Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 173 Miss Sunshine {Three}

“You can also win, “An Xiulan could only console the girl. “You have the potential.”

“I can, but have you seen Ji Mao’er, “Twinkle said with a pout. “I can say she is surely in the top 5.”

“You are thinking too much. Let’s eat, “An Xiulan said as she brought Twinkle with her. Since both of them were alone, they found the company in each other. Almost all the tables were full except for Jiang Yao’s. It seemed the girls were intentionally leaving Jiang Yao alone for some reason.

One look at Ji Mao’er table and she could say why girls were leaving Jiang Yao.

It was Ji Mao’er vs Jiang Yao.

Such stupidity.

When they all were having breakfast, they were hearing the motivational speech that the director of the Miss Sunshine foundation was giving.

“This cutie is really daring, “Jiang Yao winked at An Xiulan as she took a seat on the table along with Twinkle aka Xiao Xinyi. ” You even brought a friend with you. Aren’t you afraid?”.

“Afraid of what?” An Xiulan frowned. “Oh, Ji Mao’er? What’s there to be afraid of? I only feel bad for her.”

“Why would you feel bad for her?” Twinkle asked while scrunching her nose. “Don’t and already had too many people to care about her?”

An Xiulan sighed as she looked at the table swarming with girls. “If she thinks that all these girls are her friends, she is stupid. We all are competitors. No one will know when you have to be the reason for eliminating the other one. To form camps on the first day here, this wasn’t something I had imagined.”

Jiang Yao smiled, revealing her two dimples. “This cutie is so sensible.”

An Xiulan felt shy. She was still a sucker for praise. She needed to form immunity against praise.

“Who are you sharing the room with?” Jiang Yao asked her after a while.

“Umm, they already revealed it?” An Xiulan asked. She didn’t know about it. Where was the when they announced this?

“Well, they need not to, ” Jiang Yao shrugged. “Look at the number on your badge, the one carrying number 1 will share with one carrying 30 and so on.”

“Mine is three, ” Twinkle announced as she glanced at her badge.

“Mine is 18, ” An Xiulan said as she looked at the badge.

Jiang Yao pouted. “So, you are roomies. I wonder who I will have to share the room with.”

“What’s your number?” Twinkle asked after a while as she munched on bread.

“1, ” Jiang Yao shrugged.

“Ji Mao’er’s number is 16, ” An Xiulan whispered. She had noticed it when she had glanced at the girl before. Well, she didn’t think Jiang Yao would have such shit luck but here she was. Sharing the room with the girl who declared her as her nemesis on the very first day.

“All the best, ” Twinkle and An Xiulan could only wish this for the girl. While they were sitting there having breakfast, three girls visited their table and their gazes fell on An Xiulan.

“We have been just curious, “The girls said with the brightest smile on their faces.

“About?” Jiang Yao asked as she lazily looked at the three of them.

“Not talking to you, ” The girls said with attitude and pointed their fingers at An Xiulan. “Is your height enough for you to enter the contest? I have never seen such a short pageant contestant before.”

An Xiulan blinked her eyes as she felt that she was just called short. Only Lu Xuan could call her teeny or shorty. The rest of them had no right calling her short!

“Thankfully, Miss Sunshine just lowered the height criteria this year, ” An Xiulan retorted with a harmless smile. “Because they felt it was just an unnecessary stumble.”

“I can see why you passed the audition, “The second girl said. ” You are good with words. Never mind, we will see each other on the battleground soon. Bieeee. Bieeee.”

As the three of them sashayed away, she looked at Jiang Yao and Twinkle and asked, “What was that?”

Both Jiang Yao and Twinkle shrugged their shoulders.

“You are lucky, ” Twinkle pouted as she looked at An Xiulan. “The stars are in your favour.”

“What have I done?” An Xiulan sighed.

“None of them consider you as a competition, ” Twinkle said with a pout. “This means you are safe. You can stay in the background while the bigger fishes will be ruthlessly killing each other on the battleground. You can make your way over the dead bodies.”

“What’s up with your violent vocabulary?” An Xiulan asked. “She said we will meet at the battleground. You are talking about fishes and dead bodies. I’m still a baby at heart. Don’t scare me. My mom is not here to console me.”

Jiang Yao and Twinkled looked at An Xiulan and teased her. “Aww, our Xiulan is a baby. Come to momma.”

The breakfast ended and the girls walked to their rooms. Jiang Yao and Ji Moa’er’s room was next to An Xiulan and Twinkle’s.

“I feel bad for Jiang Yao, ” Twinkle said as she opened her luggage and took out a face mask. She removed her makeup and put on a face mask. “Ah, my skin is finally able to breathe. I can’t wear makeup for longer intervals.”

“You should give time to your skin to breathe or pimples will break out, ” An Xiulan said. Since there was no other activity scheduled today. She also removed her make-up and changed into another set of clothes.

When Twinkle was doing her skin care routine, she walked to the gym that was empty at this hour and began practising her dance moves. She wasn’t that good at dancing but she was still better at dancing than singing. This was the reason why she was diligently practising for the talent-showing round.

In her white top and yoga pants, she was practising oblivious of the fact that Live Streaming had begun again. This time they weren’t supposed to show the contestants but the venue.

However, a certain someone got caught on the camera practising dance moves.

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