Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 413 136 - Back to the Aspakeony Academy (part 4)

Chapter 413 136 - Back to the Aspakeony Academy (part 4)

"Yo, my lord, was that...?"

"Miriette and Horeo, yes I did see them. But we were told to go to the headmaster's office first."

Burushi stopped for a second and called out after Zoemi, but the black-haired boy only shrugged his shoulders dismissively while helping himself to walk straight with a crystal cane.

"You could say hello."

The blond girl caught up to him and pointed out looking up at his serious face.

"I could."

Zoemi nodded his head in agreement but did not add anything, even though the words he used would imply that he was going to.


Burushi closed her mouth and gazed at him for a few more seconds before she gave up and started looking around, interested in the reaction of people seeing them.

After all, the young man who was not only supposed to be the mastermind behind the streak of kidnappings but also in a coma at the same time and a girl expelled from the Academy were now walking through the corridor as if nothing happened.

Well, Burushi didn't have a school uniform but a servant's one, but usually, the person expelled never stepped inside the walls of the facility again.

"...they aren't talking..."

Zoemi glanced to the side with a cloudy expression, making a few students jump back in panic, and muttered with a worried voice.


The blond heroine tilted her head and glanced to the sides to check whether that sentence was true or not and raised her brow at the black-haired boy.

"My lord, is everything alright with your ears? Literally, everyone is talking about us. Actually, I think that some people even think about grouping up and trying to subdue us..."

She asked in concern before nervously pointing at a bunch of students with a flower in full bloom badges on their uniforms talking amongst each other and eyeing out the black-haired boy supporting himself with a cane.

"Sorry, that's not what I meant. Before they noticed us, the first prince and his fiance walked through the hallway acting all lovey-dovey. Normally there should be at least a few people melting over how romantic that was. But no one said anything. At all."

Zoemi slowly moved his head from side to side while furrowing his brows.

"Oh... umm... are you sure that we weren't noticed and our presence disturbed the fluffy atmosphere?"

Burushi flinched and bit her lips before muttering in hesitation.

|...little ones, did you hear any awws or awestruck gasps idolizing the future royal couple?|

Zoemi hesitated for a second and thought to the sentinels residing within his shadow.


"(No... not really... But there were a lot of scared ones though!)"

|I see, thank you.|

The answers came immediately – all negative - and the black-haired boy breathed out heavily.

"I am sure."


He said out loud, making Burushi's shoulders slump down in concern.

"Zo... my lord. I think that those thrid year students really will try to attack...!"

Even so, suddenly the blond girl flinched again and sharply turned back, cautiously staring a the group that began following the two of them.

"Ignore them until they will actually try to attack us."

Zoemi didn't share her concern and he didn't even try to look over his shoulders, completely unbothered.

"Tsk! Easy for you to say... my lord!"

Burushi clicked her tongue before hurriedly adding the proper title at the end of her sentence.

"You also have sentinels guarding you. If you will keep doubting them like that, you will make them sad."

The black-haired boy smirked, slightly waving his cane to point out two murky dots staying within the boundaries of the blond girl's shadow.

"What if I am concerned about them too? They are cute like puppies, I don't want them to get hurt protecting me...!"

Burushi scoffed and looked away – and although Zoemi knew that she made that argument on the spot to hide her real feelings, he also felt that the sentinels guarding her became happy.

As the two of them were walking through the Academy's corridors attracting more and more attention, the group following them was also growing exponentially and could actually become troublesome if they decided to jump the black-haired boy or his blond attendant.

After all, it would be awfully awkward to explain why so many students dropped dead on his first day back in the Aspaekony Academy...

"I'll be right back~!"




Just as Zoemi was passing a door to one of the classrooms, a cheerful brown-haired girl jogged out while not looking in front of her, too busy addressing her friends – and she ended up bumping into him.

"Uff...! I-I'm sorry, I wasn't loo..."

The brown-haired first-year girl who attached many cute accessories to her uniform moved back and hurriedly started bowing apologetically to the black-haired boy without even looking at his face, but when she did, her eyes widened and she opened her mouth in utter disbelief.

"Hmm? Patishi? Ah! You became a student?! That's amazing! Why did no one tell me?!"

Zoemi also was surprised, but not as much as the younger girl, so he blinked a few times before his face bloomed into an excited smile as he spoke to his not blood-related younger sister.



The next moment Patishi shouted so loud that Burushi almost fell over, and jumped at Zoemi, locking him in an affectionate hug.


Without ever lowering her voice, the brown-haired girl cried out happily while rubbing her face against the boy's chest as he was returning the hug.

"Yes, I am. Did you miss me? I see that a lot of things happened. Did you finally decide to tell others that you are a magician?"

The black-haired boy asked while holding the younger girl up with the arm that he also had his cane on while using his other hand to pat her head.

"EEEHHH?! Big brother, you knew?!"

Patishi gasped and leaned away just a bit so she could look up at Zoemi's face and asked in a shocken voice.

"Of course. You always had a well-defined unique shadow, it was obvious that you were a magician but since you kept it a secret, so did I."

The black-haired boy shrugged his shoulders and explained.

"Big brother!"

In response to that revelation Patishi felt even happier and hugged the black-haired boy with all her might.

"Now, now. Young miss, my lord is a recovering patient and he isn't going to disappear on you, so you don't have to hold him that tight."

Burushi watching it all from the side smiled and breathed out, lightly tapping Patishi's shoulder.

"Ah...! I'm sorry! I forgot that... Eh...?! MISS BURUSHI?! YOU'RE BACK TOO?!"

That made the younger girl flinch and step back with an apologetic expression – before she looked over at Zoemi's attendant and the situation just repeated itself with her shouting in shock and jumping in for the hug.

"I'm back, but not as a student. Well then, Miss Patishi, how are you feeling, is everything alright? Private visit."

Burushi hugged Patishi back, but then she grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away before switching into her medic-mode and asked a routine set of questions as she activated the strongest version of the check-up spell just in case.

"Miss Burushi! I am perfectly fine, I never felt better, and it is all thanks to you! I am so happy that... wait... not as a student?"

The brown-haired girl nodded vigorously and confirmed with an excited expression – that suddenly froze and was replaced with concern when the meaning of Burushi's words finally settled.

Only then Patishi pay attention to Burushi's clothes and her eyes widened.

"I was already keeping an eye on lord Banemor's health so after he woke up it was most convenient for me to just go ahead and become his attendant just in case."

The blond heroine announced loudly enough for the people behind them to hear it too and smiled at the younger girl.

"That said – we are heading to the headmaster's office before my lord can go attend his lectures, so if you be so kind and excuse us..."

She added, moving Patishi to the side and stepping toward the black-haired boy.

"My lord."

She added meaningfully glancing back at the group of students who had rather doubtful intentions towards them.

"That's right. We have to go. See you around, little sister."

Zoemi nodded at Burushi before looking at Patishi with a smile and winking.

"Big brother! I will cook something special for you!"

"Just be a good girl and pay attention to your lectures first!"

As the black-haired boy and his attendant were walking away, Patishi called after them, making Zoemi snicker and call back lightheartedly.

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