Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 504 164 - The "correct" timeline that should be followed (part 3)

Chapter 504 164 - The "correct" timeline that should be followed (part 3)

  He pushed one of the puppets to the side even though it didn't even stand in his way, approached Aspakeony, and grabbed her by the shoulders.

  It was hard to believe that anyone could talk about assassination with such a bright and pure smile on their face.

  And yet here was Zoemi, grinning from ear to ear, he was so ecstatic that it seemed he was going to hug Aspakeony from sheer joy.

  "Wait! You know?! Stop! I said, stop! How do you know what happened?!"

  The necromancer escaped from Zoemi's grasp and hid behind her light magician puppet.

  She straightened her clothes that got roughed up by the evasive maneuvers and send Zoemi a weird look, she seemed like she was angry that she managed to get away that easily and not at all that shocked that Zoemi knew some details even though she didn't tell him anything.

  "It's so amazing! I was so worried about that one but it just happened so naturally! The rest of the events will be a piece of cake! This one was supposed to be so unexpected that I was losing sleep over how to prevent it, but here we are! Such good news!"

  This ending sure had to be weighing on Zoemi's mind because he became so relieved he didn't even care that he was speaking out loud.

  Yet' at the words 'good news' Aspakeony's face crumpled in a bad expression and she clicked her tongue.

  "Better think twice before you start a party in the assassin's honor. The one who fell victim was your brother-in-law. Little Grazio."




  |Brother-in-law?! What in the world happened in that timeline?!|

  Zoemi was in disbelief, staring dumbfounded at the screen as the events were playing out.





  Zoemi froze in place as if he was hit with the ice spell.

  He stopped grinning and slowly looked at Aspakeony with dead eyes.

  "Grazio...? Are you sure...?"

  The black-haired boy uttered as his heart dropped.

  This situation was something that he did not account for.

  Because it was certainly shocking.

  One of the capture targets from the game died before his route came to an end... and yet nothing happened...

  When the heroine died the presence instantly rewinds time and scolded Zoemi for trying to end the game too soon.

  Were the capture targets not important...?

  And if they are as important as the heroine, how come the presence just allowed one of them to be killed, there was a whole ending yet to happen! And it was supposed to be the burning alive caused by the now-deceased Grazio!


  It could be that the burning alive will still happen... but who will do the burning...?

  It was easy for Zoemi to keep an eye on Grazio, but now...?


  Necromancer sighed and nodded her head, she certainly didn't take it well and it must have been something more than just feeling bad for one of her students passing away.

  "Ah... I see. His body was completely drained of mana. That's why you said it's too dangerous for you to hole up in the office and asked me about the spell."

  Zoemi nodded his head while dealing with the mess in his head.

  "But who did it... Haven't you said that the Ghosts were done with gathering power?"

  He asked and the necromancer shuddered.

  "They said they were, but how trustworthy is the word of traitors who killed the royal family they pledged to protect?"

  Aspakeony hugged herself and shuddered.

  "...then we have a problem... Those so-called Ghosts threatened Miriette before... whether it's them or...!"

  Suddenly Zoemi felt that his insides twisted into a giant knot.

  He knew who did that, it fits all too perfectly with the game's lore and everything...


  |No, it might not be him, there's no actual evidence. It would be stupid to approach him and instead get ambushed by the Ghosts!|

  Zoemi stopped himself before jumping to conclusions.

  |It may seem perfect from the perspective of the game, but in the game, Xeonith wasn't a disgusting piece of shit. But at the same time, it's not impossible... I have to prepare for all possibilities...

  Zoemi sighed internally.|

  For some time Aspakeony was silently gazing at Zoemi, then all of a sudden her eyes lit up and she approached him vigorously.

  "You, you want to be stronger to protect your girl, right?"

  She said visibly excited.


  Zoemi glared at her.

  He was conflicted about whether he should say that Miriette is his master or just go with Aspakeony's flow and admit that he is together with Miriette.

  In any case, up until now the necromancer only helped him and seemed trustworthy, her proposition, although suspicious, wasn't that out of place.

  Besides, she spoke the magic words of protecting Miriette, Zoemi had a hard time just refusing a proposition regarding that subject without hearing it out first.

  "Miriette is the most important for me."

  He ended up agreeing.

  Aspakeony smiled from ear to ear.

