Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 161 Back To Unconsciousness...Temporarily

'Is it a hidden title? Or that one that has the garbled text?'

The matter of 'sealing off' a title was something that disturbed the young hero greatly.

'She said she was sealing it off 'again', which means she had sealed it off before.

What if the title doesn't show up when sealed, even on Full appraisal? In that case, there's the possibility that I can face someone else in the future with a sealed title that might bed very dangerous.

What does sealing the title even do? Do the effects still apply and it just hides the title, or do the title and effects disappear?'

He had so many questions concerning the issue but the high demon was in no mood to answer him.

"You can move now."

Eliza's voice brought him back to reality as he slowly but steadily pushed his body off the ground and managed to get to his feet with some difficulty.

"It still hurts but it's bearable."

"Then that's what you're gonna have to do, I can't do more until my magic power fully recovers again. I really can't stomach another potion right now."

"It's more than enough."

Evan stomped his feet on the ground, stretched his arms out, and flexed his fingers before nodding to himself.

"Now that you're fully up, can you give me my stuff? I need to change my clothes."

Pride who was silently watching the duo's conversation, spoke up as she held out her arm to Evan. Due to the inventory skill, the trio was able to travel light, only having to carry minimal hand luggage.

Most of their clothes and other belongings were placed in Evan's inventory, including the spare clothes and armour they had prepared for their dungeon diving expedition.

Evan nodded as opened up his inventory and fished out Pride's bag, tossing it to her as the high demon turned her gaze to Eliza.

The battle priestess looked down at her clothes and realised that she really needed to wipe herself down and change so she asked for her bag too.

"Now then, Evan."


The young hero turned his gaze to the high demon who was cracking her fingers for some reason. However, the reason became clear to him as he heard her next words.

"I'm gonna have you take a short nap while we change."


Before he could even complete his words, the high demon had already decked at the side of his head, sending him back into unconsciousness.

◇ ◇ ◇

Dumbfoundedly watching the scene of the young hero being knocked unconscious by Pride, Eliza's jaws dropped in surprise before she snapped out of it and sent a questioning gaze to the demon.

"If you have the hobby of being watched while you change clothes, you can wait for me to wake him up so you can have your 'desires' fulfilled."

The battle priestess' face flushed red as she understood what Pride was hinting at.

"...N-no need."

"Suit yourself.

We're in a place where we're not sure of what'd happen next so try to be quick."

Leaving those words, the high demon placed her hands into her bag to fish out a new outfit set while Eliza nodded with a still red face.

Pride wiped down her body with a towel before changing into a simple black turtleneck shirt with dark blue jeans and retied her hair into a half ponytail, sweeping her bangs to one side of her face.

She then channelled demonic energy into her finger and used it to write something in the language of her home world, seconds before her clothes glowed with an eerie black light.

Eliza on the other hand, changed to a casual red t-shirt and a black skirt, changing out her shoes as the soles of her previous pair had been worn out.

"You should just get leather boots like mine, it's more efficient."

The high demon made a suggestion to the blonde teenager as she arranged her clothes back into her bag and kept it to the side.

"I did, but it seems puberty hit me in full force this year as I grew out of almost all the clothes and shoes I got from home.

These ones are just spares I bought on the way.

I have to get new sets when we leave here."

Eliza replied as she stood up and stretched her body, her gaze turning to Evan who was lying unconscious on the floor.

", how are we gonna wake him up?"

◇ ◇ ◇


Evan rubbed the side of his head as his eyelids fluttered open. He gazed at the ceiling listlessly for a moment before the circumstances in which he fell unconscious came flashing in his head.


He hurriedly got up from the ground and turned in Pride's direction.

"What gives?!"

"Me, a person who likes their privacy."

Evan wanted to retort that there was the possibility of a higher dimensional being peeking in on them but he held his tongue as he would have to explain how he knew that in the first place and that would lead to a whole new set of issues.

"Just, don't do that again."

"I can't make any promises."

The young hero could only sigh in exasperation as he had the feeling that Pride would probably take similar actions again, and very soon at that.

'How was she able to hit me in a place that would instantly knock me out so quickly in the first place?

Should I say as expected from someone who has probably trained in more martial arts than I know exist?'

As he was thinking along those lines, he finally remembered that they were in a monster room where he met and killed a certain lightning-using blade wraith after sustaining a cut to his stomach.

'That's right, I levelled up!'

The young hero decided to check his growth progress, opening up his status board to see if there were any significant changes.

|Name- Evan Von Bourne

Race- Body: Human; Soul: ###e# ###s###e#;

Gender - Male

Age - Body: 11; Soul: 17;

Level- 120

Existence Level - Master

Titles- The Second of Seven Heroes, Leader of the Seven Heroes, Reincarnated Hero, Wielder of Mystic Eyes, Loved By Nature, Heir of Eris Dukedom, #####c ########.

Class- Magic Swordsman

Health – C-

Energy – C-

Strength – C-

Agility – C-

Durability – C-

Intelligence- C-

Condition- Exhausted.

Magic Tiers- Fire Tier 1, Lightning Tier 2, Shadow Tier 1;

Resistances- Divinity, Poison, Charm, Fear, Lightning.

Skills- Full Appraisal, Magic Control, Weapon Control, Paladin, Concealment, Martial Arts, Language Comprehension;

Mimicked Skills-Energy Blast, Body Transformation, Aura Slash, Blink, Inventory, Limit Break;

Available Skill Slots- 5;

Unique Skills- Mystic Eyes of Mimicry (1), Adaptive Evolution, Blessing of Destruction, Vortex. |

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