Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine's Daughter

Chapter 105 - Birth of Heirlooms

Chapter 105 Birth of Heirlooms

Madam Luo and Mammy Tang couldn’t imagine that she would agree so smoothly. They were stunned for a moment. Then according to the deal that Madam Luo and Mammy Tang made before, the latter replied, “Since Third Miss is so sensible, it’s better to do it in the morning after tomorrow. We will convene all the people in the family. Then you’ll admit the fact that you once knew that West Lateral court was infested with rats and didn’t report it. After you kowtow and apologize to Ms. Dong, I’ll mediate and end it.”

He Danggui nodded approvingly and said, “It can’t be better. When my sister-in-law married in our family, I didn’t have the honor to see or salute to her. Now several years passed, my greeting should have been redoubled. I should have kowtowed twice to her after all.”

Madam Luo put the Buddha beads on the table and smiled happily to Mammy Tang, “I’ve always said that the cleverest child in our family is Yi. Now it seems that it’s absolutely true! Ha-ha, such a good child saves us a lot of troubles!” The two had discussed for an afternoon, and prepared a lot to persuade He Danggui to admit the crime of “injuring her nephew by mistake”. Now they only said a little, and He Danggui agreed directly. How could Madam Luo not be happy about that?

Mammy Tang also said with a smile, “Yes, Third Miss always shares your worries.” He Danggui also smiled.

Looking at the lovely granddaughter, Madam Luo thought for a moment, and then faltered out a few words, “Yi, your sister-in-law is also a spoiled daughter before she got married, and sometimes she was a little grumpy. When you go to Liu Li Tang to apologize, if she says something bad or hits you gently, that’s because she loves her son. Don’t take it into your heart. I’ll tell her the truth in an appropriate time, and then let her apologize to you quietly. Then you’ll be even. Isn’t it great?!”

Seeing her nodding again, Madam Luo finally said the key point, “In a word, you can’t tell the story about how the Immortal showed his mercy and helped with Zhu’s rebirth, or it will be very bad for Luo’s Family. Yi, you are also a member of Luo’s Family, so you should remember the principle of ‘honor one and you honor them all’ and ‘one can be profited under the protection of people of power and influence’. In the future, don’t you still need to rely on Luo’s Family for your marriage?”

“I know. Please don’t worry, Grandma. I won’t be angry with her or talk as I please in public.” The candles in the room were about to burn out at this time, which made the face of the speaker and the room dim for a moment. “From now on, I will never mention the dream of meeting the Immortal, as if nothing had happened.”

Madam Luo took a sigh of relief, patted the girl on the shoulder and said, “Good girl, you are so obedient. Grandma will reward you later. Now that you can write, you can learn some etiquette lessons with Qiong from Mammy Shangguan. Then I’ll request Vice-President Wei to let you enter Chengxu Academy without examination, which is good for your future marriage.”

In the previous life, He Danggui had never gone to this legendary academy, where both male and female students were enrolled. When she heard Luo Baiqiong and Luo Baishao talking about the interesting stories of the academy, she envied them. However, now she had all kinds of skills and had read various books on numerous subjects. How could she join those ignoramus ladies to learn about propriety, music, archery, riding, writing, arithmetic, or female virtue and needlework?

Instead, she wanted to sneak out of Luo’s Mansion to do business and make money. In her previous life, she had come up with many business ideas. Every time she told Zhu Quan, all her advice was rejected immediately. However, the strangest thing was that after she encountered the profitable business belonging to Caobang Organization several times, she found that the internal structure and marketing strategy they used were surprisingly similar to her previous ideas. Finally, the owner of Caobang Organization, who had similar ideas with her, turned the organization into a powerful chief. With a large wealth, the organization gradually became the largest group in Jianghu.

Now she had many business ideas, which had been proved to be very successful by Caobang in the previous life. In addition, she got the first income from selling her fragrant wooden coffin. Her idea of trying was quietly emerging every day. In the business circle of this life, she wanted to compete with Caobang. She had to get both wealth and honor!

Hearing that Madam Luo also planned to send Third Miss to Chengxu Academy, Mammy Tang whispered, “But First Lord said that he could only get admission for two at most. Haven’t you decided to let Second Miss and Fourth Miss go there for studying?”

