Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: Chapter 97 – Hand in marriage

“Then is it okay if I get engaged to her? Do I have your approval?”

Everyone froze.

Especially Feng was shocked after hearing his words. ‘Is that the reason he was being so forward with me? I thought he wanted to be friends.. looks like he had other motives. It’s best to stay away from him,’

“Do I have your approval?” he whispered once again nervously.

Feng Mei glanced at lady Hiliana. ‘no..I don’t wish to be engaged..... this is a game for god’s sake. Never!’

Lady Hiliana scoffed.

Lady Perlin, who was smiling till now, frowned deeply. “Who is this presumptuous young man’s sister? He is getting on my nerve. How dare he try to ask my niece’s hand?”


“Presumptuous indeed.” Lady Hiliana threw a glare at him. “Sir Yu, you have lost your privileges to teach at our family,”

“Why? You knew why I wanted to get close to her, yet you allowed it. Now you are against it? Why?” Yubiri confusedly looked at her.

Lady Hiliana fully turned toward him. Her eyes narrowed till it was only slits. “Feng thought of you as her friend. That was the only reason why I allowed you. Don’t even think you can get married to her!!”

“Why not? I am rich, I am powerful and Its very well known that I can take good care of her forever. Why won’t you approve,”

“The audacity.” Lady Hiliana turned away without any word. “Your delusions will not come true, young mage. Better forget it,”

Yubiri silently clenched his hands. “Is it because she is too young? I can wait if you would like that,”

“Enough!! Stop this madness right now. I have no interest in giving her away to the likes of you,”

“Likes of me? What does that mean? I am a reputed mage. Why are you prejudicing against me so?”

Lady Hiliana glanced at him with a sneer. “I am not prejudiced, rather I’m cautious. Have you, for once, revealed your true face to us? Why do you expect me to give my daughter’s hands to a person who is so keen on hiding his true identity?”

Feng Mei who was watching all this, shrunk back. ‘ummmm... things are getting too heated. Oh my god, what if the mage loses his cool and attacks lady Hiliana... shit it is all because of me?...’

Aiden pulled her close and hugged her softly. His small hands simply cupped her ears. “Don’t listen he mouthed with a small smile.

Feng’s eyes started to tear up. ‘I don’t want lady Hiliana to cross him. He might easily kill her... what do I do....’

As soon as he noticed Yubiri turned over to her she stood in front of lady Hiliana with her arms stretched out. “Don’t....”

Yubiri glanced at her in shock. “Feng, what is the matter? Are you okay?” he reached to her but the little girl shrunk away from his touch.

The game character Yubiri was set to be a stoic and a very possessive man. Anyone who tried to separate him from his beloved would get slaughtered.

Now that he has professed his love for her, then that would only mean..... he might be willing to go any length to get her.

“Please... don’t hurt anyone.. don’t..” she mumbled, shaking her head.

Yubiri shook his head in shock. “I promise not to hurt anyone. Please don’t cry. I don’t wish to see you in tears.. please... I was only expressing my adoration to her..”

“Sir yu.” Lady Hiliana said sternly. “Enough,”

Yubiri glanced at Feng with his eyes wide open. “I-I...I’m sorry.” he opened the door and swiftly jumped out.

“wait!!!” Feng glanced out in shock. To her surprise, he was floating in the middle of the sky. His shoes were slightly glowing with a weird sign drawn on them.

“I’m okay Feng... just... I need some time. I will meet you later,”

“Don’t bother,” lady Hiliana gently held Feng and closed the door. “The audacity of that man. Seriously, I have warned him time and time, not to mention this, yet here he goes yapping on how he wants to marry my child.”

Lady Perlin gently patted her sister’s stiff shoulders. “yes... but that young man seems promising. He must be at least B grade magician if he is able to fly like that,”

“I don’t care, I still don’t approve,” lady Hiliana was firm in her stance. “I just adopted my daughter, yet he wants me to just engage her to him. How dare he.” She humped and hugged Feng softly in her embrace. “Feng, don’t bother with that man’s words,”

“hmm...” Feng glanced up at her worriedly. ‘Wh-what do we do now? Yubiri seemed quite angered with the lady. Why did he even propose to me.... that was super random? Was this his purpose from the beginning or does he still have a deeper purpose in doing so?,’

Her mind was filled with so many speculation and assumptions, with no conclusion in sight.

As she was looking around dazed, she noticed ell sitting slumped in the corner. ‘She does not look good? She must have been agitated seeing that fight,’

Elle did seem close to Yubiri maybe his departure might have hurt her a bit.

“I’m sorry...” looking at her.

“It’s not your fault...” Elle mumbled with a sad smile on her face.

“What do you have to be sorry about? It was never your fault. I should have not given that man the leeway to get close to my kids.” lady Hiliana chided with a small pout. “See Perlin? Because of that man my children are burdened with guilt,”

“hmm..” lady Perlin gently hugged Elle, who was close to her. “yes children should not hear arguments like this. Maybe you should have held back your anger sister. A calm conversation in a closed room would have worked much better,”‘

Lady Hiliana humped. She, too, reached forward and hugged Elle to her lap. “I’m sorry for ruining your mood, little ones. Why don’t we have cake tonight, maybe that will bring up the mood,”

Elle glanced up with shimmering eyes. “cake? Yes, please~~~”

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