Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 189 Who is the master mind? [three]

An Xiulan and Jiang Yao were sitting on the swing, sighing. The days had been very tiring for all of them. She had been so stressed recently. Sometimes, she wondered if her best friend was stress, not Han Zixin.

Why must she have to do the duty of a superwoman all the time?

She was here to live a life of leisure while the superheroes would save the world. Why must everyone have to chill while she has to work her ass off? That’s cheating! She didn’t come here to be a female lead. She just solved a beauty contest crisis and these people still won’t let her rest!

Jiang Yao saw An Xiulan sipping on her third milk tea of the day. “Girl, you are drinking tea again. Aren’t you full? I had two extra glasses of water in the morning and I am bloated. I’m so full. What’s your stomach even made of?”

Jiang Yao couldn’t understand how someone could be hungry all the time? How could Jiang Yao understand when An Xiukan herself had no answer for her problem?

An Xiulan glanced at Jiang Yao and sighed. “Molecules.”

“Huh?” Jiang Yao didn’t understand what she meant. Sometimes, she felt that An Xiulan didn’t even talk the human language.

“I’m made of molecules. You are made of molecules. Even the milk tea in my hand is made of molecules, ” An Xiulan sighed as if she was carrying the burden of the world on her shoulder. She was carrying the burden of the entire work on her tiny shoulders and the word had no clue about it, “See, we are nothing but molecules. Our ambitions, dreams, everything. Then, why would a molecule scheme against another molecule? Isn’t it like sabotaging their own kind?”.

“I seriously don’t understand what you are talking about, “Jiang Yao said. See, this is why she thinks that An Xiulan talked in an otherworldly language all the time.

“Your school didn’t teach you the Matter and Molecule chapter in science in middle school?” An Xiulan asked her in shock. “What kind of school is it? No wonder, you are even dumber than me.”

For the first time, she met someone more beautiful and dumber than me. She gasped. Was it actually true that beautiful people have less brains? Then, she pouted as the face of Song Xueyun entered her mind. Song Xueyun was the most beautiful girl she had ever met with the most lethal brain. Maybe, it was not entirely true and God is just impartial. She recalled how her mom was one of God’s impartial creations – beauty and brain.

“Excuse me?” Jiang Yao gaped at her. Did this girl insult her? She was called dumb?

“You are excused, ” An Xiulan quickly said. “I will quickly send you my online lecture notes on Matter and Molecules. You will learn a big life lesson.”

Sometimes, she gotta be a studious girl.

“Life season from the science chapter?” Jiang Yao asked in horror. Was physics, chemistry and Bio chapters not deadly enough that she had to take life lessons out of them too?

“Yes, we can get life lessons from anything at any time as long as you are willing to learn the life lesson. If not, you can’t even force yourself to learn what you are supposed to in the first place, ” An Xiulan told her. Just like how she told Han Zixin that they could derive life lessons from the wild flowers, she firmly believed that she could derive the life season from Matter and Molecules chapter of science too!

After all, the world is made up of molecules. There was no point fighting with molecules for molecules for molecular reasons.

She would be a big-hearted person and give up on fighting and scheming and only focus on the beautiful crown made up of molecules.

“I don’t understand why you talk like an old grandma who has gone through a lot, ” Jiang Yao couldn’t help but ask. Sometimes, she felt like An Xiulan had a painful and sad history and she was only hiding her sadness through the veil of nonsense, naivety and idiocy. This girl sounded like a very smart girl on some occasions and on other occasions, she didn’t even make sense.

Little did Jiang Yao know that An Xiulan’s intelligence was occasional.

“If I tell you this is my second life, would you believe me?” An Xiulan asked the girl who was staring at her.

She was not lying. It was her second chance at life. Many times, she told people this thing but they would just laugh at her and call her cute and funny. Well, what’s the point of calling her cute and funny when all she was doing was telling them the truth?

“Of course, “Jiang Yao snorted. “And you must be an oppressed young miss of a prominent family in ancient times. You transmigrated or whatever they call this process because your jealous siblings killed you.”

“Bingo, ” An Xiulan excitedly clapped. Finally, someone believed her words. It was like a dream come true.

However, her dream was shortly shattered.

Jiang Yao rolled her eyes. “You are reading too many trash online novels on the internet.”

“Stop talking like my brother, ” An Xiulan groaned. If she gets sick, they blame her phone and internet. If she says something stupid, they blame ber phone and the internet. Sometimes, she felt as if this cruel word and cruel brother had some problem with her phone and internet? What wrong did she commit? All she did on the internet all day was just look at handsome Oppas and ajusshis.

Like Park Seo-Joon ajusshi.

Lee Min-ho Oppa! She refused to call this Oppa Ahjussi.

Chanyeol Oppa!

RM Yeobo!

“Your brother is a hottie. Mind taking me as your sister-in-law, ” Jiang Yao suggested.

An Xiulan gasped. The image of her idols disappeared from her eyes and a disgusting image of Lu Xuan and Jiang Yao came into her head.

“Jiang Yao! Don’t forget you are eighteen and my brother is still underaged! I have no idea that you are into children. Do you know how bad it is!”

Jiang Yao made a puking expression. “Stop it. You are talking as if I’m a gold digger. Maybe I am, you are from a rich family. Your brother is handsome and rich. I just want to have an easy life where I have someone with resources to take care of me. You are young, that’s why you are saying this. When real life hits you hard, it leaves us with no choice but resorts to unfair means. Children from rich families don’t understand how hard the lives of our poor people are.”

“Yaoyao, no one is born rich. We all have to work hard for it, ” An Xiulan told her. She didn’t agree with Jiang Yao’s statement. “The life of the rich is not as easy as it seems. First, you work hard to get rich and then you work even harder to maintain that richness because a poor person can adjust to a rich life but a rich person can’t adjust to a poor life. My mom worked hard for everything to reach where she is today. “

She wasn’t saying that the life of the poor was easier than the rich. She was just saying that both lives had their challenges. Maybe, with money life could be a little bit easier but it could make you miserable too.

She smiled and went on, “Have confidence in yourself and you can be what she is today. However, good things will only come after hard work. I have never seen a person who gets everything without working for it. It only happens in a fictional world.”

Jiang Yao hummed in reply. After a long time, she said, “Life is hard. But I will do anything to make it less hard. No matter what I have to do. This is my last chance at this beauty pageant. If I don’t win Miss Sunshine, I will not be able to participate in Miss China Teen. We are rivals, Xiulan but I hope that once I win the contest, we will still remain friends. I actually like you a lot. You remind me of remaining goodness in the world.”

On the other side of the hotel, the person who was calling a certain contestant to leak the questions that were going to be asked was exposed. He was caught by the hotel security after someone tipped them about the little incident.

“Let him share the questions with that contestant, ” Madam Li said, a glint of evilness shining in her eyes. “Don’t let anyone find out that we have caught him. I want that contestant to be as oblivious as possible. She will know what struck her when she was standing on the stage.”

Her other assistant nodded her head and understood what her boss was up to. “We found out what the girl lured him with but he refused to disclose her identity.”

“What did she offer?” Madam Li asked.

“Sexual favours in name of love and marriage, ” The assistant replied and Madam Li closed her eyes as if she couldn’t even dare to imagine about it.

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