Madam Luo also answered in a low voice, “It doesn’t matter. Yi can learn female virtues and needlework at home this year. After copying the calligraphy for a year, we can get her another one for admission.”

He Danggui was very excellent in hearing, so she heard the conversation very clearly. If what she remembered was right, the Female Academy of Chengxu Academy would once again raise the standard of entrance examination next year, and Luo’s Family would fail to get another admission without examination. Therefore, in the previous life, she hadn’t been able to enter the academy to enrich her advantages. However, she was also happy to be excluded, so she wisely chose to keep silent.

After their whispering, they turned around and smiled at He Danggui. Madam Luo cleared her throat and said, “That’s great. We’ll shut our door and pray for Luo’s Family and Zhu in the next two days. The day after tomorrow, you should go to Liu Li Tang with Hong Jiang and apologize to your sister-in-law. Don’t be afraid. Lan is a virtuous person. Besides, she knows the source of the things under the bed of Zhu, so she won’t embarrass you hard.”

“OK! Deal!” Then He Danggui looked at Madam Luo’s face anxiously and asked, “Look at your pale face, Grandma. Are your old diseases of weakness and rheumatism happening again?”

After dealing with the burden, Madam Luo fell down on the table, squinted and pressed her temple, “I’ve been taking good care of my body for several years, so these diseases haven’t happened for a long time, but I still haven’t completely cured. See? I’m always breathless when something bad happens at home.”

He Danggui said gloomily, “It was all my fault. I climbed the rockery and fell down, which caused my death and made you sad. I have no choice but to take this as my gratitude to you.” Then she took out a wax pill from her sleeve and handed it over, “Please eat it, Grandma. At that time, when I woke up in the Taoist temple, I was very weak. After eating one like this, I recovered as before.”

Madam Luo took off the wax pill and asked in surprise, “Is this a fruit or a purple plum? Where did you get it?”

He Danggui answered with a smile, “It’s a jujube, not a plum. Hurry up, eat it!” Then she pushed the jujube to Madam Luo’s mouth, just like the last time when she forced her to eat medicine. Madam Luo had never accepted such treatment. The maids never dared do it and her granddaughters hadn’t been closing enough to feed her. So, she felt that it was probably a manifestation of intimacy and love for her, so she ate it hurriedly, which tasted strangely.

“Ah, Madam Luo, your face become ruddy! And your eyes are shining!” Mammy Tang was surprised to see her like that, so she cried, “What happened? How do you feel, Madam Luo? What jujube is that, Third Miss? Where did you get it?”

Madam Luo suddenly felt that her head wasn’t dizzy and her chest wasn’t stuffy. And her voice was full of energy, “My belly is quite comfortable right now. Yi, what jujube is that?”

He Danggui explained, “At the night I revived, the man whose name couldn’t be mentioned gave it to me as well as the ‘reborn pill’. I swallowed the pill immediately. When I woke up, a handful of jujubes were put in my arms.”

Mammy Tang widened her eyes, “You mean...They’re from Nanji Xianweng?!”

He Danggui nodded, “Yes, he said that they’re wild jujubes growing in his yard. If you eat three of them, all your diseases can be cured; if you eat six, you will live longer; if you eat ten, you can...”

“What?” Madam Luo and Mammy Tang asked in unison.

“Oh, here is the thing.” He Danggui scratched her cheek and said helplessly. “When he said this, I was eating the pill, then I woke up accidentally, so I didn’t hear the last sentence.”

“You just said there were a handful of jujubes?” Madam Luo sat up straight and asked, “How many in all?”

He Danggui said timidly, “Well, after I woke up at that night, I was tired, cold and hungry. The jujubes looked delicious, so I picked one up and ate it. After that, I felt its magic effect. So, I didn’t dare to enjoy it alone and soaked the remaining nine into a jar of strong wines according to the preservation method the nameless person taught me.”

“Where is the wine?” Madam Luo took He Danggui’s hands.

