Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 139 An Advice

“An advice, “Han Nanxian patted his shoulder. “Eye any girl but her. You don’t even know who she is. Her twin is the gangster of the school who had a history of beating anyone black and blue who goes after her. And her best friend is no one else but Han. Did you forget how Han threw you in the swimming pool because you thought pranking a sick person by dumping a bucket of cold water was cool? “

“It was freezing cold and the Bastard threw me in the pool, “Shawn muttered under his breath. “I’m no longer the same boy. I will show him who is the real boss.”

“Call him bastard once again and see how you will find your tongue swimming in the same swimming pool, “Han Nanxian kindly said with an ever-so-kind smile.

“I’m your cousin!” Shawn argued. “Why do you always take his side!”

“And he is my brother, “Han Nanxian replied in a calm tone.

“Our mothers are sisters!” Shawn argued once again.

“He and I share the same father, “Han Nanxian replied. “You have to agree that his and mine relationship will always be closer than yours and mine. You come once in two or three years to visit and he grew up before my eyes. He is my little brother.”.

“And what am I?” Shawn asked stubbornly.

“You are my cousin, “Han Nanxian replied. “You have siblings and so do I. Han is my brother. Same mother or not! It’s a fact that not even you can change.”

“I don’t understand why you don’t see me in the same light, “Shawn muttered under his breath.

“Shawn, “Han Nanxian said calmly. “Just like how you can’t give me your sister’s place in your life and heart, I can’t give you Han’s. Han is Han and you are you. That’s it!”

Shawn left the room in a fit of anger. When he reached the living room, he saw his mother chatting with his Uncle Han.

“What’s wrong with you son?” His mother, He Mei asked. She could see that his precious son didn’t look happy.

“Mom, let’s go back!” Shawn announced. “I don’t want Han Nanxian to help me with my studies.”

“Will you at least tell me what’s wrong?” He Mei asked her son.

“All he sees is his little brother. Why are we even in this country when he doesn’t need us? It’s only you who cares about your nephew. Can’t you see that your nephew doesn’t care for you?” Shawn yelled. “He would rather have his little brother than me.”

He Mei pursed her lips. She didn’t like Han Zixin. She didn’t have any problem with that boy but with his existence. Her sister hadn’t even died for two years when her brother-in-law had already impregnated another woman. Han Nanxian was only two years old when Han Zixin was born.

The He family was not happy with the existence of a Bastard child in Han Naxian’s life who was born as the heir of the Han family. They didn’t say anything as the child was never added to their family’s registry but three years ago when Old Han added the child to the registry, the He family was enraged.

Han Zixin was nothing but a stain on the perfect image of Han Nanxian. The He family couldn’t help but want to wipe that stain from his life.

Han Nanxian was precious to them. Han Zi Qiu, Han Nanxian’s father had to do something about this matter.

“He Mei, Ah Xian is attached to that boy, “Han Zi Qiu said. “I tried to separate them but to no avail. If we force An Xian to be away from the boy, we might end up losing him. So, it’s better to ignore his words and attitude. He is sick and sick children are cranky and frustrated. Shawn should humour his sick cousin more.”

He Mei wanted to speak but she was ruthlessly crushed by Han Zi Qiu. Her brother-in-law was saying that it was Shawn’s fault who wasn’t accommodating enough to Han Nanxian as the latter was sick. Shawn was a spoiled kid and a brat who was used to his life being the centre of the universe. But it was time that he understood that his life in the States had come to an end; he was in a different country where he could no longer live the same life.

“Brother-in-law, Shawn is just a kid who doesn’t like that boy, “He Mei said with a stiff smile. “He loves his elder cousin who never pays him back with the same feelings. What will you do if one day you are replaced by that boy in your own son’s life?”

“I will take care of that, “Han Zi Qiu said with a straight face.

Upstairs, Han Nanxian called his grandfather.

“Yeye, “Han Nanxian deliberately used a pitiful tone.

“My dear grandson, why don’t you look happy?” Han Qian asked as he looked at his grandson through the screen.

“Dad asked me to rest again because I got a dust allergy, “Han Nanxian said. “I miss you Yeye. I want to come and visit you but…”

“That father of yours is not sending you to me?” Han Qian booked angrily.

“Don’t worry, my dear grandson. I will call that dunderhead’s assistant and give him a piece of mind. You have a summer break and you are still confined in your house. Just how dare he!” Han Qian spoke nonstop. “I should have brought you to me along with Ah Xin. That dunderhead son of mine! Lord knows what God was thinking when he was created.”

“Yeye, I heard Han went to summer camp, “Han Nanxian asked.

“Yes, your brother went to summer camp with my granddaughter, “Han Qian told him.

“Just how many children does my father have?” Han Nanxian muttered to himself.

“You!!” Han Qian was rendered speechless. “I’m talking about the adorable fella that spent the entire day at our house. Since she spends most of her time here, I just took her in as my granddaughter.”

“Yeye, you are getting comfortable with stranger’s children, ” Han Nanxian teased his grandfather.

“Brat, you are getting too comfortable with teasing this old man, “He heard his grandfather say. “Don’t worry, I will send my assistant to pick you up this evening. We will go to City T for sightseeing. It’s too hot here.”


A/N: There are some people who only exist to make you wonder why they exist? Lol!

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