Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine's Daughter

Chapter 121 - I had seen the sister

Chapter 121 I had seen the sister

“Big villain?” He Danggui raised her eyebrow.

“Yeah,” Feng Yu lied with sweat on his forehead. “Don’t be cheated by her appearance. In fact, besides telling lies, she usually likes fighting, abusing, and even killing. So, you must leave her without a word as soon as meeting her. And remember not to tell her the thing that our Childe ever lived with Childe Ning in Luo’s Mansion, please!”

After thinking for a while, He Danggui asked, “According to her accent, she comes from the capital… Ling Miaoyi knows Childe Feng and Childe Ning, doesn’t she? Where are they from?”

Feng Yu regretted what he just said. He said immediately with his hands shaking, “No, no, no. Our Childe has never been to the capital with Childe Ning. Particularly Childe Feng is from Yangzhou. He has been to nowhere except Wudang Mountain in his all life… Though he has met Ling Miaoyi, he’s not familiar with her. They have never ever met in the capital because we hardly went out.” The more he said, the more worried he was. He scratched his head and was afraid that he might give the show away.

He Danggui laughed and made her hair neat with her fingers. She said, “Don’t worry, dude. I just said that randomly. I’m not so interested in your Childes. By the way, thank you for saving Chan Yi! I really appreciate it.”

Feng Yu was about to reply. Suddenly, a high voice came into ears, “Ah, Third Miss! Why are you still here? Madam is calling you!” He Danggui looked back and saw Mammy Hua, who served Madam.

Mammy Hua ran totteringly to here. She ignored Feng Yu and caught the arm of He Danggui to leave immediately. She said quickly, “Madam’s going to introduce you to the guests. Today an honored guest, Earl Baoding Meng Shan, is present at the feast. And I heard that First Master Guan would also come!” She looked at He Danggui from head to toe and asked, “Third Miss, is your dress too plain? Today there are all special guests.”

He Danggui shook her head and asked, “Earl Baoding Meng Shan? How could he come suddenly? I didn’t know it before. I thought it is just a common family feast. Why is it a big feast?” Generally, it would take Luo’s Mansion three days to prepare a middle feast. The atmosphere in those three days was like in a festival. A big one was much more clamorous.

Mammy Hua explained, “It’s because Earl Baoding’s army just passed by Yangzhou and he came to visit Senior Lord Luo. But Senior Lord Luo traveled around the other day. Madam persuaded him as well as his little Childe to stay to have a meal two hours ago. Now the cooks are preparing the dishes.” She said while pulling He Danggui. “Third Miss, your dress seems too plain. There are some dresses of Four Miss in Madam’s room. Would you like to change one you are fond of?” She still asked.

He Danggui smiled and said, “Ha-ha. Madam entertains the guests at the banquet. I’ll just have a meal sitting at the edge. Why are you so focused on my clothes?”

Mammy Hua smiled embarrassedly and said, “This is Madam’s instruction. Two masters of Peng’s Family also have come…”

It turned out that they were planning for this. He Danggui smiled and thought, “Does the senior really like to make a crazy match? Luo Baiqiong has shown her affection to Peng Shi and even doesn’t care about her reputation. Madam should make a match for them.

While just going into Fu Shou Yard, they saw the lanterns and festoons could be find everywhere and everyone was all smiles as if it was the Spring Festival. The feast would be in the Xin Rong Hall of the main hall. It hadn’t started. Mammy Tang was running from the kitchen to the hall again and again. Seeing Third Miss coming, she was so delighted and said, “Third Miss, you’re here. Madam’s talking with guests in the hall. The First and Second Miss haven’t reached. Hua Sanniang, take Third Miss in!”

Declining the suggestion of changing a colorful suit, He Danggui went to the Xin Rong Hall. She felt curious about the Peng Shi who made Luo Baiqiong jump into the water willingly. She suddenly heard a man talking with a cracked voice. “Ha-ha, brother, this step is so awful that you don’t have chance to go forward or back. You will lose after a little while!”

Standing by the door, He Danggui found two well-dressed men playing Chinese Go. She saw a man in light blue robe leaning in the armchair and yawning. The other one in dark green robe was sitting so straight. As she looked at the second man, he suddenly felt that and looked up to her. The man in light blue robe found his brother hanging the fingers with a Go stone and staring the left side. He also turned to see the left while yawning. When he saw He Danggui, he was stare blankly for a moment. Then he was excited and suddenly jumped up.