“Over there.” He Danggui pointed to the corner, “I lost all my strength when I moved them there. When I heard Mammy and Grandma calling me, I put the jar in the corridor...” Before He Danggui finished, Madam Luo and Mammy Tang had both jumped up and moved the dark brown wine jar to the table together.

“I’ve just had, one.” Madam Luo said in tiredness. “Now there are eight left... You should let us move such a heavy jar. What are we gonna do if you break it?”

“The one whose name can’t be mentioned said that I was virtuous in my previous life, but was killed by others, so I got these rewards and compensations in this life. But things from heaven can’t be brought to the world at will, so these jujubes are sealed and would only work when I eat them. If I want to share them with others, I’ll have to fast and burn incense for three days. After that, I’ll need to recite the Heart Sutra that the unmentionable person gave to me a hundred times with a jujube in my hand, then I can give it to other people, or it would be poisonous.”Visit vi p novel. com

Seeing that Madam Luo was shocked, He Danggui patted her on the back and comforted her, “The jujube you ate has naturally been processed properly. Don’t you feel strong and energetic now? You can even move the wine jar which weighs more than ten jin! That man also said that the jujubes are the most precious treasure in the world, so in order to prevent the evil people from coveting them, he added a forbidden magic. If the jujubes are not given by me voluntarily, but taken away by others, the person who took them would die unexpectedly...” Seeing that Madam Luo changed her look again, He Danggui comforted her again, “Don’t worry, Grandma. I would like to give you the jujubes as a present voluntarily. Don’t you see I have moved the jar here?”

Madam Luo asked nervously, “But the last steps were not done by you. Do you need to move it again?”

“Don’t bother.” He Danggui waved her hand and said, “The unmentionable person said that it’s all up to my will. As long as I’m voluntary, the way I give them and the rest are secondary. But don’t forget to let me ‘deal with’ the other eight jujubes in this jar before you eat. Besides, they are only useful within three days after they are processed. If they are overdue, they need to be processed again. How many do you still want to eat? I’ll help you with that!”

Madam Luo stroked the jar and sighed, “This is the treasure that Nanji Xianweng has given to our Luo’s Family. It’s quite good luck for me to eat one of them. How can I eat more? They’re the heirlooms of Luo’s Family from now on!”

He Danggui couldn’t help laughing. To avoid giving the game away, she coughed several times to conceal. “What’s wrong with you, Third Miss?” Mammy Tang asked with care. Now Third Miss was the key to the heirlooms. What could they do if anything unfortunate happened to her?

He Danggui waved her hand and said, “Maybe I was tired of moving the wine jar just now. By the way, Grandma, the jujube you ate has other benefits, which vary with the individual, so you need to have dew and avoid grains for several days to maximize the benefits.”

Madam Luo hugged the jar and asked, “Is it possible that the wine with jujubes are with good fortunes?”

He Danggui replied with a smile, “Maybe, but only those who have eaten the jujubes can drink the wine. I don’t know what will happen if others drink it. Grandma, you can drink a little and have a rest. I’ll go back to my room and pray for Luo’s Family and Zhu.”

Mammy Tang stopped her and said haltingly, “Third Miss, you will be rewarded by Madam Luo in the future for handing over the jujubes... But going Liu Li Tang to apologize... We’d better go there anyway.” She was afraid that Third Miss would refuse to do it due to her contribution for handing over the fortune. Now Madam Luo wouldn’t blame her seriously or force her to do it. After all, she was the key of the heirloom. But this time the matter hadn’t been solved. They could do nothing in other aspects. Only Third Miss was the most agile and reasonable person.

As expected, Mammy Tang got an agreed reply, “Of course I will go. Don’t worry, I know what I should do. For the sake of our Luo’s Family, these jujubes are also confidential to others. Handing over the jujubes and apologizing are totally two different things, which can’t be offset. Mammy, take care of Grandma carefully. I’ll leave.”

Mammy Tang looked at the figure, smiling at Madam Luo and said, “It’s really rare that Third Miss can consider the overall situation.”

Madam Luo stroked the cold jar and said to herself, “If one eats three, all his diseases can be cured... If we had this a few years earlier, the heartless man Luo Duzhong wouldn’t have died so early.”

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