Records of the Weakest Emperor

Chapter 19: Did I Scare You All?

Chapter 19: Did I Scare You All?

Calvin didn't bother about these newbies anymore.

He turned around, squeezed the doorknob, and opened the door.

The corridor outside was incredibly dark but it was temporarily illuminated by the light of the room where he was in.

He looked down and saw the mutilated body of a person clad in the security outfit of Mount Spirit Sword Asylum. A disgusting smell wafted out of the body, but since the blood was still wet. It was obvious that the person died recently, possibly in the last few hours.

Calvin took one final glance at the newbies before he finally closed the door.

The corridor became dark once again.

The darkness, accompanied by the cold breeze that occasionally swept past Calvin from out of nowhere, could definitely send shivers down the spines of anyone.

However, this was the second time that he entered Mount Spirit Sword Asylum.

He had prior experience and he also had a map of the Asylum.

Calvin started walking.


[You have entered the Administration Block.]

"As I expected, I really am in the Administration Block..." Calvin softly whispered.

He stuck his body close to the wall and started moving his way towards the end of the corridor.

Soon, his hand caught the presence of a doorknob.

He squeezed the doorknob and found that the door wasn't locked.

Turning around, he gently pushed the doors open and a gory scene revealed itself in front of him.

Right before Calvin was the mutilated and naked corpses of the employees of this Asylum.

Mixed among the bodies of these men was the body of a nurse.

Her mouth was wide open and her pupils constricted in the same fear that she felt before dying.

Furthermore, Calvin could see some evidence on her naked body that she suffered a lot of humiliation from the patients here before she was finally killed out of mercy.

"Fucking hell..."

Calvin softly cursed.

The floor was slick with the blood of these corpses.

His eyebrows were furrowed from the disgusting smell, yet he didn't stop himself from exploring the place.

The room had the lights on, so it wasn't a problem for Calvin to find what he needed.

He collected the walkie-talkies of the officers. Fiddling with it, he discovered that they were still working.

'We could probably use this as our means for communication if worse comes to worst.' Calvin pondered.

He then took the flashlights of the guards strapped around their waist.

In this incredibly dark environment of the asylum.

One needed the help of flashlights if they wanted to explore the place without getting lost.

But of course, since the patients of this asylum could detect the presence of flashlights. Their usage must be limited and they should only be used when there was absolutely no light and the person had no idea where they were.

Calvin placed brand-new batteries into the flashlights and made sure that they were working properly before venturing out of the room.

Arriving at the dark corridor, Calvin used the flashlight and discovered that the end of the corridor was blocked by chairs.

The blockage wasn't that difficult to remove, but if they did remove it.

That Butcher would probably detect their presence and rush here to kill them.

"Damn, I didn't expect that the big fucking bastard actually has some brain cells...''

'To think that he could do something like this...'

These chairs served as an early warning system for the Butcher, so they must not be removed at all costs.

However, how should they go out of this corridor and reach the main halls?

Back then, the Butcher didn't appear till they were reaching the end of the final phase, so Calvin now had no idea how they would escape this corridor without alarming the Butcher.

'Guess, I can't do anything other than to actually explore...'

Calvin deeply sighed and closed his flashlight.

He stuck his body close to the wall and whenever he was right by a door. He would place his ears on the walls to try and listen for any signs of activity inside the room beyond the doors. Fortunately, every room in this dark corridor had no living people in them, only corpses.

Soon, Calvin arrived in front of a door that had lights in it.

He extinguished his breath and stuck his ear close to the door.

'There's no one here...'

He twisted the doorknob slightly, and upon discovering that it wasn't locked.

Calvin opened the door and he then found himself standing inside a breakroom.

The breakroom had a huge air vent around it, and one could still smell the scent of tobacco lingering in the air.

A vending machine could be seen beside the sink.

Calvin surveyed the area and he stared right at the air vent.

'I could probably crawl through that vent. But the problem is, I don't know where it leads to...'

'As for the others...'

'Hugo might have some trouble, but it's not impossible for him to squeeze through.'

