Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 482 158 - Perserios territory - part 4 - Countering the plan that was thirty years in the making (part 14)

Chapter 482 158 - Perserios territory - part 4 - Countering the plan that was thirty years in the making (part 14)

  When all six went outside they caused quite the commotion amongst the villagers – not exactly because of their sudden appearance, mind you, but rather because of the fact that the air emperor with a murky-black sphere sitting comfortably on top of her head, landed in front of them only after a few seconds.

  That feat certainly proved some of the villagers doubting the effectiveness of a monster so high up in the clouds wrong.

  "I'm back. And she is alive – or at least was the last time I checked."

  The vibrant-green snake-like monster hissed peacefully, clearly in a great mood.

  She even went ahead and slithered around, showing off her underbelly that became transparent.

  There everyone could clearly see a person wearing a skin-tight hazmat suit and a broken gas mask, trembling while curled up in a fetal position.

  "Good job. I see she is awake too. Watch out for her while we will try to talk."

  Miriette nodded benevolently, patting the scales made out of mana before she faced the sobbing girl and her expression darkened as if she saw something filthy.

  "Why are you working for the Barbariacca nation?"

  The dark-haired girl asked, glancing over at her air emperor and motioning her head at the acid magician.



  The massive snake-like creature nodded back and contorted her muscles so that the girl in her stomach was thrown around, but instead of letting out any voice whatsoever or attacking by spraying her acid everywhere, the magician in question merely curled up even more and stayed completely silent while trembling like a leaf thrown into a tornado.

  "I asked you something, did I not?"

  Miriette asked a bit louder, already looking up at her air emperor again...

  "STOP! Hold on! You can't do that! She's literally in a catatonic state! She's not going to tell you anything like that!"

  Burushi jumped in between the dark-haired girl and her summon spell, waving her hand so that the air emperor couldn't tell whether Miriette was giving her the signal to nudge the acid magician or not.

  "You wanted the interrogation to happen, so this is exactly what you are getting. What's the problem?"

  Miriette shrugged her shoulders, staring down at Burushi, who bit her lips and froze, but did not run away or backed off.

  "Miri, don't try to call me out on the words I use...! Please, just let me talk with her normally...!"

  The blond-haired girl pleaded, looking at the dark-haired girl with tearful eyes.


  Unfortunately for the healing magician, Miriette's expression was the opposite of understanding – it was almost the opposite.

  The dark-haired girl looked insulted, not to mention more and more angry.

  "A moment, please. Miri, can we take a little break? I want to talk with Burushi on the side."

  She was about to open her mouth and say something that couldn't be anything nice, but right then Zoemi tapped her shoulder and nimbly moved to post her, grabbing Burushi and basically carrying her away to her great surprise.

  "Hmph. Sure. Whatever."

  At that sight, Miriette scoffed and turned away, crossing her arms and showing them her back as she began glaring at the trembling mess that was left off by the cheeky acid magician.

  "Wh-what is going on...? Why is she THAT angry at me...?! Also – do not overexert yourself like that! Think of your condition!"

  Burushi whispered in utter confusion, glancing past Zoemi's side as he walked away with her before she scolded him for doing exactly that.

  "Don't mind me, I could throw you away with one hand and not break a sweat. Now, listen... I'm not going to tell you that you should pay more attention to how Miriette acts, but let me remind you one thing. She is not just a jealous person. She is an extremely jealous person."

  The black-haired boy sighed and explained in a hushed voice, putting the blond-haired girl down.

  "What does it have to do with...?"

  "Burushi – Miriette is jealous about her friends treating others better than her. I know that she is a handful, but in our current situation, you are literally taking the side of our enemy. A person who did attack me and her."

  The blond girl furrowed her brows and shook her head in confusion, but that merely made Zoemi roll his eyes and explain things further.

  "Then what am I supposed to do? Let her torment a girl who..?! Hmph."

  Burushi scoffed angrily, but Zoemi looked at har meaningfully and she closed her mouth and frowned, waiting for him to say what he wanted.

