Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 164 Plans For The ‘Eighth Finger’

'The eighth finger is contracted with a mid-rank demon that has similar abilities to him, it's also because of this demon he was able to get a bone dragon in his undead army.

When he fuses with this demon, only Duke Cheverton is strong enough to take him on.

The problem is that if he enters this state while the duke is busy fighting the bone dragon or the death knights, it'd be a disaster.'

Evan thought things through for a few minutes before coming to a conclusion.

'I need the help of another member of the ten great swordsmen, preferably, two more of them.

Problem is, I don't have enough authority to command them to move.

Besides, there's a high chance they would not believe what I say about the demonic hand's existence or the fact that the undead attacking the Cheverton duchy were all artificially created.

But there's someone who already knows about the demonic hand and would believe my words, she also has the right to order the ten great swordsmen to move.


"I guess I'm gonna need to contact her, huh?"

He turned his gaze to Eliza who was sorting through something in her bag and asked.

"Do you have a means to contact Laurene?"

"Huh? Yeah, the guild card system.

Though I doubt she'd answer, last time we spoke she told me something about dropping adventuring for a while so she can complete 'Venus'.

I don't know what that is though..."

Hearing the words Eliza spoke, Evan's eyes widened as he searched through the memories of the previous seven in his head.

'Venus! That's the previous fourth's weapon!

Is Laurene trying to recreate it? How is that possible?'

Evan was aware of the existence of Venus and how powerful it was. However, the young hero did not see any possible means for Laurene to 'complete' Venus.

That was natural, as he was unaware of the fact that the previous fourth had preserved the core of the magic catalyst.

'Is she planning to find a substitute core?'

He racked his brain about it for almost a minute before deciding that it actually didn't matter in the end.

'I guess I should call off plans of attacking 'that' dungeon with Laurene, if she has Venus, even if it's not at full power, then very few magic catalysts from the game can match it.

So, it's actually better if she can succeed in recreating it.

Still, I'm gonna have to find a way to contact her so she can see if she can at least get one more of the ten great swordsmen to move.

Though I don't think it'd be possible to expect Finley to come over, so Ralphie would be good. If the 'Second Sword' can come, it'd be good, but personally, I hate that guy.

He's just an arrogant old man who hates Finley because Finley took his title of 'First Sword' from him.'

The young hero turned his gaze back to his status board, his expression turning dark as he remembered the 'Second Sword'.

'Let's think about more important things.

Like how I levelled up so much but didn't have a single stat increase by a full rank.

Although my overall battle power has indeed increased and the power of my attacks is definitely higher, being able to see it reflecting in my stat board would be nice.'

He turned his gaze towards Pride who was resting on the side of the room, moving over to Eliza who was changing her stockings for some reason.

'I'm not even gonna ask.'

The young hero heaved a sigh of exasperation before going on to make plans to power-level Eliza since her level was quite low compared to his and Pride's.

'At the very least, she has to reach master level by the tenth floor.'

It was then that the boy finally realised something weird about Aidos.

'It's Funny how sword masters are usually a big deal in the novels I read, but here, any random C-rank adventurer you meet has a 90% chance of being a sword master

Grandmasters are also quite common, I mean, all A-rank adventurers are grandmasters after all.

Okay, they're not so common but that's beside the point.'

In response to his thoughts, a familiar blue notification popped up before his eyes.

[The goddess 'Artemisia' says that this is relatively normal as Aidos is a higher world.]

'Can you not just randomly pop up like this?'

[The goddess 'Artemisia' looks at the entity- 'Evan Von Bourne' with a confused gaze.]

'Never mind. what did you mean by higher world though?'

[The goddess 'Artemisia' states that understanding the spectrum of how the planets and star systems are arranged is not something that you need right now.]

'Great. You just drop a new term I'd never heard of and then tell me I don't need to understand it.'

[The goddess 'Artemisia' says that she has indeed mentioned the concept of 'higher worlds' to you before, on the day that she reincarnated you into the body of entity- 'Evan Del Eris'.]

[The goddess 'Artemisia' goes on to explain further that worlds like Aidos and the demon world are higher worlds so finding a large amount of master and grandmaster level existences is normal.]

[The goddess 'Artemisia' states that in some higher worlds, a random person that you can bump into on the street has a 50% chance of being a transcendent level being.

As for the other 50%, I could either be a grandmaster, legendary or even a sovereign level existence.]

'Okay, that's too high!!!'

[The goddess 'Artemisia' reminds you that she has indeed stated that the strength of the existences on Aidos is relatively low compared to other higher worlds.

Though compared to lower worlds, it is worlds apart, literally.

She states that the current 'Evan Von Bourne' is capable of being among the most powerful beings on any normal lower world right.]

'So lower worlds are weak, huh?

Why though?'

[The goddess 'Artemisia' says you don't need to know since you won't be going to any lower world or any other worlds.]

Seeing the notification that popped up in front of him, Evan heaved a sigh as he spoke out loud, attracting Pride and Eliza's attention.



"That's a Flag."

[The goddess 'Artemisia' is deliberating tossing entity- 'Evan Von Bourne' into the void of space for a few moments.]

"Haha...nice one."

[The goddess 'Artemisia' stares at the entity- 'Evan Von Bourne' with a dead gaze.]

"That's a joke, right?"


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