Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 238 Knights And Bandits IV

"This woman seems to be a favoured thrall of you brother, given that he allowed her to use enough power to take her strength stat to 'B'.

If any of her blows gets to us, it's game over."

He then sent a message to Kayla, telling her to keep the bandit leader she was beating the hell out of alive before turning to back to the Warhammer-wielding woman who was dashing towards the pillar of ice they were standing on.

"We can find out about why your brother's thralls were targeting the daughter of Osto's lord from the other one.

We're killing this one."

As soon as he spoke, the Warhammer slammed into the ice pillar and shattered it to pieces instantly, however, Evan grabbed Pride's arm and blinked away.

The Warhammer-wielding woman naturally noticed this and instantly spread out her aura using a technique that acted like a radar to see where they were going to reappear.

She then sensed a ripple in her aura wave about a few metres away from her position and dashed in that direction, instantly coating her weapon in lightning and deactivating several skills.


Her hammer slammed into a large shield that suddenly appeared, shattering the high-grade weapon to pieces of metal instantly.

She then sensed two other consecutive ripples in her aura wave, twisting her body instantly and flinging her hammer in one of the directions.

As for the second, she clenched her fist and dashed in that direction, punching forward a few metres before reaching the location and releasing a shockwave from the pressure of her fists that was sent flying towards that direction.

The moment Pride appeared, she had to deal with a large Warhammer that suddenly shot towards her, something that any normal person would be unable to handle.

However, the high demon was prepared for any unexpected attacks, with two rings of red light circling around her arm, with a glowing red two-ringed magic circle hovering above her palm.,

An illusory third ring flickered into existence as she held up her palm in the direction of the incoming Warhammer and activated the spell.

'Fire Magic: Prominence of Hell.'

A large, long and powerfully destructive dark red laser-like beam shot forward and collided with the Warhammer.


Shockwaves spread out into the surroundings as the ground cracked open due to the pressure of the Warhammer colliding with the laser-like beam of demonic energy-infused flames.

The hammer was forced to stop as the power of the spell was no less than the 'B' rank level strength that was used to throw it, with the lighting around the hammer flickering out mere moments before the dark red beam melted a hole through the head of the hammer.

Although with lesser speed and power, the dark red laser-like beam continued in its path after turning the Warhammer to molten metal, aiming for the back of the woman who was sensing out airborne shockwaves in quick succession towards Evan.

The young hero countered each shockwave with his fists, activating his fracture skill in the instant right before his fist collided with the shockwave and deactivated it right after.

As a destructive type skill, it enjoyed the benefit of 30% increased damage, making it far more powerful than its original version that Evan had seen in the game.

Although Evan intended to keep the woman occupied long enough for Pride's laser to hit, it was impossible for someone on her level to not sense the impending threat to her life that was closing in.

Naturally, she acted to avoid it, releasing one huge airborne shockwave towards Evan and then jumping out of the way immediately after.

Unfortunately for her, she had unconsciously forgotten the existence of a third person in Evan's group, given the fact that Evan and Pride were the only ones who had taken action against her, and she was completely unaware of the existence of a fourth entity with them which was the fire spirit, Amy.

"Flower Cannon."

A beam of condensed magic power shot towards her right after she heard those words, traversing the air at breakneck speed and closing the distance almost instantly.

Right before she could even make a decision to dodge or block, the illusory third ring on the magic circle on Pride's palm suddenly became stable, with the dark red laser-like beam of increasing in intensity.

This normally wouldn't have posed any issue as she had already dodged the spell, however, Pride suddenly flicked her fingers and changed the laser's direction, causing it to shoot towards her.

At the same time, the ground beneath her feet heated up as a pillar of flames shot upwards from the ground, engulfing her body in black flames and causing her to scream out in pain.

Due to this, she was unable to dodge the flower cannon and the laser-like beam that Pride redirected towards her, allowing them to hit her without issue.

Next, a palm covered in a tin layer of white light and had a glowing yellow orb in front of it slammed into her neck.

"Energy Blast."

Those two words were the last she heard, as the activation of a certain hero of Mimicry's first mimicked skill, caused a beam of lightning-infused energy to launch into the air, turning everything in its path to cinders.

Naturally, this included the neck of the thrall of Greed.


What was left of her burning head dropped to the ground, seconds before the rest of her body followed.

Amy withdrew her flames while Pride and Eliza deactivated their skills and magic, allowing the charred hole ridden body of the unfortunate woman to be seen clearly.

Evan saw a fist-sized hole in her chest, the place where Pride's spell had pierced through, clicking his tongue right after as he spoke.

"Tsk...she would have died even if I didn't do anything."

He used his Paladin skill's limited healing on his hand that went through Amy's flames before turning around to see a very bizarre scene of a young black-haired girl in a casual t-shirt and shorts, dragging the body of a half-dead middle-aged man behind her with her back gloved hands.

"He's not dead, is he?"


Kayla replied with a beaming smile as she dropped the man's body on the floor.

"What about the people I told you to watch?"

[The maid girl and her master? Those armoured knights came over to check on them so I left them with the knights and went to beat up this guy who showed up again.

He has a strange power though, I could barely muster up any strength in my body whenever he got close, and the knights were no different.

I had to resort to using my magic and skills alone.]

The young lightning spirit complained with a pout as she kicked the head of the half-dead man, causing him to groan in pain.

Hearing her explanation, Evan smiled wryly and patted her head, before fishing out a snack from his inventory and giving it to her.

[The cookies from that pastry shop?! You still had some left?!]

"Yeah. Was saving them for later but they're yours now."


The young great lightning spirit smiled brightly before flying over to where Amy was sitting on Pride's shoulder and dragging the flame spirit.

[Look! I got those cookies again! Let's share them!]

[But he gave them to yo-]

[I said, let's share them!]


[We're sharing them!]

[...Fine. Thanks.]

Evan and Eliza burst out laughing upon seeing the interaction between the two spirits that looked like small children, while Kuro 'face pawed'.

'Lady Sylph, just why did you make Lady Kayla turn out like this.'

The young shadow spirit heaved a sigh of exhaustion as it silently jumped back into Evan's shadow, not before it caught the eyes of the level 185 knight leader who was staring at the three spirits slack-jawed.

He had personally witnessed the fight between Kayla and the bandit leader, and had even helped out the young spirit who was caught off guard by the bandit leader's strange ability.

Although he fought alongside her, he was still in shock at how powerful the small ten-year-old-looking spirit was.

He then looked at Amy that suddenly appeared beside Pride and remembered the appearance of Kuro who jumped into Evan's shadow.

'High-level elemental manipulation capabilities and monstrous strength despite her young appearance.

If I didn't see the cat jump into his shadow I would not have known but now I'm certain.

These two young girls are most likely elementals.'

The knight leader instantly reached a conclusion as he stepped towards Evan and bowed his head.

"I would like to express my deep gratitude for your help in resolving this matter just now."

Following him, all the other knights present bowed their heads towards Evan's group, saying words of gratitude to them.

Receiving words of heartfelt gratitude from more than a dozen people all at once left our resident battle priestess flustered. Pride couldn't really care less and was scrutinizing the half-dead bandit leader while Evan was slightly taken back at first, but regained himself instantly and replied.

"No stress. We also have our own reasons for joining in."

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