chen had to give in to Yang Mei when she became a social media sensation with her unique music style.

Mr Chen always wanted Yang Mei to sign with him but she was stubborn enough to put it in her contract that she wouldn’t change her genre. She would create music that she enjoyed and he couldn’t accept it.

When Yang Mei’s music began trending on the internet, he had to give in or there were many other companies willing to sign her.

In the last four months of signing with him, Yang Mei had only soared. She was living the best of her life. She was creating music that she loved and people were liking it.

“Teacher Yang?” Yang Mei answered the call. “I’m about to enter a recording studio, can I call you later?”

“No, listen to me first, “Yang Zi said quickly. She didn’t waste time and came straight to the topic. “There is a boy you used to teach. Han Zixin, right?”


A/N: Yang Zi is the character I don’t know if I hate or like. She is very frustratingly real.

People who leaves need to understand that if they can leave on their will, they can’t come back the same way. We may not need them anymore as we humans are quite good at adapting. Once we learn to live without them, they come back haunting us.

They need to stay the heck away from us when we no longer need them or they shouldn’t leave.

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