Calvin repeatedly nodded his head.

He dragged the wooden benches inside the breakroom underneath the air vent.

He climbed up the benches and removed the grills of the vent.


Calvin repeatedly coughed upon being showered by the thick tar that had accumulated on the grills of the vent.

'Damn that smells horrible...'

Calvin inwardly criticized.

He inspected the insides of the air vent and discovered that Hugo could really fit and crawl through the vent.

He also removed the grill at the end of the vent to create an illusion that he went through the air event and explored the surrounding area. Afterwards, he went back inside the vent and returned to the break room.

Upon arriving, he slapped the sides of the vending machine.

Drinks rolled down the machine like a waterfall and Calvin collected enough beverage for the newbies.

He placed the drinks near the sink before opening a can of coffee and a bottle of water for himself.

He leaned on the walls and started stalling for time.

He couldn't possibly return there this early for they would definitely be suspicious of him if he presented a complete map of the Administration Block when he only spent a few minutes outside.

Back in the room where the newbies hid, a commotion was already unfolding.

"You were pretending to be asleep? How shameless! How could you do something like that? To think that you're already so old, yet you're still so shameless!"

Rose "woke" up a few moments after Calvin closed the doors.

Upon seeing this, Roy stood up and gave her a fierce scolding.

"What...? What are you saying? I'm pretending to be asleep? Why would I do such a thing?"

"Yeah, yeah... Go ahead, play dumb! Do you really think that I won't notice you reacting when Calvin turned to look at the girls? I could see it! I could see it as clear as daylight! You were awake, but you continued to pretend as if you're sleeping to avoid being criticized, you shameless coward!" Roy pointed a finger at her.

"Hahaha..." Rose lightly chuckled, "A coward, you say? Who was the one who cowered so fast earlier and almost pissed? And to think that you would actually dare to accuse me of being a coward... Are you even a man?" Rose revealed a mocking expression on her face.

"You... If I wasn't a feminist, I would've slapped you across your face, you presumptuous bitch!" Roy reddened in anger and shame. He really didn't expect that Rose was observing him earlier. He wanted to use Rose as an emotional scapegoat, but he had the tables turned against him and now he had no idea how to respond.


Scarlette stepped up and stopped the argument.

"Can you guys talk even louder? The monsters won't be able to hear us if you don't increase the volume of your voice."



Roy and Rose turned to look at Scarlette.

But remembering the existence of that terrifying monster earlier, the two didn't say anything anymore.

They just kept their silence and waited.

Minutes after minutes.

Until one of them couldn't hold it in anymore and said...

"What is he doing there for so long...? It's been half an hour already, yet he's still not here!"

"Could it be that he was already captured by those monsters?"

"Why else would he take so long on making that stupid map!"

"Yeah... that's it... He should've been captured by those bastards already..."

"Then, what should we do...?"

"Are we just going to wait for our dea-"

"Shut up!"

Hugo cried out.

His voice sounded as if it was a peal of thunder.

Nicholas who was already at the brink of collapse stopped whatever he was doing due to shock and started crying instead.

"What a pathetic beansprout." Rose audibly mocked. She wasn't polite at all.

"You too, stop. Don't cause any trouble." Hugo's eyes were as cold as ice.

Rose expression paled, "W-What...? What are you going to do about it...?"

Hugo raised an eyebrow, even if he wasn't that smart, he could see that Rose was a thorn in their group.

"If you continue to cause trouble, then I will personally end that puny life of yours!"

Hugo said in a guttural voice akin to that of an ancient bloodthirsty beast.

The air thickened.

Hugo seemed to have transformed into a monster at this moment.

"Y-You..." Rose was taken aback and she started shivering like a sieve.

Everyone was dumbstruck and stuck frozen from the sight of Hugo's bloodthirsty eyes.

But before any one of them could say anything.

A loud bang rang out as someone kicked the door and shouted.

"I'm back!"

"Oh? What is going on?"

Calvin returned only to find everyone shivering in fear as he stared at him.

"Uhm... I'm sorry, did I scare you all from that kick?"

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