Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 499 163 - Perserios territory - part 5 - Countering the plan that was thirty years in the making (part 31)

Chapter 499 163 - Perserios territory - part 5 - Countering the plan that was thirty years in the making (part 31)

  Burdoff Mekhior Vereq, the corpse puppet under the control of the gray-haired necromancer, Aspakeony, was returning to the headmaster's office of the Aspakeony Academy after a rather annoying talk with the other members of the teaching staff.

  Long story short – they were understaffed.

  Teacher Perserios was on her honeymoon on one of the southern islands and was cut off from all information regarding her territory because of the really unfortunate mana storm that honestly should not have happened during this time of the year.

  Teacher Ikarweth left on a sudden notice a week after the young female teacher's wedding.

  Teacher Auequas insisted to retire, clearly stressed out about things happening in her own family – the heir to the family head position running away from home and settling in the territory ruled by the adopted son of the youngest child of hers she herself had banished from the family. Not to mention the same youngest child marrying into the Perserios family... Both of those events had to be a huge mental shock for the elderly woman.

  ...although Aspakeony thought that in lady Auequas's case she has brought everything upon herself, she didn't voice her opinion as she has done her fair share of mistakes in the past...

  And teacher Shuze – Vereq's best friend while the red-haired tanned man was still alive – although older than lady Aueqas, was healed up from his heart condition and began bickering like in his prime. That wouldn't have been a problem normally – but the elderly golden-haired man got into a custom of suddenly disappearing, leaving behind only a note about going on a journey o check something interesting out.

  And those were troubles only affecting the Academy's teaching staff!

  Perserios territory with young Zoemi being trapped inside. Bellcephora stopped Aspakeony from doing literally anything that could help because of the so-called dream of the presence. Arisu and Ehmi gong around hunting Zoemi's spells – including the corpse puppet that he created. Vanterl getting killed while helping his many-times-great-grandson, which was a huge blow for the queen's faction but didn't seem to bother Arisu at all.

  Light Order, the group created for the queen by the love-struck king getting more and more forward and slowly trying to take place and even absorb King's Guard.

  No matter how many bodies Aspakeony had at her disposal, so many things happening all at once were enough to make her head feel like exploding from overload.

  Even with all the years of experience she had, she really just wanted to scream in the pillow.

  She has already done so much for the Bellcephora kingdom, but the new generations just could not help themselves but create more and more troubles that they were not ready to handle in the slightest.

  The only good part was that no other country was making moves that would suggest them being interested in attacking the Bellcephora kingdom, which was understandable – it was the land that still had the biggest amount of sages and magicians who used the offensively strongest type of magic – the nature's attributes.

  "Is this the feeling youngsters get when they say – I need a drink...?"

  Aspakeony breathed out and groaned through Burdoff's mouth as she channeled her magic through him so that the seal on the door to the office could open and he could enter.

  Although she could just make the body of the red-haired man slump by the wall right next to the door, she had developed a habit of making every corpse puppet who was posing as the headmaster sit behind the desk before she cut off the connection – and this time was no different.

  Although, this time, as soon as she began sitting Burdoff down, a certain heart-stopping event unfolded...

  With a flash of murky light, a whole group of people appeared all at once right in the middle of her extremely secured office – the only place she could feel truly safe...!




  Just as the group appeared in the headmaster's office, a loud sound came from the large closet by one of the walls, making Zoemi raise his brows in concern and look at it, completely ignoring the headmaster by the desk, staring at them with eyes bulging out in surprise.


  The group consisted of a rather colorful cast – but it was a dark-blue-haired young-looking man who called out at the sight of the black-haired boy, and rushed at him while his gray eyes were filling with tears.

  "Grandpa! I'm sorry for making you worry."

  Although very emotional, Benevirau didn't seem to be forward enough to throw himself at Zoemi, but the black-haired boy only smiled and hugged him just like a trusting child meeting a beloved family member would.

  "Thank goodness you managed to get out..."

  Another person from the group moved and acted as if they were not let in on the situation before being brought to the headmaster's office.

  That person was the gold-haired first prince of the Bellcephroa Kingdom, Horeo Marets Bellcpehora.

