Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 219 The Potential Consequences Of The Contract

The fact that the Seven Heroes could deactivate their mystic eyes and hide the symbols was something not many knew.

This was one of the reasons why there was barely any information on their skills. It was because they only used said skills when fighting and kept them completely off at other times, after all, the passives still worked even if the skills were not active, just not as potent.

The previous seven heroes really took to hiding their special abilities from others. All people knew was that they were 'strong' and had 'special hero powers'.

"It's that easy. Laurene and I only let you guys find out about us to draw more attention to the matter of dimensional rifts.

And not just dimensional rifts, but the other things hidden behind the veils that have been lowered for a thousand years.

It was the best we could do seeing as we are currently unable to fill you guys in on the details."

Gavin nodded in affirmation before asking a few more questions bordering on what Evan was able to talk about. The young hero answered the ones he could and stayed silent about the things he could not.

Eventually, the conversation somehow shifted to the destruction of Kasteblum a thousand years ago at the hands of the 'Seven Strongest Invaders', with Gavin asking if Pride was one of the said Invaders.

"Huh? Why would you ask such a thing?"

Evan neither affirmed nor denied his words, making Gavin narrow his eyes as he replied.

"The existence of one of the beings who were among the force that Invaded our world in the past is not a small matter.

If the other nations discovered this, they wouldn't hesitate to send legions after her just to prevent a repeat of the disasters of a thousand years ago.

You know what this means, don't you?"


But your worries are groundless. She currently doesn't possess the power to perform such mass destruction. Pride is on our side, at least until the D*J%&6 c35j falls."

Gavin was momentarily surprised by the static noise that suddenly filled his ears and prevented him from hearing what Evan had said, but he quickly recollected himself and asked.

"What was that?

Besides, since you say she 'currently' doesn't have that power, it means she'd eventually gain it back no? That's enough for the world leaders to take action.

And how are you so sure she's on our side?"

"Well, 'That', was the work of the restrictions on me that prevent me from speaking about important details.

And as for why I'm sure she's on our side, it is simple. Because I'm on the side of Aidos."


"Pride is bound to me by contract, and I, am pretty much in the same boat. To put it simply, I am under a contract where I have to work towards saving Aidos from the invaders."

"So, it was true, huh? The dimensional rift's seal is really going to break."

While Gavin was muttering about the indirect answer to one of the questions, that he had asked Evan earlier, the young hero was trying to understand why he had been able to say that even if it was a lie (he was not under any contract to save Aidos), but upon remembering his restrictions were lessened, he instantly understood.

"Bottom Line is, whatever side I take, is the side she takes. Well, there's also the fact that she was betrayed by her people thousand years ago and wants to pay them back but that's not too important."

"No matter how you look at it, that is definitely an important piece of information!"

Gavin instantly retorted to Evan's offhandedly spoken words before heaving a sigh of exhaustion.

"I just wanted to see if you were aware of the implications of what it means to be in cahoots with one of the former invaders."

"If this is your reaction when I'm with one, I wonder how the rest of the world is gonna react when I find all seven."


The chief grand magus let out a strange shout as he heard Evan's words. He began wondering if the kid in front of him truly understood anything he had just said.

"Chill. The other six would be on our side too.

They all listen to Pride and her orders are 'absolute' to them. That's why I got her on my side first. That way, even if I don't enter a contract with the rest, they won't go rampaging like they did a thousand years ago.



Kid, do you even understand a fraction of how dangerous those seven are?!"

"I do.

I understand every single bit."

"I doubt you do. Because if you did, then you wouldn't say that."

Gavin spoke as he put his hands into his drawer and pulled out a memory gem. It looked old and worn out but the green glow in the gem told him that whatever memory was stored in it was still intact.

"Here, Look at this."

Using magic, Gavin projected the contents of the memory Gem on the wall for Evan to see, in an attempt to make him understand how dangerous the 'Seven Strongest Invaders' truly were. (He's unaware that Evan has memories of the invasion from a thousand years ago.)

◇ ◇ ◇

The video memory displayed on the wall was that of the city-state of magic, a thousand years ago. It was during the invasion when the Seven Deadly Sins stormed Kasteblum one morning and razed everything in their path to the ground.

Their target was apparently the Grand Magic Tower, or rather, something that was in the tower and it apparently held so much importance that all seven of them showed up.

It was the recorded memory of the Chief Grand Magus at the time, who rushed back from the front lines of the war to defend Kasteblum, only to arrive and see the ruins of all the magic towers, save the grand magic tower, surrounded by the corpses of thousands of battle mages.

He nearly attacked them in a fit of rage, however, he grit his teeth and stopped his anger from taking over him.

His mental fortitude was something that Evan wished he had as the young hero was sure he would lose himself to rage if he was in that kind of situation.


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