Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 419 137 - Back to the Aspakeony Academy (part 10)

Chapter 419 137 - Back to the Aspakeony Academy (part 10)

  "(They said you've accepted the duel and incapacitated every single opponent at the same time without actually harming them!)"

  "(We did a good job, right master?)"

  The first sentinel explained happily while the other one cheered out proudly.

  |Of course, you did amazingly. I am very happy to have you helping me.|



  Zoemi smiled to himself while chewing on the food while the two sentinels in his shadow gave off an aura of pride and joy.

  The sentinels didn't quite catch the real meaning of that statement and were just happy that they were useful to their creator.

  First of all, the message that they listened to was confirming how strong the black-haired boy was – although that should be obvious to anyone present during the parts of the tournament that Zoemi participated in.

  At the first glance that was all in favor of the black-haired boy, right?

  Since it was a duel, it had been approved by the teachers – so it wasn't an act of aggression.

  The others had the numbers advantage so it wasn't like the black-haired boy was picking out and bullying the weak.

  Not to mention that all of them ended up unharmed and only made incapacitated and nothing else.

  But the thing was...

  All of that only added fuel to the rumor about Zoemi being the mastermind behind the kidnappings.

  All in all, the message undoubtedly spreading around the entire Academy – and possibly even beyond its walls – worked perfectly with Zoemi's adjusted plan.

  " lord... are there... changes in the schedule I was not notified about...?"

  Burushi, who ended up looking back when she heard Miriette's gasp, ended up taking a deep breath and leaning toward the black-haired boy with a question, and a very serious expression.

  |Could you connect us with the message spell, please?|


  Zoemi thought and his sentinel acted immediately.

  |I know we planned on resolving everything peacefully, but indeed, the plan had to be changed. From now I'm going for the villain route where I will act as if I was tricking the first prince the whole time, clearing his opinion while besmirching mine even more...|

  "[What about me then?!]"

  The black-haired boy explained, but then Burushi howled at him – of course only within their magically connected minds.

  |Oh, yours doesn't even need to change. We just need to make sure to show that I was the only person who would give you protection. We can say it was out of convenience too since I was terribly ill and you managed to heal me. It should be fine.|

  Zoemi assured her, doing his best to think of a good argument that would appease the worried healer's heart so that her inner turmoil wouldn't turn into an outward one.

  "[You are just such a hasty guy... I bet that you didn't even try to talk about the changes with anyone because you knew that everyone would tell you to just leave things as they were. As long as you are not aiming to leave the Academy early, you will be attending this and the entirety of the next school year too. You don't need to do things immediately and pace things properly!]"

  Burushi complained in her mind while her fork stopped on its way to the plate for more food.

  |No. I change it because we are not sure how much time we have before the king's death. In Horeo's route's epilogue, it was mentioned that his majesty simply retired after a few years, leaving the kingdom in the capable hands of the first prince and his wife – but we both know how those things translate to this world, the king might be killed within a month. Horeo is the best option. Surou isn't bad either – but for sure we need to get rid of any semblance of chance that Arisu could ever become a candidate.|

  The black-haired boy denied it and explained his reasoning without much problem.

  "[How fast do you jump to conclusions?! Arisu being an option for the succession of the throne isn't even a valid option yet! But on the other hand, do you know what I heard while getting the food for you...?]"

  Burushi scoffed internally and on the outside, she frowned grumpily while turning her head to face Zoemi while she communicated with him.

  "[You. You literally put yourself as a third option! What's with that?!]"

  She hissed in accusation as her eyes narrowed.

  |He hates me. I want a reaction to seeing how far gone are things. How else am I going to do that aside from sending a strong message? He graduated the prior year.|

  The black-haired boy shrugged his shoulders while eating, before looking up and seeing the second wave of the attendants coming in – amongst whom were the short brown-haired twins serving two different masters – Teo and Veo.

  "Lord Banemor, it's a pleasure to see you in good health. Same to you, miss Burushi."

  The older one, Veo, bowed her head gracefully as she passed Zoemi's desk before serving the food from the tray to the first prince.

  "Likewise. I'm happy to see that Burushi's treatment worked out so well for you."

  The black-haired boy nodded back at her with a soft smile and motioned at the skillful movement that the girl was still incapable of back when he was around the first time.


  As for Burushi – she simply raised her hand and nodded at Veo.

  The two of them actually already saw each other earlier while in the kitchen and had an actual conversation that included the blond heroine checking up on the state of the brown-haired girl's arms, so the greeting just now was only a matter of acknowledging each other out o respect.

  Just from the looks of it seemed that Veo has improved tremendously and definitely couldn't be counted as just half of the attendant as she originally did – which was probably the reason why Patishi began attending the Academy as a student.

  Truly, there were more than a few things that Zoemi wanted t know and learn but he held onto asking since he was in the middle of acting out his plan.

  "Master Zoemi...!"


  While on one side there was Veo, the older twin who was acting like an examplar attendant – there was the younger twin, Teo, who was looking as if she had a hard time keeping her act together.

  Just from her gasp that was supposed to be a greeting, it was obvious that she would much prefer to throw the tray she was holding to the side and jump at the black-haired boy.

  ...not to mention the way she addressed him was...

  "Hello, Teo. Long time no see. Don't mind me. Your master is waiting."

  Zoemi breathed out and tried to diffuse the situation, smiling in an amicable manner and leaning to the side as if to make Miriette sitting behind him more visible.


  But instead of doing the right thing and moving past him, the brown-haired girl wearing the butler's uniform remain in place, glaring at the blond girl towards whom Zoemi had leaned to.


  Burushi flinched and lowered her eyes, not looking to pick up the challenge that the other attendant was clearly issuing.

  "Ehem! Teo. I'm waiting."


  Thankfully, Teo, Burushi, and Zoemi weren't the only people in the classroom - and Miriette, Teo's master, cleared out her throat and tapped her finger meaningfully on her desk, expecting to receive the food that the brown-haired attendant in the butler's uniform was holding.

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