  The gold-haired prince also looked as if he wanted to throw himself at his best friend, but was far more composed than the water sage.

  "Ekhem... Miriette, aren't you happy to see Zoemi safe and sound?"

  Horeo cleared his throat to get the attention of the dark-haired girl, glancing meaningfully towards Burdoff frozen in shock, trying to make her follow the act f surprise to keep up the act.

  After all, officially, Miriette was staying in her family castle while the matter of her engagement to the first price was undergoing a reevaluation.

  "I never had a shadow of a doubt about him being safe, your highness."

  Miriette rolled her eyes, giving the first prince a cold shoulder, which was the appropriate thing to do considering the situation they were in.

  "Meta... Metavicero... that gold-haired guy is the prince...! We don't want to make him angry, bow down with me...!"

  The acid magician who was transported into the office together with the rest, inched closer to the snow magician and whispered while Mirienne had control over her body.

  " he an enemy or an ally...?"

  Metavicero asked back in a hushed voice, squinting her eyes at the handsome youngster in suspicion.

  "We don't want to risk either of the options... Just in case, if Roiso takes over, please stop her from doing anything stupid!"

  "No problem."

  Mirienne shook her head discreetly and asked, gulping down her saliva nervously, making the colorless girl glance over at them and nod with a reassuring smile.

  "A lot of stuff happened. We need to take some steps to prevent even more of them so we need to talk. But first."

  Zoemi patted the back of Benevirau crying from relief before taking a step back and turning to the closet.

  "Zoemi, what are you doing? We need to explain things to the headmaster – just look at him...!"

  Burushi went wide-eyed and waved her hand towards the completely still man behind the desk – who didn't even blink since the group appeared in front of him.

  "That's what I'm about to do."

  The black-haired boy shrugged his shoulders without looking back while crouching down and grabbing the closet's drawer as if he owned the place.

  "Oh, and come here – it sounded like she hit her head really hard, and she can't use any enchantments so she definitely hurt herself."

  " Who are you talking about...?"

  He added, confusing the blond girl to no end, before opening the drawer, revealing the insides...


  ...where buried into the pillows and various plush toys a dark-skinned girl with gray hair, wearing a cute nightgown, was lying face down while holding her head with both hands and letting out a muffled groan of pain.

  "What in the world...?! Headmaster! You better have a good explanation for keeping a young girl like that in your office!"

  Horeo tensed up at the sight and glared straight at the motionless face of the red-haired man, as his body began glowing gold from the powerful light enchantments.

  "Calm down, that's her corpse puppet. Burushi, please heal her."

  Zoemi rolled his eyes at the angry first prince and motioned at the blond girl to approach him and the girl in pain.

  It really seemed like Aspakeony might have stood up so fast that she fractured her skull...

  "Super heal. Private visit... wow...!"

  With a patient right in front of her, Burushi didn't hesitate for much longer and firstly cast the spell to get rid of the gray-haired girl's headache before she cast another one to check whether the first one was really enough – and gasped in realization once all the data has shown up for her.

  "...Zoemi, you have a lot of explaining to do..."

  Horeo glanced over at the motionless corpse puppet before releasing his enchantments and turning towards the black-haired boy.

  "Uuggghhh.. exactly... why would you bring all of those people to my office – and reveal me to them too?!"

  Aspakeony slowly stood up, still holding on to her head, and grumbled, glaring at the black-haired boy in front of her.

  "I might like you, but I am not the type to forgive everything, you know?"

  She added without changing her furious expression.

  "I do have a lot of explaining to do, and everyone here should listen to it and fill in the asp if you know something that we don't."

  Zoemi wasn't bothered, and instead nodded apologetically to the gray-haired necromancer, and moved to the side so he could have a clear view of all the others gathered in the same room.

  "Good afternoon Aspakeony."

  "Welcome back, little Benevirau."

  Before the actual talk began, the water sage waved his hand towards the necromancer, making her slightly calmer as she called out at him in response.


  Horeo raised his brows looking between the dark-skinned girl and his best friend.

  "You might want to sit down, explaining might take a while."

  Zoemi smirked back at him and shrugged his shoulders.

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