Reborn Master vs. School Beauty

Chapter 88 Wuliangshan

Baby Gan said, "You have lost all your martial arts and all kinds of zhen qi. I have to take care of you when fighting with Senior Sister, so naturally you will be distracted. How can you win?"

Li Qiang forced out a smile and said, "It seems like I’m delaying you. How about I jump into the river so your Senior Sister doesn’t have to look for trouble with you?"

Baby Gan said, "Now is not the time to be angry. Just stay on the raft and we’ll go downriver. Senior sister might not be able to catch up."

However, at this moment, the surface of the river suddenly fluctuated. For some reason, as the raft spun in the torrent, it suddenly crashed into a huge boulder in the middle of the river and immediately shattered into pieces. Li Qiang and Baby Gan were both people who knew how to swim, but this matter happened suddenly.

When Li Qiang woke up, he found that he was lying on the shore, but there was no trace of Baby Gan. He forced himself to sit up and call out Baby Gan’s name, but no one answered.

He could only get up with a frown and look around him. Not far away, there were mountains towering over the land. The scenery was quite beautiful, and it was already late, so he did not know if he could find a place to rest.

Li Qiang wanted to start a fire to dry his clothes, but after fumbling for a long time, he remembered that this era did not have a lighter. If he were to drill wood to get a fire, the difficulty would be too high.

After a long walk in the mountains, he was sleepy and hungry, and his clothes were still wet and uncomfortable.

At this time, Li Qiang suddenly heard the sound of a woman’s laughter not too far away. His spirit was roused and he walked towards the source of the sound.

When he got closer, he discovered that there were a few nun like girls chatting in a pavilion. He staggered forward and cupped his hands, "Ladies, I have a place to stay because the riverboat has drifted here. Let me rest for a bit, I have a good report."

A pretty girl came in front of Li Qiang, looked him up and down, and said, "This is the Forbidden Land of the Immeasurable Sword Sect, we cannot allow strangers to live here. It is best to leave as soon as possible, otherwise, our master will see you and you will lose your life."

With a bitter face, Li Qiang said, "I really can’t walk anymore. You guys at least have to give me something to eat, or else I’ll just have to lie here and not leave."

Another fat nun walked up and shouted, "Hey, my senior sister kindly asked you to leave, why are you wasting your time here? "Hurry up, or we’ll stab bloody holes in your body." As he spoke, he drew his sword and pointed it at Li Qiang.

The leading nun stopped her and said, "Junior sister, you can’t do this. After all, he is a person in trouble. We shouldn’t treat him like this. Do you have any food for him? Give him some."

The fat nun shook her head and said, "It’s not like we’re going far. Why would I bring food? Don’t think that just because I’m fat you think I’m carrying food with me. I’m born fat, and I’m not like this because I’m gluttonous. " These words caused the other women to laugh.

The leading nun walked up, pointed at Li Qiang, and said, "You heard it too, we don’t have anything to eat for you. A few dozen li further south, there will be a town there.

Li Qiang simply sat on the ground and smiled bitterly, "Aren’t you guys very merciful? Why are you not saving me when you see the situation? If I can’t eat and change into clean clothes right now, then I really won’t be able to live."

The fat nun said angrily, "You are a man, why are you so sticky? We have already said that this Sword Lake Palace is a forbidden area and cannot let strangers live. Do you understand?"

If he was allowed to walk another ten miles, he definitely wouldn’t be able to hold on. Thus, he had an idea and said, "How about this, you all go and report this to Master. Tell him that I know about the Forever-jade wall!"

The nuns were all shocked. They didn’t expect an ordinary person in trouble to know the secrets of the Immeasurable Sword Sect. The leading nun went up to Li Qiang and grabbed his collar. She viciously asked, "Speak, are you a spy from the Eastern Sect?"

Li Qiang said, "Miss, calm down. What’s your name? Let’s get to know each other first. My name is Li Qiang, and I’m from a foreign land. "

The nun frowned and said, "Okay then, there’s no harm in telling you. I’m the West Sect’s disciple, Xin Shuangqing. Tell me, you know about the Immeasurable Jade Wall. How much do you know?"

Li Qiang said, "About this, you’d better take me to see your Master. Only then will I be able to tell you everything."

Xin Shuangqing said, "Master is in closed-door training and does not want anyone to disturb him. How can we meet up with you? If you know anything, just tell us. If the information is useful, there will definitely be rewards!"

Li Qiang began to put on airs, "I’m cold and hungry, so I can’t think of anything. No matter what you ask me, I can’t answer you."

The fat nun said angrily, "Senior Sister, this person is clearly here to cause trouble. It would be better to just kill him with one strike to prevent outsiders from finding out the secret of Jade Wall."

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