Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

589 Chapter 200

"Chief magistrate. It is a pleasure to see you in good health."

Steven walked up to meet the group and bowed his head to the steel-gray-haired man and his wife and child followed suit.

"Greetings, Ramis family. Is Benedict still training?"

The man nodded back with a smile and asked, looking towards the entrance to the special training grounds in the Great Ram sect's inner courtyard.

As a long-time friend of the leader of the Great Ram sect, the head of the justice magistrate was almost as familiar with the whole estate as he was with one owned by his own sect.

"He is, chief magistrate. This time he said that he is sure to reach the sixth star level with the law of Aries."

Steven bowed again and declared with respect and pride clearly audible in his voice.

"Gramps Daniel, sixth star level in the law of Aries is super hard to achieve and it makes the user insanely tough, right? If this Benedict person really will get there, will I be able to train with him?"

The bored boy by the steel-gray-haired man's side livened up and asked, reaching out and tugging on the much older man's sleeve.

"Pardon the rudeness but is this youngster...?"

The vice leader of the Great Ram sect raised his brow and looked between the boy and the head of the justice magistrate before putting out a hesitant question.

"This is a pride of my sect. Aaron. The beloved child of Sagittarius with immense secondary talent in the law of Taurus. Despite being fourteen, he already reached thirteenth star level in the law of Sagittarius and sixth star level in the law of Taurus."

"Is that so...! Greetings, Aaron."


The steel-gray-haired man revealed with a proud smile, patting the bored boy's shoulder, which made Steven gasp and hurriedly bow to the child too, to which the beloved child of Sagittarius responded with a short nod.

"Hey, you. How strong are you? Do you want to train with me?"

Aaron didn't pay much attention to the vice-leader of the Great Ram sect but he sure seemed intrigued by Alan.

"It would be a pleasure to face a beloved child of stars. I'm at the fourth star level of the law of Aries, the fourth star level of the law of Virgo, and the second level of the law of Capricorn."

Alan responded with a polite bow and revealed his strongest talents.

"Oh... Sorry, please forget that I asked. I don't want to hurt you."

The younger boy's shoulders slumped down and he shook his head with a disappointed expression.

"Don't take it

personally, miss. At his star level, the power of Sagittarius seeps into all of his attacks. Although you could tank and heal through his laws of Taurus, the law of Taurus negates the damage done by the concentrated star energy only from the fifth star level."

The head of the justice magistrate, Daniel, hurriedly explained his protegee's act, although in the first place Aaron was very polite about and it looked like he was the one needing the words of encouragement.

"No offense taken. I will do my best in cultivation training so that one day we may face each other."

Alan shook his head slightly and nodded toward the younger boy with a friendly smile.

"That said. Let's deal with the dark sect member first. He s down in the grotto. Bring him out. Aaron, get ready just in case, this one gained full mastery of the law of Aries."

The steel-gray-haired man clapped his hands together and said waving his arm towards the main building of the Great Ram sect making the marital artists that arrived with them move out.

"...but if he gets there through murder, then he will burst open with one shot..."

The beloved child of Sagittarius mumbled, and his face shoved a boring expression once more.

It was quite chilling for the Ramis family – it definitely wasn't the first time for that young boy to fight and kill members of the dark sects and yet he was so unphased by it as if it wasn't a dangerous mission but some mundane chore.


"Two. One."

At the same time as the line of skilled martial artists from the Star Pagoda began walking down the stairs, the black-haired man patiently waiting at their destination finished the countdown and approached the massive door.

"Alright, time to go~! Law of Aries. Law of Capricorn."

Zoemi cheered with a smile and clawed at the metal, digging his fingers in as if it was soft butter.



"...what the hell was that...?"

The odd sounds reached the descending group and the second martial artist in the line asked the one in front of him.

"I'm not sure... hold on... Are those footsteps...?"

The first one furrowed his brows in confusion before raising his hand and turning his head to the side to listen in on the rapidly approaching sound.

"Everyone who didn't already do it, Activate your star power! The dark sect members have... OH, WHAT IN THE GUIDE'S NAME?!"

The leading man called out, ordering everyone behind him before suddenly a massive door completely filling the available space suddenly rushed them from below...!



...hitting, swiping the man off of his feet, and pushing him back so easily as if it didn't meet any resistance at all...!"




A call from the marital artist that didn't even manage to get onto the staircase confused and alarmed the five people peacefully walking towards the main building.

"What do you mean by retreat, why?"

The head of the magistrate of justice called out to his men in surprise...



"!!!" The answer arrived before the marital artists could respond – from down below, a mass of people was pushed out from the staircase and sent flying by a single man pushing up a massive door in one hand, creating a piston-like motion creating a rather funny sound.

Marital artists sent into the air crushed into and actually broke through the roof and walls of the building as the running black-haired man jumped up all the way to the ceiling still holding onto the door as if they were made out of paper.


The first to react to the insanity in front of them was Aaron, the beloved child of Sagittarius – the fourteen years old boy lived up to his title and shot used his strongest star power, aiming his hand at the new arrival and launching the concentrated beam of star power straight at him!



Still, loudly calling out the name of the power he was going to use before attacking was enough of a warning for the black-haired man to twist in the air and throw the entire door right at the attack.


When the star energy and the door made of ancient wood and thick metal collided neither was victorious as the energy dissipated and the door broke apart in a huge explosion that shook the entire building and broke more than a few eardrums of the unprepared marital artist within the Great Ram sect.


As soon as the pieces of the door burst apart, Aaron's bored expression was replaced by a wide grin of excitement, launching himself forward with the burst of the concentrated star power.

The law of Sagittarius seemed to augment not only the physical attack but the movements too!

"Someone new?"

Zoemi raised his brow, watching the young boy sprint at him.

Using the law of Capricorn the blacked-haired man used the limited amount of time he could create a foothold out of the thin air available at his star level and rushed to meet the new opponent head-on.

"Ha! Fool. Someone who cultivated with the spiritual energy stolen from other people could never dream of measuring up to a..."

The steel-gray-haired man scoffed with a confident face, watching the two clash with each other – the grinning boy punched at the face of the black-haired man who seemed to be aiming for a headbutt for whatever reason and...!


"...beloved child of... stars...?"

As the punch powered by the law of Taurus and further enhanced by the law of Sagittarius connected with the black-haired man's head, Aaron was faced with such an enormous backlash to push him back and zoom right by the head of the chief magistrate and crush into the small building by the wall surrounding the Great Ram sect's estate.


The head of the justice magistrate shouted in disbelief, turning around and staring in disbelief at the clear loser of the clash – the pride of his sect, the beloved child of Saggitarius, Aaron!

"Tsk. Locking me up with a room without any commodities and sending a literal child to fight me? There is a limit to the rudeness, don't you think?"

Zoemi landed on the ground a few feet away from the Ramis family and the steel-gray-haired man and scoffed, glaring in anger at the ghastly pale Vola.

"And you even dressed up my master as a girl! The audacity of you people!"

Zoemi leaned to the side, looking at Alan in shock and declaring, sounding really pissed off.


The steel-gray-haired man blinked a few times, feeling completely lost because of the words of the black-haired man.



Before Daniel received an answer to his question, Aaron got back up from the debris of the crumbling building with the most brilliant smile and eyes burning with excitement and laughed with joy destroying even more property as he launched himself back at Zoemi.

Erupting with concentrated star power like some sort of star-powered fireworks the boy got to the black-haired man and unleashed a series of devastating punches at his stomach.


...all of which hurt only him while leaving his target completely unphased...

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