Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 693 239 - Knight Training (Part 19)


"Ghuuu...! Uuu...! Uuuurghueeghuehhh...! Uuu...!"

The monster released Graizo who was on the verge of bleeding out and started to crawl away while choking on his own tears and snot.

After he managed to crawl a few feet away from the beast...

*clench* *RIIIIIIP*


The beast grabbed one of his legs and tore it off too.

The monster was crying, but because of the wound exposing its fang-filled jaws its expression look like that of a cruel joy.

Unfortunately, that was not the case as the monster's heart was full of anger and sorrow.

...said monster was none other than Zoemi after all, and the boy could not stop cursing himself for misunderstanding Grazio's behavior to that ridiculous point...


Forget it, the red-haired boy just hated him!

But something as insignificant as that didn't matter anymore because Grazio of the current timeline was about to lose his life.

The red-haired boy was crawling in the mud made from the mixture of dirt with his own blood and vomit and Zoemi was about to test the limits of his endurance by ripping off his entrails through his back when...


A horizontal pillar of orange fire erupted from the castle gate, swallowing Zoemi's upper half in its blazing inferno.


Ehmi showed up at the training ground leading the people of the Perserios family and commanding them efficiently despite how shaken she was about the sight.




She released the spell thinking that the beast must have been done already but the moment the flames subsided Zoemi merely shook off the charr and breathed out, causing the air to whistle through his exposed fangs and stunning the crimson-haired girl with that sight alone.

"Flame dr...!"



Ehmi shook her head and put her hand to the side taking a pose while casting her spell, but Zoemi reached her in no time at all and cut her incantation short with a single punch to the gut.

The flames that were already gathering around the young lady Vctureo got extinguished before they could form a protective layer on her body and the girl dropped to the ground like a puppet with its strings snipped off.



Zoemi was standing over Ehmi contemplating finishing her off, but that wasn't in the cards – he felt his body getting numb and immediately began hearing the sound of the ice climbing up his legs.


Without the element of surprise, he had no chance at all with the number of people that showed up!"



Cutting the activation phrase short, the black-haired boy stopped the spell and then used his own strength to break through the still relatively thin layer of ice.


There were some shouts and screams but the black-haired boy had no intention of trying to figure anything out.

He messed up, but he would make things much worse if he just stayed there and undone his law of Cancer transformation.

So he ran away...



As he was scaling the wall at the edge of the Perserios estate a water spear reached him and pierced through his left leg, but the black-haired boy got rid of it immediately with another short activation of star power before disappearing into the night.


Amidst the panic that ensued, the neon-pink-haired Roiso found her way to the dead wolf and gently stroked the mangled fur.

Honestly, from what she knew, it didn't take long for her to figure out what really happened. Unlike Zoemi, she didn't have a positive bias toward Grazio, after all...

For a second she wanted to use her magic and cover the entire territory with her acid, melting away anyone even remotely involved before going to the Victureo territory and melting it away too but...

She could still feel the law of Virgo that Zoemi used on her suppressing her mana, and the people around her still hadn't figured out a thing.

What's more, they seem to be looking for the black-haired boy and treating him like one of the victims instead of a culprit or even a suspect.

Both of those things meant that Zoemi was alive and his reputation and therefore future could be salvaged.

And she, Roiso, was the only person who could put things that would assure a favorable outcome into motion.


Leaving Cat's corpse with a heavy heart, the neon-pink-haired girl approached Rokiana and grabbed onto her hand.

"Sorry, Roiso, not now... this is such a mess...! If a child of a Victureo family will actually die in our territory then...!"

"Roki! Zoemi is friends with a girl who has a healing attribute! I know where she lives too! We need a light magician to teleport him, it's the only way to save him now!"

The blue-haired girl bit her lips and shook her head at the younger girl, but Roiso didn't step back and instead pulled Okiana down and declared.

"What...? But...!"

"Get us a light magician as fast as you can! If I'm wrong then we can teleport him away. It's not like he survives any longer if we left him here and sprinkle him with herbs!"

Rokiana hesitated, but Roiso didn't back down even an inch.

"Grandpa! I know what that girl is talking about! You know too, right?! Remember that report?!"


Rokiana was still unconvinced, but that was when young Devios – who should not even be there – called out to old lord Perserios stunning the others.


The former head of the Perserios family made the decision without wasting any more time and ordered.

Things ended well...

The light magician showed up within a minute and after Roiso's detailed description teleported together with the profusely bleeding red-haired boy who was barely hanging onto his consciousness.

Roiso made a good call and didn't say a word about the insides of the house so the light magician was forced to appear in front of it and call for help from the outside thanks to which he was not immediately attacked by either the armored wolf or the white-as-snow girl standing guard in her room.

Burushi, being herself, responded to a distress call without delay, and Grazio's life was spared.

Not only that - with the knowledge she already has she started a long-term treatment that would regrow the red-haired boy's limbs within two to three years!

The thing was, she was told that Grazio fell victim to a wild monster that descended the mountains and attacked the Perserios territory – which was part of Roios's plan to keep Zoemi's name out of it– so she had no idea of Zoemi's involvement in the incident.

...if she did, well, the outcome of the young lord Victureo's treatment would have been a lot different...

That didn't change the fact that because of deep mental trauma Grazio could not actually recall what happened that night, all the memories were dyed in absolute terror and the distorted image of a flesh-eating monstrosity that tortured him.

Seemingly everything was fine...

...despite one detail...

Zoemi was announced missing with a strong suggestion that he was dead, killed by the same monster that attacked Perserios territory.

Roiso claimed that he was still alive, but her only argument being that her mana isn't wreaking havoc and melting everything passively was just shrugged off by the adults not taking her seriously.

As for Zoemi himself...

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