Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 311 Noble Demon Lensa

"I got the others to use the alternate exit, they should be here in a minute.

So now can you tell me what's going on he-!!!!!!!!"

The words of the tall, black-haired and green-eyed demon were cut short as she scanned the appearances of the three people standing opposite her, starting with Eliza on the left, Evan in the middle and finally Greed on the right.

She reflexively took a step back the moment she set her eyes on Greed, with her whole body beginning to tremble in fear as she spoke with chattering teeth.

"h-h-h-how i-s yo-youu h-h-h-h-h-he-re?!"

Even her grammar turned strange as she pointed to Greed while slowly backing away in fear.

Seeing this, Evan turned to Greed and spoke.

"You siblings' faces seem to have been quite popular in the demon world. The last demon I met also recognized your sister at a glance, and now this one too."

"Of course, we are popular.

I bet records of us containing our appearances are still in circulation around the demon world till now. We are THE Seven Deadly Sins, after all."

Faerora's eyes widened in shock as she heard the words that came out of Greed's mouth, with Lensa's next mutter confirming it.

"S-s-in of G-G-G-reeeed!"

Evan once again turned to Greed and spoke casually, ignoring the demon having a panic attack in front of him.

"You also seem to have been quite notorious as every demon who sees you guys gets scared shitless.

If this is her reaction to seeing just you, what would she do if Pride was also here?"

Luckily for Lensa, she was currently overtaken by her fear and could not hear what Evan was saying, otherwise, she might have just had a heart attack that instant.

It was at this moment that the other members of the demonic hand who were underground began surfacing, with some jumping out of the hole in the ground like Lensa did while others appeared from other directions.

The ones who appeared first and heard the words spoken by their leader's contracted demon, almost jumped back into the hole in fear as the stories of the seven deadly sins that they had been told, all depicted the seven high demons to be powerful and ruthless existences, whose tyranny didn't even spare fellow members of their own race.

The middle and lower-ranked members of the demonic hand trooped into the area, surrounding Evan, Eliza and Greed in an attempt to pressure them with superior numbers.

"They have us outnumbered, huh?"

Upon hearing Evan's calm and confident voice as he grabbed the sword that was stabbed into the ground, Faerora wasn't sure if the numbers would mean anything to the boy.

Before she could even say anything, she felt a wave of demonic energy erupt from beside her and spread out into the surroundings, turning her surprised gaze towards her contracted demon who had sprouted wings from her back and looked ready to flee.

Lensa didn't even listen to her contractor's words, shooting up into the sky and generating two ringed magic circles on both her palms, launching out fireballs towards the source of her fear.

A very displeased Greed waved his great sword, swatting away the fireballs like baseballs, causing them to fly in the direction of a few unfortunate lower members of the demonic hand and instantly engulfing them in the demonic energy-enhanced flames.


Faerora shouted towards her contracted demon, however, the latter ignored her and remained hovering in the air, gritting her teeth as she began a chant that Evan was sure he would never forget.

The boy's eyes widened, with his grip on his sword loosening, causing the blade to fall to the ground and drawing Eliza and Greed's attention.

"Boy, what's with you?"


However, Evan did not pay them any heed, staring at the demon in the sky who was casting the exact same spell as the first demon he ever fought.

"Release the true Nature of My Soul!"

The moment he heard that iconic line, that same line he heard the demon who nearly killed him once speak, Evan felt a chill down his spine as the entirety of that day's events replayed in his head.

Everything from the moment he met Xakon, all the times Xakon literally beat the shit out of him and how he eventually defeated Xakon after using a combination of demonic possession and limit break with the help of the spirits around him.

[It's the same as that one!]

[Like that grey-winged man!]

[The scary one who used fire and ice?]

[Yes! That one!]

[Who are you guys talking about?]

[Yeah? Have you seen this before?]

The voices of the ambient spirits who always gathered around Evan, along with a few others who had followed him over from the previous town rang out in his ears, but it was as if the sounds didn't register in his brain.

The only thing he could hear at that point in time, was the voice of the demon who was hovering in the air as she screamed out three words.

"True Form Release!!!!"


A burst of golden-coloured aura erupted from Evan's body, spreading out shockwaves that knocked Greed and Eliza to the sides by a few metres, and even going on to almost push Faerora back down the hole behind her.

The ground underneath his feet cratered as he shot into the air at breakneck speed, reaching the freshly transformed demon in her true form and grabbing her by the neck before she could even take any action.

"So, you're a noble demon, huh?"

He created a foothold of compressed golden aura and stood on it, holding up the neck of the demon in his hands with the full power of his enhanced B- strength stat.

The next moment, he spun his body around and flung Lensa's body with all his might, with the demon drawing a large parabolic arc in the air as he turned towards the shocked people on the ground.

"Liz, Kayla Kuro.

Please deal with the small fry.

Greed, you take Faerora.

I would handle this noble demon personally."

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