Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 307 His Goal

"What's your goal?"

She wanted to know his end goal. The reason why this being even bothered to look in the way of Aidos.

She was aware that he and the goddess who governed this world were working on something, something she had no idea of. However, she still wanted to know just how that thing, whatever it was, would benefit this man sitting next to her.

She wanted to know what was in it for him.

"What's in it for me, huh?"

He twisted his lips slightly and the 'Abby' prepared herself for some sort of mind-blowing revelation, however, the words that came through were the furthest thing from that.

"For starters, it's fun."


"Yes. Fun."

Seeing the expression of great shock on her face, he chuckled to himself and asked.


Did you think I had some grand world-ending level goals? Or that all this was just a little part of a larger game plan?

Sorry to burst your bubble but it's not.

I'm doing this because it's fun, at least that's 70% of the reason."


The other 30%?"


Well, it's 15% because in the event that you all fail and Aidos ceases to exist, I want to see how Artemisia would be able to cope with the fact that h(%*&^e%E7g."

His eyes narrowed as a weird static sound that blocked out his words rang out as he spoke, sighing in exasperation in the next moment as he voiced out a question.

"Do you really think that the other gods who are lightyears away would find out simply because I told a single mortal?"

He shook his head and sighed once more, with 'Abby' catching on to what was happening as she asked.

"I'm guessing you were about to say something I'm not supposed to know of?"

"It's not that you're not supposed to know of it, it's just that Artemisia doesn't want people to know about it.

I myself, only discovered this because of the nature of my power."

'Abby' nodded to herself slightly before asking him what the remaining 15% was for.

"That's just my desire to see if a certain someone can remain in slumber like he's always wished to."

A melancholic look momentarily flashed through his eyes for a moment, right before he slammed his fist in his palm and spoke.

"Oh, I almost forgot this."

Before he could even complete the other part of his statement, both Artemisia and 'Abby' simultaneously rolled their eyes and voiced out the same question.

"Is it even possible for you to 'forget'?"

[Is it even possible for you to 'forget'?]

The man's brow twitched repeatedly but he calmed himself and continued speaking, choosing not to comment on their previous statement.

"You, my dear, are not the only one."

"Not the only what?"

In response to the question 'Abby' asked, the man rose two fingers into the air, pointing at her with them before flicking them simultaneously.

A familiar dark red aura burst out of her body, surprising the purple-eyed teenager, with her hurriedly looking around at the animals around her and heaving a sigh of relief upon discovering they were still fine.

Then, her surprise went towards the more important issue here.

'Even though he was the one who gave me the skill, the fact that he could activate it regardless of my will is something I didn't expect.

At most, I thought he'd just be able to take it back when he felt like it.'

Despite her surprise, she maintained a calm look on her face, betraying no emotions, however, the man smiled in amusement as he asked.

"Surprised, aren't you?"

"…you read my mind."

"No, I saw your thoughts."

She tilted her head to the side and gave him a look that asked 'What's the difference?', causing him to heave a sigh and reply.

"It's a higher dimensional thing.

I see in more than just three dimensions and one of the dimensions I see happens to be the one where thoughts flow.

So, when I say I saw your thoughts, I mean I LITERALLY, saw your thoughts."

This time, she could not keep calm as her face betrayed her surprise, with him holding her by the chin and saying.

"Your surprised face looks cute."

He then stood up and turned around, waving her off as he slowly phased out of existence, leaving her with one last statement.

"As I was saying; You, my dear, are not the only one 'Blessed By Destruction'."

The moment he vanished completely, colour and motion returned to the world as the leaves began rustling in the wind once more and the birds resumed flying in the air.

The rabbit on her lap looked around in confusion as it didn't understand how it suddenly appeared there, but the girl's mind wasn't even on it.

[Don't take his words to heart.

He's just trying to rile you up unnecessarily.

There's no real meaning to him telling you that. He's just a bored kid who has been alive for too long and is looking for someone to mess with.]

Artemisia's voice rang out in her head, with 'Abby' heaving a small sigh and speaking out loud.

"That's nice to know and all but can you switch back to the indirect messaging, my head hurts."

[Huh? When did it go off?

That old brat!]

|Connection Terminated|

'Abby' leaned back on the bench, her hands moving to pet the rabbit on her lap as she decided to clear her mind of all the weird things that just happened and enjoy nature.

"Yep. Fluffy animals are indeed the cutest things alive."

◇ ◇ ◇

Unknown Abandoned City

Bultom County

Cheverton Duchy

Alpha Continent's Great Western Empire

April 20th

Year 1052;


That was the only word that could be used to describe the that this boy found himself looking at.

An Exploding sun.

A broken moon.

And earth shattered beyond repair.

The ground was littered with gore, weapons and carnage. Rivers of blood flowed endlessly as the boy watched everything from the top of a hill of corpses.

All of a sudden, the sky turned red, his vision going black in the next moment as he opened his eyes, his ears being greeted with the melodious voice of a girl not too far from him in age.

"You're finally awake.

Seriously, who the hell sleeps atop a pile of corpses?"

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