  "You are doing the same thing again. Miriette is really thinking of you as her friend, but you are still considering her a villainess."

  "No, I..."

  The black-haired boy had a very clear vision of what was happening and did not hesitate to point it out to the blond-haired girl who wanted to deny it at first but then she froze in place and her shoulders slumped down in realization.

  "She is overbearing and moody, but that's all parts of her charm, I am not asking you to worship her like some perfect character – I want you to stop treating her like a character from a game altogether. The particular action she chose to take in this situation is not caused because of some deep-seated malice of a cruel and cunning villainess. Burushi. Mirienne and Roiso killed people. Miri wants to protect you, but you are pushing against her as if she was some horrible person and this one was worth more in your eyes than her, and that makes her angry."

  Zoemi patted Burushi's shoulder and explained carefully, making sure that he isn't missing some important information to convince the blond girl that things aren't exactly as she thinks they are.

  "...when you put it that way..."

  Burushi sighed and her expression softened.

  "Still! It's not like she can act like that towards my patient, former or not."

  She added immediately, making Zoemi worried that he talked in vain...

  "Miri! I want to have a look at that girl, but since she might be unstable I would like to ask you for help. Can you keep me safe from her if it turns out to be a worst-case scenario?"

  "You are my friend, of course, I can keep you safe, who do you think I am?"

  Thankfully, as it turned out Burushi wasn't thickheaded enough to ignore all the advice Zoemi gave her, and instead adjusted what she wanted to do o include what Miriette wanted, making the dark-haired girl nod with a serious expression the moment she put her intentions into words.

  "Let her out, but be on guard. If she tries to do anything, sent her flying and swallow her again."

  Having the only obstacle out of her way, Miriette nodded at her air emperor but this time she included more verbal instructions that sent chills down the spines of unfortunate villagers who overheard her say it.

  "No problem. Oh, but mind the smell. It turns out both of them have a terrible fear of heights so she might have a little accident or a few."


  The air emperor hissed while slithering around and simply making the terrified acid magician phase through her scales, which caused a surprisingly small melting noise. It seemed just as if the power of the passive ability to melt active spells decreased drastically when the acid magician was in great distress.


  "Wait... a former wind magician is afraid of heights...? That explains a lot then. No wonder she was okay with changing her attribute."

  Burushi flinched and her eyes widened at the revelation, mainly because it made the situation much worse in terms of Miriette not having bad intentions, but then the dark-haired girl herself cleared things out unintentionally, by straightening her back and shaking her head in realization.

  Out of all the things that she could be shocked it was that a former fellow wind magician had a problem with heights.

  Normally, the more experienced wind magicians had access to the levitation spell, but even before that, it was basically unheard of a wind magician to have any problem with the elevation of any sort.

  Usually, it was the higher the better – which was very relevant in the style of architecture and places where the wealthy enough wind magicians decided to build their houses.

  "You...! Haa... Miri, please keep an eye on her. I will approach her just so she would get within the reach of my spells."

  Initially, it looked like Burushi was going to blow up at Miriette for causing unnecessary trauma for the acid magician, but when she turned towards the dark-haired girl and saw her honest surprise, she managed to calm herself down and ask in a calm voice.

  "Go ahead. I got your back."

  Miriette nodded benevolently and straightened her back even more and even her hair puffed out with pride at the declaration.

  "Private visit."


  With all that out of the way, Burushi could finally follow her calling and cast a spell on the trembling acid magician.

  Even with the non-offensive spell and attribute like Burushi was using, there still was some reaction from the weakened defense system of the acid magician – but it certainly wasn't strong enough to counter it just like that.

  The healing magician stayed silent for a while, keeping her eyes closed and focusing on the results.

  Zoemi had no doubt in his mind that the blond girl was also comparing those new results with the ones saved within the private visit spell.

  The more he think about it, the more Burushi seemed like a walking hospital.

  "How does it look physically?"

  Miriette asked, knowing full well that the mental state of the terrified girl couldn't be all that good.

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