  "Come with me then."

  She grabbed both Zoemi and the light attribute corpse puppet and disappeared in a flash of golden light.

  At the same time, Miriette took her ear off the door and stood up while biting her hand both angry and extremely worried.

  "That idiot necromancer! Presence's scenario is falling apart and she tries to improvise!? ARGH! If something happens to my Zoemi I will kill them all!"

  It was impressive how Miriette could hold back from absolutely exploding in rage.

  She wanted to step up but she was in too deep.

  If she told Zoemi everything she knew now... she was too afraid of what would he do...




  | sure does look like Miriette from that timeline was involved in something problematic... Not to mention that I am a pure shadow magician – so many things don't match already...|

  |Seems like it. But let's continue watching – if this was the end of what Bellcephora wanted to show you, she would have let you know.|

  Zoemi thought with concern, and the original personality responded in an indifferent voice.




  The group of both living and dead appeared out of the blinding light right into the neatly clean corridor.

  Zoemi looked around carefully, he somewhat recognized the interior design, the exotic and expensive wood carved into delicate but somewhat pompous decorations couldn't be mistaken by anyone who has seen them before.

  Still, Zoemi, in particular, was sure that he had never actually been to this part of the royal castle.

  Yes, Aspakeony apparently had some sort of a plan and it demanded them to get into the Bellcephora's palace.

  |This dumb little...!|

  Zoemi bit his lip and almost grabbed the necromancer by the throat.


  His hand stopped less than half an inch from the delicate neck of the millennia-old girl.

  The black-haired boy wasn't stopped by anyone since he acted faster than anyone else could react, he just decided it was better to give the necromancer a chance to explain.


  He hissed, his eyes cold and dead from the abhorrent amount of furry.

  "I-I...! Wh-what are you doing? I did nothing wrong?!"

  Aspakeony gasped and shoot him a terrified lamb-like gaze.

  |She's... not lying...?|

  Zoemi clicked his tongue and sighed.

  "Why did you teleport us into the most secure place in the whole kingdom? You surely know what kind of punishment is deemed appropriate for anyone who's not from the royal family and still dares to teleport here?!"

  He felt indignant having to explain something so obvious, he even started worrying that the girl's actual age was acting up clouding her judgment.

  "Eh? Are you stupid or something?"

  Aspakeony groaned and deflated completely dispirited.

  "I was the one who forced this rule into existence! Of course, I am the one responsible for executing it! Aren't you supposed to be smarter?"


  Zoemi froze for an instant and then suddenly blushed and removed his hand.

  "Ah...I... I see... Please forgive me..."

  He actually bowed his head apologetically.

  "It's just... Even though there's Teo, and also your other puppets, that are supposed to guard Miriette, I can't shake off this uneasy feeling... I should be the one protecting her."

  His voice was full of worry, Aspakeony made a complicated expression, something between a smile and a frown, and ended up patting the conveniently located head of the apologetic attendant.

  "Yes, yes, I know, you must protect your precious master..."

  She bobbed her head up and down with an understanding smile.

  At that moment Zoemi felt a sudden chill...!

  Something about that situation...!

  Something was...!

  There was something way too familiar about this exact situation!

  Without thinking Zoemi grabbed Aspakeony's wrist and raised his head to look her in the eyes.

  His own eyes were pitch-black completely devoid of any sort of reflected light and seemingly unable to perceive light on their own.

  Those weren't the eyes of someone alive.

  At the same time, a scene was playing over and over again in Zoemi's head.


  Aspakeony, yes, it couldn't be a mistake, Aspakeony looking the same as always was bending over him with a warm smile and patting his head caringly.

  "I seriously don't understand why this brat begged me to do something with his daughter's nightmares! Could you believe it, my little Zoemi? Me, a necromancer, playing a godmother for a child!"

  She giggled.

  "That said, I can't wait for the two of you to finally meet! Though I'm worried that little Miriette will be afraid of your eyes..."

  She made a worried expression for a moment but then was all smiles again and her patting intensified.

  "Well, if she wouldn't want you, you can always stay with me, pretty boy!"

  Aspakeony laughed and leaned so close to him that their noses touched.


  But it was all wrong! All completely wrong! With that scale, Aspakeony would have to be a towering giant! Or he, Zoemi, would have to be a toddler at that time, it was just...!


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