Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 248 Vs Terence I

|Collapse Acquired|

|Unique Skills require three skill slots. |

|Two Skill slots remaining. |

|Intimidation Acquired|

|Rare Skills require one skill slot. |

|One Skill slot remaining. |

'Never thought that I'd see 'Collapse' here of all places!'

The young hero was in a good mood after having discovered two very useful skills from Terence within a minute of meeting him, however, his jolly mood didn't last for long.

|Name- Terence Stickels

Race- Human



Level- 190

Existence Level - Master

Titles- Contractor of Greed, Greed's Thrall, Greedy Red, Revenger, Terror of Osto, 'Reds' Gang Leader.

Class – Earthen Swordsman

Health – C+

Energy - C+

Strength – B- (C+)

Agility – C+

Durability – C+

Intelligence - C+

Condition- Wary, Confused, Avaricious.

Magic Tiers- Earth Tier 2, Fire Tier 1, Wind Tier 1.

Skills- Swordsmanship (Mid), Intimidation, Earth Tide, Earthen Sword, Crescent Strike, Treasure Seeker.

Unique Skills- Collapse. |

Terence's status board was the definition of a peak C-ranked adventurer's status board, besides the weirdly high 'B-' ranked strength stat.

'He's stronger than I had expected.'

The boy thought to himself as he began walking towards Terence, with the mystic eye crest in his eyes slowly disappearing.

"You know, if I didn't see the symbol on the back of your hand, I would not be able to tell that you are a fellow contractor at all."

Evan's first words caused Terence's wariness towards him to increase exponentially.

'He knows that I am contracted to 'something', and he said 'fellow contractor'. In other words, he's also contracted to a being like Greed. A Demon.'

"A fellow contractor, you say?

So then 'fellow contractor', What do you want?"

Terence remained in the same spot as he asked Evan, activating his Intimidation skill and causing an oppressive aura to descend upon the area.

The onlookers who hadn't fled like other people and were still watching dropped to their knees as the pressure bore down on their bodies.

Even a few C-ranked adventurers and knights who had come to get civilians out of the area could barely keep standing under the pressure, however, they dropped to their knees in the next second as the pressure they were feeling suddenly doubled.

Evan activated his newly mimicked skill, causing the crest in his eyes to resurface.

'Tsk...that killed the point of deactivating it in the first place.

I need to learn to somehow activate my mimicked skills without having the crest show up.

Is that even possible?'

He thought that as he kept walking towards Evan, letting the full force of his own intimidation skill pour out towards Terence.

"Hmm? You have the same skill that I do?"

Terence spoke with a slightly surprised tone, however, he was still on his guard towards Evan who was now standing barely three metres away from him.

"Yeah. I just got it."

"Just got it?"


Like about a minute ago."

While Evan wasn't exactly lying, it sounded like he was pooing fun at Terence because of the way he had casually said it with a yawn.

"Anyway, answering your earlier question, there a quite a few things that I want.

Firstly, the being you are contracted with.

But for that to happen, I have to do the second thing I want-"

As soon as Evan spoke, he activated his blink skill and teleported right behind Terence, before continuing.

"-which is beating the shit out of you."


His words were accompanied by a lightning-coated fist that shot towards Terence, time for the exact moment that the red-haired man turned around reflexively after suddenly hearing Evan's voice from behind him.

Evan's fist collided with the bottom of Terence's jaw, delivering a clean uppercut that caused the man's body to lift off the ground.

The young hero's shadow slithered as a shadowy appendage shot out and latched on to Terence's torso at the exact same moment.

Without hesitation, Evan spun his body and delivered a kick towards Terence's airborne body in a wide arc, sending him flying through the air and crashing into a nearby building.


Calling out to his shadow spirit, a long shadowy whip-like appendage appeared in his hand, one which Evan grabbed and pulled with all of his strength.

Naturally, the person to who this shadowy appendage was tied to, was pulled towards Evan with the force of a speeding dump truck.


Golden tendrils of lightning crackled around his arm as he activated his Fracture skill, with Kayla using her Electroflame simultaneously.

Just as soon as Terence's body was pulled into range, Evan let go of the makeshift shadow whip he was holding and pulled his fist backwards, striking forward immediately at the same instant that a rose of flames bloomed on Terence's chest.


Before Terence could even regain his bearings, the lighting on Evan's fist and Kayla's lightning combined, distorting the air slightly as the energy flashed back, multiplying the power of the attack by three times.


Evan could hear the sound of something shattering, causing a frown to appear on his face as he realised that it most definitely wasn't Terence's armour.

'His armour is metal, however, that was clearly the sound of glass shattering.'

Terence's body flew through the air, crashing on the ground not long after and rag-dolling across the street.

By the time he finally stopped, the concrete road of nearly two hundred metres had been carved up and destroyed, with Terence's body flying out of the district and landing at the entrance of another one.

Panic instantly broke out, with the remaining people in the area beginning to scream in fear as they feared a repeat of the failed subjugation was about to happen.

However, knights who were already evacuating the civilians, forcefully calmed the unrest, before speeding up the evacuation process and moving all the civilians in the area to another district.

Of course, there was no such thing as an orderly evacuation, these people were running for their lives after all.

A lot of them could not care less about what was happening, they just didn't want to be near it or be a part of it.


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