Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 5055: Who is offended by giving away tickets?

Chapter 5055: Who is offended by giving away tickets?

After he entered the house, he happened to see Liu Ermei coming out of the kitchen. She handed the ticket in her hand to Liu Ermei and said, "This is the train ticket that Mr. Xiao dragged me to buy. She asked me to give it to you."

Thank you. After Liu Ermei finished speaking, she took the ticket from the monkey and then asked the monkey, How much is the total?

Thirty-eight dollars and six cents.

"Wait a minute, I'll get you some money." After Liu Ermei finished speaking, she quickly walked towards the room.

When she came out of the room, she had a wad of money in her hand. Then she walked up to the monkey and handed the money to the monkey. She went back to the kitchen and continued working.

Where are you going? The scorpion asked the monkey immediately after seeing the monkey put the money into his pocket and walked out of the house.

Of course Im going home to be with my wife and children. Im a family man, unlike you, an old bachelor.

"What did you say? If you have the ability, say what you just said again."

"Of course I have no ability, so I'll leave first." After the monkey finished speaking, he quickly ran out of the yard.

Scorpion was a little reluctant to see the monkey running away so fast, but it was impossible for him to chase it away, because it was not worth expending so much effort to chase for such a trivial matter.

"What's wrong with you two?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Xie Zi after she picked the vegetables and saw Xie Zi standing in the yard with a look of reluctance.

The monkey laughs at me for being an old bachelor.

"Isn't this true? If I remember correctly, you are already twenty-seven years old this year, so you have nothing to be angry about."

Hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Scorpion felt like he had been stabbed in the chest. Although what Monkey said before made him feel quite heartbroken, compared with what Lu Xiaoxiao said, he was like his younger brother.

So who did he provoke whom? Let him be injured twice for the same reason.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Lu Xiaoxiao with resentful eyes.

Dont look at me like that, because its not me who caused this result today. By the way, did you do what Mr. Fan said?


Thats good, and you must stick to it. As long as you stick to it for a year, your wife will have it, and your baby will have it, and then the monkey will no longer be able to laugh at you.

"It's one o'clock. I suddenly remembered that I still had to be busy, so I left first." After Scorpion finished speaking, he ran quickly outside the yard.

Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Xiezi ran so fast that she didn't even have a chance to speak. It seemed that Xiezi would have no luck today.

Xiaoxiao, where are they? Liu Ermei asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she saw Lu Xiaoxiao entering the house alone.


Arent they staying for supper?

One is in a hurry to go home to see his wife and children, and the other is busy with something, so its just the two of us finishing the meal tonight.

Okay, Ill make the soup, and you can go and rest for a while.

Lu Xiaoxiao did not refuse after hearing Liu Ermei's words, because she was really a little tired from picking vegetables in the same position just now, so she lay down directly on the sofa after Liu Ermei went to the kitchen to make soup.

Seven or eight minutes later, Liu Ermei returned to the living room with the cooked soup. Then she shouted to Lu Xiaoxiao who was lying on the sofa: "Xiaoxiao, the soup is ready. Come over and drink the soup."

Okay. After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she got up from the sofa and walked quickly towards the dining table.

When she sat down at the dinner table, she filled a bowl of soup for herself and Liu Ermei, and then said to Liu Ermei: "Eat quickly."


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