Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 421 138 - You can mess with the healer - but when you try to mess with her patient... (part 1)

Chapter 421 138 - You can mess with the healer - but when you try to mess with her patient... (part 1)

With the healing spells only worsening the pain caused by the movement of mana within his body, Zoemi already discovered that by far the best method of dealing with it was to go to sleep.

Not because the sleeping had some beneficial effect – but rather because his sentinels could act and delicately gather all the excessive mana that was spilling out from his broken mana reservoir.

That said – even though he went to bed early, that didn't mean that others did the same...



The short brown-haired attendant in the butler's uniform slammed her hand against the wall, blocking the way of the bond-haired heroine, who certainly wasn't in the mood for any of that.

...especially considering that Teo was very clearly wanting to take bullying her to another level...

"Why did you return here? No one wants you here!"

The older girl scoffed angrily, glaring at the annoyed heroine whose expression only stirred Teo's anger more.

"You know what? Just fuck off, will you?"


But what she certainly didn't expect was the foul language coming from her target.

"Don't – eh - me you crazy bitch. Fuck. Off. I am Zoemi's attendant and I will not hesitate to tell on you the moment you try to do something – actually, I will go and tell on you as soon as he will wake up."

Burushi didn't care how immature she sounded, she simply had enough.

"I don't know why you took me as your target, but just fucking stop. I don't care about you, I never did anything to make you hate me – maybe aside from hanging out with Zoemi. So you may be some crazy yandere stalker or something, or maybe you are vain as hell and can't stand anyone with bigger tits or something equally stupid. Fuck you, and fuck off."

She declared before ducking under Teo's arm fully intending to go on her mary way.

"Wha...?! You...!"

The brown-haired girl gasped and her face twisted in anger and she immediately reached out for the blond girl's shoulder but...



A murky-black orb popped right from Burushi's shoulder and swallowed Teo's hand – but that wasn't all it did.

To Teo's great shock she felt something touching her shoulder – and once she glanced to check what was the sensation, she discovered her own hand coming from another murky-black orb.



Even though she knew about Zoemi's spells, the view still freaked her out and she cried out in fear, trying to pull her hand out of the sphere – but that resulted in her pulling on her own shoulder, throwing herself on the floor.


Since she wasn't actually using the earth enchantments this time, she let out a gasp while making a pitiful expression.

"(Master will be disappointed.)"


Teo heard a rather bored voice in her mind and flinched herself back up on her feet.

"W-wait! Hold on I wasn't...!"

"(I don't care. I will tell him what I saw.)"

She tried to reason with the murky-black orb that stayed afloat in front of her, but the little sentinel wasn't taking any of it.

"(Next time you try to touch master's friend, I will let the teddybear respond to you.)"

The sentinel added threateningly before floating down and sinking into the shadow of Burushi, just as she was walking always without looking back at the brown-haired girl who wasn't quite sure whether that last part was a threat or not...


The next day Burushi came to Zoemi's room together with a certain first-year student carrying a tray with a wide choice of single-bite dishes.

"It's open."

The black-haired boy called out from inside his room.

It was a good thing that he was already awake, but on the other hand, he didn't sound as if he was feeling any better than he was the previous day.

"Pardon the intrusion~"

Burushi muttered while opening the door and tiptoeing inside while Patishi walked behind her with a concerned expression.

"Good morning, Burushi, you're up early I see... oh? Patishi! Hello! What brings you here?"

Zoemi glanced at the two girls from behind his closet's door and hurriedly pulled down his undershirt and started buttoning up his shirt.

"Hello, big brother! Miss Burushi asked me to come with her to check something!"

The younger girl smiled brightly at the black-haired boy and lifted the tray she was holding just a bit more to bring his attention to all the small portions.

"Oh? What exactly will you be checking though...?"

Zoemi furrowed his brows and tilted his head curiously, not quite getting the reasoning behind Burushi, a healing magician of all people, asking Patishi for help.

"Well... You that I am a magician...? My variant is... strongly connected with food actually. Miss Burushi thought that maybe you felt bad yesterday because of the food you ate, so we want to test it out."

Patishi explained while motioning at all the different dishes with her chin without moving the tray.

" think that I felt worse yesterday because of the food so you want to feed me more of it to test it out...? Can we just wait until after the class? I am not hungry at all, actually."

Zoemi asked in disbelief, raising his brow in concern while staring at the silent and very serious-looking Burushi.

"N-no! Big brother, of course not! I can feel the intentions and feelings of the food – if they are bad for you they will not want to be eaten! I would never try to make you sick...!"

The younger girl gasped and hurriedly shook her head in her defense – but when it came to the blond heroine, she didn't budge, continuing staring at the black-haired boy's abdomen.

"Burushi...? Is something wrong...?"

Zoemi couldn't help but notice her gaze and asked, slightly nervously, while consciously stopping himself from blocking his stomach with his hand.

"You are in pain again right now, aren't you? Pull up your shirt. Now."


The blond girl switched into her medic mod and demanded in a voice that didn't leave any place for discussion, making the black-haired boy flinch.

"I don't know what you are talking about. How are you finding yourself in the attendant duties...?"

Zoemi murmured in embarrassment, just like a child caught red-handed doing something they weren't allowed to.

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