Madam sitting in the seat of the host also saw He Danggui. She waved to her and said, “Come here to see your cousins.” She pointed at the two men and said, “They are the sons of your aunt. Jian is two years older than you, and Shi is four years older than you. They are both outstanding. (Which one do you like?)” The last sentence was said by eyes to He Danggui. And then Madam pointed at He Danggui and told those two men, “Shi and Jian, this is your Third Sister. She will also go to academy. You’d take good care of her!”

That man in light blue robe went forward. He smiled and said, “Madam, I’ve ever seen this sister!”

Madam looked at He Danggui curiously. She asked, “Have you ever met?”

Staring at these two men, He Danggui shouted in her mind, “Oh no! As a ‘high-fed’ miss, the thing that I’ve been to the restaurant by disguising myself as a man can be a seriously wrong thing, but it can also be not that serious. However, if it’s known by Madam, I will be blamed by her. Should I admit that?”

Right, she had ever met these two men at Qunxian Restaurant in Tu’er Town. The man in dark green robe was about fourteen years old, and he was probably Peng Shi, who was a cool guy just eating alone on that day. He had black charming eyes with upturned canthus. He looked impassive and haughty. which made people be timid and overcautious when facing him.

The man in light blue robe was about twenty, and he was probably Peng Jian. He liked to care about others’ business. On that day, he blamed that they booked too many dishes. His appearance was a little bit like Peng Shi. He had thin and long eyebrows, an aquiline nose and beautiful jaw. His lips were upwards, looking like a little rampant. Meanwhile, his black eyes were shining.

He Danggui felt annoyed and thought, “Humph. How can he be so happy? He should tell her actions suddenly, and Madam will blame her. Moreover, it’s believed that she slipped away to indulge herself drinking and eating. Madam will be worried about the food in Shui Shang Temple. If taking Luo Baishao back in advance, her plan will be in vain.” Think about this, she couldn’t help sighing with emotion. “What a coincidence! I should meet my ‘cousins’ in the same restaurant, and they were just next to my table!”

At this moment, the man in dark green robe went up and clapped the shoulder of his brother. He said with displeased mood, “What are you bullshitting? When did we meet this sister? Look, she doesn’t know you.” Meanwhile, he nodded towards He Danggui and said, “Hello, Third Sister. I’m Peng Shi. It’s nice to meet you here for the first time!” He stressed “the first time”.

He Danggui didn’t know what happened and said fast to Madam, “Madam, it should be the first time we meet. I’ve never seen them.”

Then all the people took their seat. Peng Jian was clapped heavily by his brother. He suddenly thought that they followed Taoist Sage Bai Yangbai to Tu’er Town in want of learning skills from him. That thing couldn’t tell anyone else because his father, Peng Haoguang, had a great prejudice to Taoist Sage. Therefore, the thing that they met in Tu’er Town could not be known by others.

However, looking at the girl in front of their table, Peng Jian felt a little annoyed. Huh, why did she also pretend not knowing him? That day in the Qunxianlou Restaurant, he was called “yenta man” by her. And then his brother took him to secretly follow Ling Miaoyi, who presented suddenly. After that, he couldn’t find her when coming back. Seeing the girl, Peng Jian felt excited. He couldn’t imagine that the village girl met on that day was the Third Miss of Luo’s Mansion. Now he finally had the chance to say back that he was not the “yenta man”!

He didn’t know if it was his illusion that the gorgeous village girl that day became so common now… Her face became pale. Was she hungry? Her eyes became smaller. Was she tired? She was that village girl, but why did her appearance become a lot? Last time they met in the restaurant, her gestures, expressions, every twinkle and smile were so charming that he could not move his eyes from her face. But now she had no expressions. Though she was drinking tea as that day, her free and easy temperament disappeared…

“Ahem! Ahem…”

Peng Jian jumped up from his seat. Seeing the Third Sister just took a glance at him, she was choked suddenly by the water! “Third Sister. Are you OK?” Peng Jian couldn’t help but ask her while going back to his seat.

He Danggui took a deep breath and touched her chest. And then she took a chrysanthemum cake to hide her embarrassing look. The man in the first-class seat was fifty-year-old Earl Baoding Meng Shan. She had just seen him a few times in the previous life. However, the guy in white was the man she saved in the Shui Shang Temple, wasn’t he?

Madam didn’t notice the scene that He Danggui was chocked. She smiled and introduced to two Childes of Peng’s Family, fake Feng Yang and Ning Yuan, “They are Earl Baoding Meng Shan as well as his Seventh Childe Meng Xuan. Though Meng Xuan is just eleven years old, he is the Young General of the Cavalry bestowed by His Majesty. And he once went to the front and killed enemies.”

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